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GOP and Media Elite having an existential crisis over Trump

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posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: combatmaster


No, it is not funny at all. The fact that the man has gotten where he has in this election race is evidence of only a select few things, and none of them are humorous in the least. Downright depressing perhaps, utterly awful for the western world in general (and before any selfish, egotistical, narrow minded clod hopper comes to try to tell me that it's an American issue, for Americans, I will get to you, so cool your jets), and may just be the most disastrous thing that could ever have come to pass, assuming the gas filled pile of arses which is Donald Trump gains power.

Now, to those who would furiously rattle sabres at me for daring to comment from a geopolitical perspective on the election of this man, let me say this. It is precisely the sort of ignorance which renders a person capable of ignoring the wider political implications for the world, of a particular nominee getting elected, which ought to highlight exactly what is wrong with a Trump presidency. For all the waffle about America being the greatest, and all the Stars and Stripes for ever, rah rah crap I have been exposed to by Trumps supporters over the last God knows how long now, the reality of every election in America, is that because of the scope and reach of the nations power base, what happens in America, does not stay there. Not in the least.

Let's ignore what the markets do in response, because the bastards running THAT shell game are no better than they ought to be, and have their own reasons for everything. Let's start with the simple stuff. Regulation of companies. Trump is not a man in favour of that. He is pro business to the same degree as Michael Jordan was anti-gravity. Trump will allow anything that makes more money than it costs, to go ahead. He does not give a tuppeny damn about the environment, sustainability, ethical operation, or any of that jazz, and he will let industries do damage to the sea, the earth, and the air, in whatever quantity they need to, in order to rake in more money. This will damage the world, all of it, not just America, with its precious borders, which its mistakes and their effects will have no respect for.

And geopolitically, the man is not a patient one, or a particularly intelligent one either. These are not a good mixture of failings in a statesman, because it takes an awful lot of smarts and decorum to sit up at table with leaders of other nations, without causing an international incident, one into which Americas allies would ordinarily follow. So he could drag the western world into total war with someone else, but that's fine, because Americans do not need to consider others when voting. Only themselves, their needs, their rights, their precious borders, their precious, inalienable right to choose their own path.

If Trump is the choice of the people, then America will have to remember that where their right to choose ends, is at the place where the rest of this planets populations rights begin. I will tell you another thing for free. While you laugh, and jest at how everyone is loosing their minds about this situation, American people had better be ready to reign their pet idiot and the ferret living on his skull in, if he starts buggering up the planet for the rest of us, because much as the American people are worthy of the respect of the rest of the world for many reasons, not one nation on this Earth would be well advised to just put up with whatever crap that buffoon you call a candidate will inevitably leave on our doorsteps on your behalf.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

No, it is not funny at all.

Correct. But it is entertaining. At least it is to many of Trump's supporters. I believe that a lot of Americans are looking at Trump's campaign for president as "The Apprentice 2.0." It's just a big reality tv show to them.

A great many Americans are so disconnected from politics and world events that they cannot comprehend how dangerous a Trump presidency actually could be.


posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
Sexual assault allegations against Trump resurface as Super Tuesday nears

In a $125m lawsuit she later dropped, the woman accused Donald Trump of ‘outrageous conduct’ – and says now that she stands by her allegations

Their coming after Trump

Yesterday his taxes, now the past indiscretions or anything they could drum up to take him down will come out.

Trump will be deluged with bad publicity


there is no such thing as bad publicity.

The more hated by the media he is the more his fans will love him and feel vindicated.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

You misunderstand what i said truebrit.

Whats funny isnt that Trump will win!

What is funny is that the political know-it-all's ridiculed anyone who saw this coming.... including me! They were so wrong!

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 08:57 PM
Trump is looking stupid tonight. Rubio is CLOWNING him. Trump is turning me off greatly.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: combatmaster


No, it is not funny at all. The fact that the man has gotten where he has in this election race is evidence of only a select few things, and none of them are humorous in the least. Downright depressing perhaps, utterly awful for the western world in general (and before any selfish, egotistical, narrow minded clod hopper comes to try to tell me that it's an American issue, for Americans, I will get to you, so cool your jets), and may just be the most disastrous thing that could ever have come to pass, assuming the gas filled pile of arses which is Donald Trump gains power.

Now, to those who would furiously rattle sabres at me for daring to comment from a geopolitical perspective on the election of this man, let me say this. It is precisely the sort of ignorance which renders a person capable of ignoring the wider political implications for the world, of a particular nominee getting elected, which ought to highlight exactly what is wrong with a Trump presidency. For all the waffle about America being the greatest, and all the Stars and Stripes for ever, rah rah crap I have been exposed to by Trumps supporters over the last God knows how long now, the reality of every election in America, is that because of the scope and reach of the nations power base, what happens in America, does not stay there. Not in the least.

