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The potential demise of the EU and beyond

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posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 12:53 PM
So with all the main news in the UK being focused around the UK's potential exit from the EU and the deals that Cameron has manage to get in regards to staying within the EU it has got me thinking.

Could this provide a snowball effect in that whether or not the UK remains because of the deals that have been granted to the UK if they stay, that other countries within the EU will begin to demand these same privileges that would be granted UK and if not granted they would leave the EU also in order to attain their own sovereignty ?

Is this part of the grander scheme towards a global war in that Cameron knows the UK populace will push for an exit from the EU and that when the war comes and sides are chosen the premise of being within the EU conflicts against the potential that nations within the EU may choose to side against the side that UK is on ?

Is all this intended towards a dissolution of the EU as a whole in order to create more division and hatred among nations to push towards global war ?

For instance with Greece it seems like the higher echelons have been trying their hardest in order for Greece to break away from the union but Greece has remained resilient to this and so they're now changing tactics and focusing other ways to cause a divide within the union.

I just can't help but wonder that all of this is being cleverly engineered purposefully towards all out war in combination with the Middle Eastern crisis and other worldly goings on.

What say you ATS ?

posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 01:08 PM
well the snowball effect started a while ago with Scotland. then Greece and Catalonia jumped on board. now the uk. surely more to follow.

posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 01:16 PM
The overiding factor for the UK leaving the EU is immigration, this is something that has gone on for decades.. Many will say esp if you live in the UK and in the certain locations that has seen the influx of peoples of many heritages flocking to the area that it is detrimental in the long run. Just look at London now for a idea of what mass immigration can do.

So unless there plan has been in place for that lenth of time (Could be?) I will put it down to simple timing and nothing more. If you ask the average native british born person I would guess many will say (In private) due to any speak regarding peoples of ofther heritage now being socially unacceptable thanks to the left that they would have been long gone from the EU years ago..

I would also say that any coming War "if" it happens will have little bearing on the UK's stance as lets be honest the UK is not neutral and would not be neutral in any conflict that had our neighbours pulled into it..

Regards RA

posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 01:37 PM
I just see the EU like an house of cards... There's been so much corruption in the last 20 years by so many entities that have used the democratic model to serve the interests of a few rather than the many.

The EU is basically an arm of an international big business Government that dismantles, sovereignty. liberty and Human rights.
They may have "cleverly engineered" the past but hopefully we will see them fall apart in the future.

posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 03:40 PM
if the UK leaves the EU we still are part of NATO.
this global war you allude towards would feature NATO i presume.
the EU wants greece to stay, ultimately to payback all the bailouts they've received.
nobody has said for definite scotland gets another independence vote if britain leaves.
polls, barring a very skewed ukip one, show the vast majority want to stay in europe.

posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: Discotech
So with all the main news in the UK being focused around the UK's potential exit from the EU and the deals that Cameron has manage to get in regards to staying within the EU it has got me thinking.

LOL!! The deal Cameron got?? Don't make me laugh, its not worth

the paper its written on.

What happened to "British Laws for British people" without interference

from Brussels ?

Could this provide a snowball effect in that whether or not the UK remains because of the deals that have been granted to the UK if they stay, that other countries within the EU will begin to demand these same privileges that would be granted UK and if not granted they would leave the EU also in order to attain their own sovereignty ?

As the second largest contributor to the EU coffers I think the EU will start

to fall apart if/when we exit.

Is this part of the grander scheme towards a global war in that Cameron knows the UK populace will push for an exit from the EU and that when the war comes and sides are chosen the premise of being within the EU conflicts against the potential that nations within the EU may choose to side against the side that UK is on ?

That's what NATO membership is for??

Is all this intended towards a dissolution of the EU as a whole in order to create more division and hatred among nations to push towards global war ?

Just because we live within traditional borders doesn't mean we have to hate!!

For instance with Greece it seems like the higher echelons have been trying their hardest in order for Greece to break away from the union but Greece has remained resilient to this and so they're now changing tactics and focusing other ways to cause a divide within the union.

Greece has been well and truly stuffed by the EU

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: Discotech

The EU was suppose to be like the US.. Being able to travel across Europe with the same currency, laws etc. The flaw is the US states dont have authority when it comes to interstate commerce and immigration. The EU countries do and they are trying to protect themselves individually instead of acting as a whole.

There have been suggestions of a EU border patrol and EU army but I don't see it happening because I dont see individual countries willing to give up that sovereignty. Secondly its bold to even discuss those ideas given 2 world wars and the cold war dominating the last century. Lots of lingering wounds and mistrust. Factor in E. Europe and their history...

I want to see it succeed and hopefully someone can pull everyone together.
edit on 22-2-2016 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 04:48 AM
What's interesting are the comments one the Beeb site saying it would be a pity if we left.

Those comments are all fine and dandy but are they representative? I know there aren't that many Europeans here on ATS, but I would love to hear what you have to say.

In or out? Or don't you really care? What of our other cousins in the Antipodes? America's? Anywhere else?

I'm in the "out" gang for reasons of my own but I would enjoy the challenge of having my mind changed
Personally, as has been said earlier, I think the EU is going to face some tough times ahead and not all countries are going to come through it with a clean set of heals.

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: MrCrow
In or out? Or don't you really care? What of our other cousins in the Antipodes? America's? Anywhere else?


What is interesting is the polls that are apparently representative of our current feelings would suggest it's close. I'm not denying that is the case but I speak to a lot of people and I have yet to meet anybody that want to remain in the EU.

posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: angryhulk


What is interesting is the polls that are apparently representative of our current feelings would suggest it's close. I'm not denying that is the case but I speak to a lot of people and I have yet to meet anybody that want to remain in the EU.

