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The Canaanite Deception.

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posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 08:14 AM
The Canaanite Deception

Adam Weishaupt who created the sex and blackmail cult called The Illuminati was a Jewish professor of Law in Germany. The modern banking system which was created by the Templars when they returned from the Jewish holy-land is still controlled by the Jewish Rothschild family. And now the whole world is being brought to the verge of total war because certain people want to kill Muslims by the thousand to apparently protect the security of Israel in a region which has suddenly, after over a thousand years of tranquility, become a centre of bloody carnage and a flash-point for world war 3 and the potential death of millions.

It's clearly not worth it. Why is the world on the verge of mass destruction for one tiny little state which doesn't even have the dignity of calling itself a nation?

Is it any surprise that people blame the Jews? When we're all teetering on the edge of death and destruction because of wars and insecurity which has been fomented on their behalf?

Fact is it's not Jews, and least not Real Jews (whoever they are), but they DO call themselves Jews, in fact they are Canaanites but that is a BIG subject which requires a little research and is a state of play which has remained for some two and a half thousand years.
"Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you." Revelation 3:9

What is called Judaism these days was actually taken over by their mortal enemies the Edomites, a race of Canaanites, who had occupied ancient Israel in the absence of the Israelites and upon their return to Zion in 538 BC from the Babylonian captivity, they had no choice but to accommodate their ancient enemies. Then, the infiltration of the Canaanites progressed further still as a result of Hyracanus' unwise policy:
Hebron remained under Edomite control until Judas Maccabeus retook the city under Jewish control in 164 B.C. Thirty-eight years later, in 126 B.C., they had to be reconquered by the Jewish Army under prince and high priest John Hyrcanus. A pivotal event then took place in which Idumeans were forced to be proselytized into Judaism or flee or die. This resulted in many Idumeans pretending to become Jews, yet really were not.

The law of Moses would not allow the present state of Israel to exist since there is no covenant with God, and bombing women and children is certainly not Kosher.

Also modern Jews, particularly those in Israel are not genetic Jews at all but are Khazars among other things. Edomites are those who secretly control the Roman Catholic church (since Rome and its cults also have their origins in Edom and the Canaanites) and fake Pharisee system which calls itself Judaism (but has nothing of Jacob, Moses or Abraham in it but is all perversion and hatred).

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Truthspoon

It's clearly not worth it. Why is the world on the verge of mass destruction for one tiny little state which doesn't even have the dignity of calling itself a nation?

Call Israel what you will, it is not but a permanent base established by the west after WWII, for oil and other resources in the surrounding regions of the Middle East.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:23 AM
Yep, I always post about two Israels.....

There is still the true one hidden in there somewhere....what is their location exactly....
edit on 26-2-2016 by GBP/JPY because: A

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:32 AM

edit on 26-2-2016 by BestinShow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Truthspoon

What a load of bull, so Jew's are not Jew's, strange thing that as there is this little thing called the Beni Cohen Gene, ever heard of it, no shall I enlighten you, it is a gene believed to come from the tribe of levi and is found in many if not most Jewish males around the world, not just the european jew's and practicing jew's but also the Ethiopian black jew's including the many christians of ethiopia whom are of jewish descent and it is found in the Lemba tribe of southern africa whom are probably descended from Jew's whom continued there migration south and broke off from the Ethiopian Jewry.

But guess what many palastinians and people of the Arabian peninsular (really a micro continent) as well as Syrian's of the Syrian Orthodox Christian sect but hey guess what it is not found in virtually any afghan's, pakistani's, Bangladeshi's etc it is specifically a Semitic gene.

So if your idea that they are all Kazars is correct then why are they not genetically profiled like the rest of the Indo European and asiatic step tribes, shall I tell you why.

It is pretty obvious is'nt it once Kazaria was founded and there tribal leader declared it a jewish state as a tactical measure since he asked the leaders of the Islamic and the Christian nations to either side whom they hated more and with jew's in third place in there reply (Islamic powers hated the christian's more and the Christians hated the Islamic heretic's more) he chose Judaism as a safer option, he had just conquered that bit of land and did not want to allign with either side as that would simple guarantee his other neighbour launching an invasion of his newly founded empire.

This meant that Kazaria was a safe haven, he imported Jewish teachers and Scholars from Persia and they set about establishing Jewish faith in the new nation, many jew's, a very great many jew's from other nations now homeless for over 700 or 800 years headed for this new Jewish safe haven and it really did become jewish as this amounted to a swelling of the one Kazarian tribe's numbers probably seven fold.