Let's ignore what the markets do in response, because the bastards running THAT shell game are no better than they ought to be, and have their own reasons for everything. Let's start with the simple stuff. Regulation of companies. Trump is not a man in favour of that. He is pro business to the same degree as Michael Jordan was anti-gravity. Trump will allow anything that makes more money than it costs, to go ahead. He does not give a tuppeny damn about the environment, sustainability, ethical operation, or any of that jazz, and he will let industries do damage to the sea, the earth, and the air, in whatever quantity they need to, in order to rake in more money. This will damage the world, all of it, not just America, with its precious borders, which its mistakes and their effects will have no respect for.

And geopolitically, the man is not a patient one, or a particularly intelligent one either. These are not a good mixture of failings in a statesman, because it takes an awful lot of smarts and decorum to sit up at table with leaders of other nations, without causing an international incident, one into which Americas allies would ordinarily follow. So he could drag the western world into total war with someone else, but that's fine, because Americans do not need to consider others when voting. Only themselves, their needs, their rights, their precious borders, their precious, inalienable right to choose their own path.

If Trump is the choice of the people, then America will have to remember that where their right to choose ends, is at the place where the rest of this planets populations rights begin. I will tell you another thing for free. While you laugh, and jest at how everyone is loosing their minds about this situation, American people had better be ready to reign their pet idiot and the ferret living on his skull in, if he starts buggering up the planet for the rest of us, because much as the American people are worthy of the respect of the rest of the world for many reasons, not one nation on this Earth would be well advised to just put up with whatever crap that buffoon you call a candidate will inevitably leave on our doorsteps on your behalf.

Maybe people can vote for other peoples leaders!

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Americans can vote for who we feel is best for say, england! or france or whomever we feel won't embarrass the rest of the world.
How's that sound?

And screw other leaders, btw. If they get their panties in a bunch and want to press the button, lol.

I guess they will just have to man up and not throw a fit at the table.
Like the true diplomats they claim to be.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: DexterRiley
a reply to: TrueBrit

No, it is not funny at all.

Correct. But it is entertaining. At least it is to many of Trump's supporters. I believe that a lot of Americans are looking at Trump's campaign for president as "The Apprentice 2.0." It's just a big reality tv show to them.

A great many Americans are so disconnected from politics and world events that they cannot comprehend how dangerous a Trump presidency actually could be.


Exactly HOW dangerous could it actually be?

Someone won't like Trump calling them ugly? a loser? and starting a war over it?

Says a lot about them, doesn't it?

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 09:44 PM
The knives are out tonight in this latest GOP thowdown.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Exactly HOW dangerous could it actually be?

I'll admit that I'm not particularly well-versed in Trump's proposals.

However, I can't imagine that trying to force Mexico to pay for his wall would end well for US-Mexico diplomatic relations. And the tariffs that he is proposing would not be healthy for the economy, or worse yet could start a trade war.

Those are just a couple of things that come to mind right off.


posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 11:44 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: HoldMyBeer

At this point I'm resigned to believe that it's up to the Democrats to beat him. The GOP has imploded on itself apparently. The two other candidate with a shot are taking from each others' votes and are too egotistical to realize that if one of them dropped out, the other would have a shot at taking Trump out. But nah, that would require one of them to have some humility. Fat chance.

And what is crazier is Hillary will be the Democrat choice and she is far worse than Trump, so it's screwed by trump or triple screwed by Hillary.

Anyone hoping for a Democrat win after the Democrats stole the election from Sanders is crazier than Trump.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: HoldMyBeer

Agreeing with all this.

This country wants and needs Trump. I'm voting for him. However...

It doesn't matter what The People want or need. Votes at our level mean nothing.

It'll be another criminal Clinton in the White House.

Watch it happen.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: Puppylove Who would You suggest ?

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 11:51 PM
The guy isn't just a candidate, the fact we are all here on ATS is for a reason, cant you guys see it? It doesn't matter what the guy looks like or if he is left or right, he is as close as we are going to get to finding out what we want to know. Alex Jones would know if he is not what we need.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 12:00 AM
I just love Trump's composure and temperament. Cruze and Rubio came at Trump tonight from both sides, with everything they could throw at him. After the debate during the CNN interview, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hey they did what they had to do. They've spent a lot of people's money and are losing badly. I'm attacked far worse during business negotiations on a regular basis. This is fun!"

That level of composure comes from an accumulation of varied life experiences. If Donald loses to Hillary, he'll simply go back to the business and Television world. And probably earn enough extra money from speeches, books, TV, etc.. to more than cover the cost of this campaign.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Oh my God.