IF the UK get the result of staying in the EU people think that things will

return to what they were before the referendum.


The UK will have exposed its weak underbelly and the ties/shackles will

be tightened to the extent that the UK will be smothered and subjugated

into submission .... The British will be no more.

edit on 23-2-2016 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: Discotech

I remember being told that the EU had been formed in order to combat the USA's influence on commerce, politics etc etc. However the USA is no longer exactly the global leader. Obama may shout and interfere in the ME usually at the behest of Israeli interests, but the power base it had upped, left and went to China. As Russia is allied with China, along with India and others etc the original reasons for the EU don't really exist so much any more.

This warmongering worry that ooh! if Europe isn't united war will break out is rubbish because the same influences that caused the wars aren't there and countries in the past went through recessions without war breaking out for longer than recessions have influenced two world wars.

I don't doubt that other EU countries are watching what happens in Britain because I dare say there are several that are none too happy with being in the EU and without the contribution the UK makes to the EU there will be a lot of cash flow problems occurring which will affect the whole gravy train.

posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 04:49 AM

posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

So what?
The settled European nationals already living in the UK will not be kicked out if we leave the EU so similar reciprocal arrangements are likely to be agreed for Brits.
Such a drama queen lol

posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

All legally and paying their way and in accommodation??

In much smaller numbers than those looking for subsistence

pouring in from countries looking for a better standard of living

more often than not at the expense of the indigenous

populations.Not all of them fleeing war.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 01:15 PM
The potential demise of the EU is more then just potential, EU's ruling class attempts at recreating the nazi party and bringing it back to power, is another mere demonstration of the utter stupidity and backwardness of such characters operating in Brussels. The stupidity lies in the fact that these attempts are totally doomed and have practically no future. The EU ruling class in fact has only one option left and that option is called liquidation. No chance of their survival or them keeping even the lowest post in power in the European continent.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 09:30 PM
The EU will soon be gone and defeated by its own citizens. The rise of the labour class to take back power and restore the law is now unavoidable and the revolution is only a matter of when. The blood of the enemy of the people will be shed in massive amount across the whole continent. None of the current politician of the ruling class will survive the end of their collective insanity.

Any resistance by the EU ruling elite is futile and doomed to complete failure!

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: Flanker86
The EU will soon be gone and defeated by its own citizens. The rise of the labour class to take back power and restore the law is now unavoidable and the revolution is only a matter of when. The blood of the enemy of the people will be shed in massive amount across the whole continent. None of the current politician of the ruling class will survive the end of their collective insanity.

Any resistance by the EU ruling elite is futile and doomed to complete failure!

I think it was Karl Marx who said that capitalism eventually destroys itself. In order for capitalism to fail, it must first succeed. The European Union, NAFTA, the North American Union, TPP; all these institutions which are designed to make corporations richer end up hurting the working class, the proletarian. The main work of the KGB was ideological subversion. In order to destroy capitalist governments and replace them with socialist ones, capitalism must succeed to the point that it hurts the average worker. Then the workers will have no choice but to rise up which leads to socialist governments. The Soviet Union was allowed to collapse (Perestroika Deception) so that capitalism could succeed. When capitalism is overthrown by the workers, the USA, European Union, and other nations whose people have been destroyed by capitalism will adopt socialist governments. Then the hidden Soviet government will re-establish control and unite with America and Europe.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:05 AM
The EU might meet its demise by starting a war with Russia, thinking that the USA will run in support of the EU ....

posted on May, 23 2016 @ 02:30 PM
As a matter of fact they might get infected with AIDS from the same biolabs where they created and cultivated the virus in the past. The EU kommissars might become the most notorious victims of their own weapon!

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 01:09 PM
What is the EU? According to its fanatical leaders, the EU is a superstate. Then what's a superstate? Looking at the english dictionary it appears to be a group of states joined together, that is divided into sub-units called states.
This is of course a fraud, it's a psyop. A group of states joined together is not a superstate, it's a coalition. In all cases in which a coalition has been set up in Europe, it resulted into war. Be that crusades, or other kind of warfare, it does not matter. What matters is, that the Superstate that Prodi and other Euromongers brag about is nothing more than the usual European colonialist coalition of the willing. The EU was set up as a coalition of the willing for one sole purpose: invade siberia and steal natural resources. This hope has now faded away and the only possible future for the EU, is also the only possible future for the EU: demise!

So why is the EU a coalition of the willing and not a state or a superstate?
1) The EU has no sovereignty and no legitimacy under any point of view or circumstances. Therefore it is not a state. It is and always was a timed project. Once the objectives were reached the EU member states would restart fighting against each other as always during history. Now they will fight against each other without any objective being reached!
2) The economic system based on a pathetic if not ridiculous and childish game of blaming the citizens and punishing those who don't do 'homework', while praising those who do their 'homework' is just as retarded as EU legislating over sausages' length. ECB is not a credit bank and is not a central bank, because there's no state to which it is central.
3) Superstate is a word used as deception to make the masses believe they were big and though and they had long term goals, in terms of economics and other stuff. In reality Superstate is only a synonim for "coalition of the willing crusaders" and it was invented by EUro criminals like Prodi and cockheads alike!
4) The EU is not an economic project, as the USA correctly assessed, but neither is a political project... It is a gang of blood drunk warmongers whose only purpose is to serve a predatory oligarchy that believes to be olympus gods.

In conclusion I am very afraid that this EU is nothing more than the 4th Reich, and sooner rather than later, US, Russian, and Chinese bombs are gonna rain hard, and rain long to quell the psychopathic ambitions of a bankrupt elite with a bankrupt ideology.

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