So Kazarian, possibly one in seven but that arguement is so flawed.

No one is saying the state of isreal is perfect but were do they go, die off and let the land they have turned from desert turn back into the dust bowl it was then they re-established the state of israel.

There is injustice not least as many palastinians though practicing muslims are just as jewish as the returned settlers on the Isreali side of the border but there is also bad blood between them with Jew's actually having been massacred by the beduin tribe's and there children having there throats slit even before the founding of the state of isreal or world war two for that matter and unfortunately when both side's think they are right and they both hold to an eye for an eye what can you really do.

Thinly veiled anti Jewish rhetoric and who does it serve but I have to say that the state of isreal has stunk at time's, they had no right to shell kid's on a beach or hospitals, run over an human right's activist with a bulldozer or put familys out of there multi generation home's but that said they DO have the right to exist both from a religious point of view and from an ethnic point of view since it is proven they are semitic (but they have been racist against jew's from other part's of the world with non consentual sterilization of the ethiopian jewish woman which when revealed became an international scandal and showed some element's in Isreal would be more at home in the SS), they had to fight for there lives in the four day war and are technically still at war with Syria as no peace or official truce has ever existed between them though a mutual unwritten ceasefire has - often broken.

Another thing before you spout blind anti jewish rhetoric, there are many in Isreal whom are fully Isreali's whom have anger against there own government and though they are dying off now many of the remaining death camp survivors are among them so don't go tarring and feathering every single Jew or is that your intent.

They are human being's, there blood is red there organs are in the same places, they love, hate, think, philosophize and do some damn good science and throughout history as a matter of fact many of the greatest humanitarian thinkers were JEWISH.

edit on 26-2-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: Truthspoon

people want to kill Muslims by the thousand to apparently protect the security of Israel

Incorrect. Killing Muslims by the thousand while calling Israel an ally divides Muslims and Jews who otherwise have great relationships.

The conspiracy here is painting the Zionist (sometimes still called the Jew) as a threat while invading and pillaging Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and everything in between. Zion means Jerusalem, not Baghdad.
Those who kill Muslims in Israel are judged and condemned by Jewish courts for murder. By the thousands describes situations involving alleged "allies" of Israel, no Israeli soldiers are going to kill anyone by the thousand and especially not Muslims, who believe in the same God as Jews, the majority of Israelis.
Israel stays out the the Iraq war, the Afghani war, the Syrian war (although they share a border) & c.

The "aid" that the USA "gives" Israel are killbots, and ammo giftcards. This makes them gun buddies, which in turns fuels the "Israel is killing the Muslims" thing when in fact the USA has been destabilizing several Muslim nations North, South, East and West of Israel for decades and killing so many Muslims who did not attack the USA at all. The USA's invasions have caused much of the killing in the region and most of the confusion.
Clarification in form of the USS Liberty incident available.

Israel actually knows who its neighbours are and is doing well diplomatically -at the level of ambassadors, not armchair bloggers-, which the USA isn't nowadays, mostly from the nuking civilians and invading foreign nations for false motives and policing ever since. Contrary to popular opinion Israel isn't interested in war: a colony is what Britain did with Australia or North America, and Israelis building houses in Israel isn't a colony. Building in Iraq would be a colony. Who does that?

It is a nice piece of world, and many attempts to conquer it, some old and some new, are made.
Jews living in Israel (Zionism) is great for Jews and for haters, who will finally be rid of Jews in their home country, and it's also good for friends who can come visit and have some actual wine, jewellery, or ideas.

Also modern Jews, particularly those in Israel are not genetic Jews at all but are Khazars among other things. Edomites are those who secretly control the Roman Catholic church (since Rome and its cults also have their origins in Edom and the Canaanites) and fake Pharisee system which calls itself Judaism (but has nothing of Jacob, Moses or Abraham in it but is all perversion and hatred).

Genetic Jews as the offspring of Jews? Then false. Most Jews today are born of Jews, although polyethnic unions including and not limited to Khazars did occur to some degree, a rule of thumb being only children born to Jewish women are counted as Jewish, meaning these women being born to previous Jewish women.
As for the fake Pharisee system which calls itself Judaism, I'm sure there's a man who calls his self a woman somewhere out there and it doesn't make it true either, yet most importantly it doesn't make Jews any less Jew although yes there are thousands of yarmulke wearing putzes in Israel who aren't Jews by my standards either.

