posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 02:26 PM
Yet I would be willing to bet that the original field of 17 gave the appearance of democracy to a large number of Republicans all the while thinking
that 'oh look at the Democrats, so predictable and so un-Democratic with only one candidate, H.
Said again, the Republicans GAVE the appearance of choice while the Dems wanted to cater to the power of the Clinton Machine established over 20 years
ago. Now THAT is a farce as glaring as any could be, cept maybe "oh, let's vote in the little brother, just like we voted for 43 just because he was
the SON of 41.
And as little as you like Bernie, at least one fine point about him is that even in the face of that glaring farce the Dems were relying on, I mean,
EVERYBODY thought she would be a shoe in, he stood up and decided to run against her. On the Republican side there were no fav's ( unless you count
the big money establishment donors) among the general Republican constituency. With Hillary, not only was she the favorite among the Democratic
Powers, she was also the de facto favorite with every day Dems.
But Bernie not only said NO but HELL NO and stepped into the battle not just to pull HIllary more the the left but to make one last ditch attempt to
crumble the power structure of that monolithic party. For as much as the left loves to say that the Republican Party is crumbling and coming apart at
the seams, I think this is true also for them, and this establishment battlement built around Hillary is the last hurrah of that order.
So I say I will vote for Bernie. Why?
I voted for John Anderson when he lost the R nomination and ran independent. I voted for Barry Commoner when he ran on the Citizens Party with a
platform that consisted of one word "BULL#" I voted for Ross. and I voted for Ralph Nader because at the time I hoped that the Greens could be a
viable third party (despite left leanings)
Now, are you ready for who I voted for in 08? I held my breath and voted for Obama. Why? not because he was black, but rather that he was NOT white.
And the reason for this was that at least, at least, I say AT LEAST, he offered a chink in the white male only history of viable candidates. Did I
have any other hope in him? Nah. Just that he was something other. I did not vote for him the second time I wrote in Ron Paul.
And under that rubric, I was for a number of years ready to vote for Hillary for one reason only, and that was that for a while she seemed to be a
viable choice of a WOMAN to also break that white males only brick. But now I cannot stand her and I was ready to not vote at all as the Republicans
were not showing me any one this year also.
But now Bernie. He is 'dammit", a white male. But now that that barrier has been broken, for me at least that is no longer a need. No, I will vote for
Bernie for the simple reason that he has been fighting against the system against the establishment for his whole life. How? Not only from street
protests as a youth, but then from inside the system. Mayor, Congressman, Senator. He for his whole time in politics has been an outsider within the
system. Just like Ron Paul.
So do I hold out hopes he can do what he says needs to be done? Little. But at least, at least, it seems to me that he is our last hope to work WITHIN
THE SYSTEM and alter it's course. This system that is becoming more and more totalitarian by the hour. For me, voting for anyone else is only agreeing
with that calcification of our democracy.
Trump? Well, voting outside of the system is one thing, but for my money, his public persona is that he is an outsider but I think it a sham. I think
he really is the system. He really is the candidate of the Powers That Be, because the Real Powers That Be are not the Republicans or the Democrats,
they are the corporate powers that are now coming to the fore, that are now letting the masks of R and D fall to the side and knowing that Trump is
one of them. One of their own. The unbridled seekers of power, the unrestrained power of wealth the unbridled power of 'my way or the highway'.
Many of us know that it is not the president that runs things. We know who does. Bernie will not be able to change things, you know it and I know it.
But I see him as the little Dutch Boy with a finger in the dike.
I think that at least with Bernie we can have four more years of time to grow up, to us as citizens to get our act together and vote more wisely.
Obama became the system. Bernie never was and never will be. Maybe if he wins, we can take the next 4 years to look upon the rubble of the Republican
and Democratic Parties and form new parties, many new parties, moderate parties, Libertarian parties, etc and make this democratic process OUR process
not the pretend process of the established powers.
So Met, there is my plea to you. Consider Bernie, not as our saviour, not as a socialist or even the best man for the job. Only because he is a
finger, not only a finger for the dike, but a finger for the Establishment.