Originally posted by quango
I'm ignorant of much of the Bible, but assuming that the Christ/Messiah propechies of the Old Testament are true, does the Old Testament say anywhere
in it "and when He comes, record his story and call it the new testament and add it to the bible and form a religion around this Messiah and start a
new church?"
If it doesn't say this, then isn't this a case where people decided lets just add this section to the old bible and keep calling it the Bible?
As for the alien thing, does Revelation talk anywhere about an alien invasion/contact? What if we were invaded tomorrow by hostile aliens and they
enslaved ALL humanity, so that even the antichrist couldn't arise?
If the endtimes were coming soon, wouldn't Revelation have mentioned something like that occuring so close to the endtimes? Or does it?
It is one of the last times that there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven[Luke 21:11]
Even a hundred years ago Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov,in his book On miraclews and signs [Yaroslav,1870,reprinted by Holy Trinity
Monastery,Jordanville,N.Y., 1960],remarked on ''the striving to be encountered in contemporary Christian society to see miracles and even perform
miracles...Such a striving reveals the self -deception, founded on self- esteem and vainglory,that dwells in the soul and possesses it''[p.32].
People thirst for miracles more then ever before...We are gradually coming near to the time when a vast arena is to be opened up for numerous and
striking false miracles,to draw to perdition those unfortunate offspring of fleshly wisdom who will be seduced and deceived by theses
''The miracles of the Antichrist will be chiefly manifested in the aerial realm,where satan chiefly has his dominion.
The signs will act most of all on the sense of sight,charming and deceiving it.
St John the Theologian,beholding in revelation the events that are to precede the end of the world,says that the Antichristwill perform great
signs,and will even make fire to come down out of heaven upon the earth in the sight of men [Apoc.13 :13]
This is the sign indicated by Scripture as the highest of the signs of Antichrist, and the place of this sign is in the air: it will be a splended
and terrible spectacle''[p.13]
In a different place Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov recorded with awe and foreboding the vission of a simple Russian blacksmith in a village near
Petersburg at the dawn of our present age of unbeleif and revolution[1817].In the middle of the day he suddenly saw a mulltitudeof demons in human
form,sitting in the branches of the forest trees,in strange garments and pointed caps,and singing,to the accompaniment of unbelievably wierd musical
instruments,an eerie and frightful song: ''Our years have come, our will be done !''[St Nylus, 1911]