The law of Moses would not allow the present state of Israel to exist since there is no covenant with God, and bombing women and children is certainly not Kosher.

No modern state respects the law of Moses; Israel and everyone else should do better and in terms of use of deadly force the USA is far above this and every other nation. Expiration date on previous covenant not reached.

BTW, BDS is a form of embargo, which is segregation, which it claims to oppose. Our grapes and flatbread are too good for haters anyhow, but they're still offered to them as a sign of civility until someone boycotts divests and sanctions them out of a specific supermarket, where Jewish shoppers then see Zionism as the only way to get actual grub. Hence BDS fuels Zionism. You didn't mention BDS in your OP, but it's still a great parallel to the "Jews are actually Canaan" story which also fuels Zionism.

A pivotal event then took place in which Idumeans were forced to be proselytized into Judaism or flee or die.

This is not true.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Truthspoon

The Edomites are really not Canaanites but the decedents of Jacobs brother Esau. They are only related to Jews and other Hebrews in this way. Maybe if lucky they are less than an 8th part genetically Hebrew. However they are not Hebrews as Hebrews were the family that came out of Jacob/Israel's line or lines. It looks like Jordanites would be the "Arabs" known as Edom.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Yep, Israel is way up there in medical breakthroughs....they have fantastic futuristic stuff, I hear

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Logarock

Probably about right while the Arabs claim descent from Ishmael while there is strong contention with there belief by scholars whom deny it and some suppressed evidence that southern arabia including mecca may have once been heavily influenced and perhaps even settled by the ancient hindu empires of India meaning that though there bloodlines are definitely diluted from generations of having children by the woman they had taken slave they may actually be indo european as much as semitic, remember also in there own history many of the tribe's whom Muhammad wiped out were jewish or christian by faith, some of those christian one's had been jewish as well before converting to christianity and there are still some christian beduin today in the middle east though they are heavily persecuted by there islamic cousin's.

Of course one tribe of jew's muhammad only wiped the men out and took the woman slave so there descendants are probably among the arab's today.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Yes thats why I put Arabs as "Arabs". Not everyone over there is an Arab in real terms. Its like how they use the term Anglo and Saxton to include a good many white tribes that are not Anglo or Saxton.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

Indeed..... it is quite possible that real Israel is spread throughout the known world and no longer follows the Judaic religion....

If one believes Jesus was the Jewish messiah....then at that point Judaism becomes obsolescent....The Jews are still waiting for their Messiah even now...

Did you know that Mohammed even presented himself as a Jewish messiah at one point, he even commanded his followers to practice the pass-over and pray towards Jerusalem....that all changed when the Jewish authorities rejected his claim...

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: Truthspoon

The Edomites are really not Canaanites but the decedents of Jacobs brother Esau. They are only related to Jews and other Hebrews in this way. Maybe if lucky they are less than an 8th part genetically Hebrew. However they are not Hebrews as Hebrews were the family that came out of Jacob/Israel's line or lines. It looks like Jordanites would be the "Arabs" known as Edom.

Ahhhh but Esau married a Canaanite woman....... Hence he joined the Canaanites.

Arabs came out of Arabia.... There weren't Arabs as we understand them living in Palestine or Edom at that time.....

One thing about the Edomites is they were good builders.....ever seen an Arab building site?

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I have a strong feeling that the black african lemba tribe with their 12 clans are the original Jews. To support this view, Roman historian, Tactitus (AD 70), recorded that the Jews were black and looked Ethiopian. Which help explains (Amos 9:7). "Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the Lord." Also song of Solomon 1:5...I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. There are also 450–500 Black Madonna's in Europe that prove that many believed the virgin Mary was black as late as the 15th century so why has history been altered to reflect Jews were white.

DNA mappings show that the current population in Israel originated from the south of Khazaria, 560 kilometers from Samandar. link so they might have had a hand in rewriting recent history to make it their own.

edit on 26-2-2016 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Truthspoon

What a load of bull, so Jew's are not Jew's, strange thing that as there is this little thing called the Beni Cohen Gene, ever heard of it, no shall I enlighten you, it is a gene believed to

So if your idea that they are all Kazars is correct th

It is pretty obvious is'nt it once Kazaria was founded and there tribal leader declared it a jewish state as a tactical measure since he asked the leaders of the Islamic and the Christian nations to either side whom they hated more and with jew's in third place in there reply (Islamic powers hated the christian's more and the Christians hated the Islamic heretic's more) he chose Judaism as a safer option, he had just conquered that bit of land and did not want to allign with either side as that would simple guarantee his other neighbour launching an invasion of his newly founded empire.