*Falcon Facepalm*

That is not what I am suggesting. I am not talking about other nations having a say in who runs your nation. I am saying that unless the American people start to pull their damned fingers out, you are going to elect a leader who will not just make your country look stupid, which it is not, but a leader who will help destroy both your nation, and others, to a greater degree than any of the Obama objectors, Bush bashers, and so on, could possibly comprehend. The man is world war 3 on legs, and you will not have to worry about other nations making war on your country, because Trump will walk into every single meeting with a world leader, with the American flag wrapped lovingly around his member, and start trying to beat his opponents by swinging it at their heads. He will be the one making the moves, and the fact that people seem oblivious, or do not appear to care about this concerns me greatly.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 02:31 AM
The country is continually becoming more liberal as time goes on. If a Republican didn't win in 2012, they have even less of a chance in 2016. As more and more younger, tech-savvy and internet connected youth reach voting age...these new voters are more globally aware than their parents.

I can hear it now: "But MystikMushroom people are pissed off like me! There are a ton of us!"

No, you're wrong. It's easy to isolate oneself in a little hugbox/echo chamber of like-mided people with media that tells you what you want to hear 24/7. You have surrounded yourself with "truths" you want to hear, and have chosen to make them your reality...when, in fact, they do not resemble actual reality.

We have a higher % of minorities now than in 2012 too ...

The "establishment" isn't scared of Trump. This is just another attempt to make something reality by claiming it is so. It's a propaganda tactic. Plain. Simple.


Trump and by extension, Trump supporters are just louder. That's why it seems they're everywhere, striking fear into everyone.

edit on 26-2-2016 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 02:49 AM
I can read that most people on ATS hate Trump.

However I don't, I know he is not Presidential material, he is spoiled, he has a temper, he has a big ego, and many other things.

What I am seeing here that many ATSer's don't see, is Americans are having a silent revolution against the political establishment.

Like me, and most Trump supporters could care less what anyone thinks about Trump or if he will make a good President or not, we don't care.

What we all like, is he owes no dam favors to the Globalist, nothing. For the first time in American history the elite will not get their way.

If Trump wins the Presidency he will be the hardest President to work for, because Trump is not going to take crap from lying scumbags that Washington is full of.

I hope Trump can get the 28 pages of the 911 Commission Report release, I hope he starts a criminal investigation into Hillary, I hope he will build the wall to close our boarders, I hope he audits the Feds.

I am, as most Americans are sick of the over powering corrupt government that has apparently not been accountable for their illegal crimes such as Hillary.

I am reading News all over the internet, that Hillary is to big to be jailed. Really! Who made her Queen? Since when is she above the laws of our land?

When we all watch how our mainstream propaganda media demonized Trump at every chance they get, more Americans will come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. In fact the media doesn't even know that they are helping Trump win this election on the Republican side.

If Hillary wins this election, we all know it will be rigged and I am waiting to see if Americans will do nothing, or are millions going to protests at the Capital in Washington DC and demand her removal.

If anything I can accept Sanders if he wins, and I believe most Americans will be happy with that.
edit on 26-2-2016 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 03:11 AM
Was discussing this in another thread. Exciting times when the parties are being challenged and exposed. While I can't say I like him, the more the two party system breaks apart making forth for more than least of the worst options the better off we all are.

The time of being complacent is over with America-with living paycheck to paycheck, so far in debt they can't get ahead, etc.- hopefully more will see that hope and change won't be handed to them, such as with the government so far corrupt from being left to "itself". I don't support Bernie either, but like Trump making waves, and despite who wins(let's say there's no selection here), hopefully that won't cause people to regress back into being complacent.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: DexterRiley

I don't see tariff's on Mexican goods used to help enforce legal entry into the US as bad. The Mexican government is not stopping the flow of refugees from their side.

Maybe Trump could cut a deal with the Mexican government: help stop the refugees from the Mexican side, and then the tariffs on Mexican goods to build a wall won't be needed.

But if needed, tariffs to employ US citizen laborers on the border building a wall between the US and Mexico at least could put some people back to work, and at the same time decrease the illegal immigration.

Two birds with one stone?

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
The country is continually becoming more liberal as time goes on. If a Republican didn't win in 2012, they have even less of a chance in 2016. As more and more younger, tech-savvy and internet connected youth reach voting age...these new voters are more globally aware than their parents.

That's scary. Liberalism and progressives are destroying this country. The open boarders, the catering to immigrants, the drain on a nation catering to everyone but their own brings, the stripping away of culture, it's happening across Europe. It's ruining Europe. That's the future of liberalism.

And you're wrong, more and more people don't want it and it's not because as you falsely surmise it being because "it's easy to isolate oneself in a little hugbox/echo chamber of like-mided people with media that tells you what you want to hear 24/7", it's because people don't buy into our corrupt and paid for media and increasingly are seeing what's happening around the world.
edit on 26-2-2016 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

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