This meant that Kazaria was a safe haven, he imported Jewish teachers and Scholars from Persia and they set about establishing Jewish faith in the new nation, many jew's, a very great many jew's from other nations now homeless for over 700 or 800 years headed for this new Jewish safe haven and it really did become jewish as this amounted to a swelling of the one Kazarian tribe's numbers probably seven fold.

So Kazarian, possibly one in seven but that arguement is so flawed.

No one is saying the state of isreal is perfect but were do they go, die off and let the land they have turned from desert turn back into the dust bowl it was then they re-established the state of israel.

There is injustice not least as many palastinians though practicing muslims are just as jewish as the returned settlers on the Isreali side of the border but there is also bad blood between them with Jew's actually having been massacred by the beduin tribe's and there children having there throats slit even before the founding of the state of isreal or world war two for that matter and unfortunately when both side's think they are right and they both hold to an eye for an eye what can you really do.

Thinly veiled anti Jewish rhetoric and who does it serve but I have to say that the state of isreal has stunk at time's, they had no right to shell kid's on a beach or hospitals, run over an human right's activist with a bulldozer or put familys out of there multi generation home's but that said they DO have the right to exist both from a religious point of view and from an ethnic point of view since it is proven they are semitic (but they have been racist against jew's from other part's of the world with non consentual sterilization of the ethiopian jewish woman which when revealed became an international scandal and showed some element's in Isreal would be more at home in the SS), they had to fight for there lives in the four day war and are technically still at war with Syria as no peace or official truce has ever existed between them though a mutual unwritten ceasefire has - often broken.

Another thing before you spout blind anti jewish rhetoric, there are many in Isreal whom are fully Isreali's whom have anger against there own government and though they are dying off now many of the remaining death camp survivors are among them so don't go tarring and feathering every single Jew or is that your intent.

They are human being's, there blood is red there organs are in the same places, they love, hate, think, philosophize and do some damn good science and throughout history as a matter of fact many of the greatest humanitarian thinkers were JEWISH.

Damn, I was gonna trim that down but f it.

BELIEVED to be the Levite gene. You believe it, I don't. A Jew is from Judah, not Levi. That's a Levite, on of the lost ten tribes that probably never existed in the first place.

What I want to know is, what the hell gives them the right to illegally occupy Palestine.

Without it's big brother America, Israel wouldn't exist by morning.

The 6 day war created the largest refugee camp in the world at the time.

How righteous, Turkish/European blooded mongrels after 2000 years and a lot of lies have stolen a religion and a country,

Sounds familiar.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 11:12 PM
Actually a lot of what is said in the OP seems pretty correct. I am not certain of the conclusions made though. I know the Jews got their problems but there are a lot of good Jewish people. I kind of disagree with the direction their leadership is following though.

I don't have anything against the Rothchilds, I tried seeing what is said about them on the net and am not convinced that a lot of what is said is real. I am sure that they are overpowering to some extent and a very powerful family but I can't say they are actually bad from wasting days reading about them. They may be part of a bigger group that has a lot of control though, but to actually judge their actions as bad I can't do. Bad and good are determined by the beliefs you hold. If you drop twenty bucks and someone picks it up a little later, it is your loss and their gain. Bad for you good for them.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

The Rothschilds, Ruths child or red shield.

I hear they set a place for satan or jonbet as they call him, at every meal. I doubt it.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 11:44 PM

originally posted by: Barzini
a reply to: rickymouse

The Rothschilds, Ruths child or red shield.

I hear they set a place for satan or jonbet as they call him, at every meal. I doubt it.

I probably wouldn't want to invite Satan to the hunting camp. He would be burning the food all of the time.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Satan LOVES Cajun food.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 02:18 AM
First, they came for the Jews, I did nothing.
then, they came for the Brahmins, I did nothing.
Then, they came for the Sikhs, I did nothing.
Then, they came for the Hindu's, I did nothing.
Then, they came for the Muslims, I did nothing.
Then, they came for the Christians, I did nothing.
Then, they came for me...

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 02:24 AM
Jews have lived in that area since Abraham, There is plenty about the Jews in that area written by Roman historians, apart from the Jews, that area was nearly empty, it was the Ottoman empire that stated to fill it with 'arabs' to 'drown out' the Jews, as the Ottoman Turks, just like to-day, hate Jews, perhaps god knows why?

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