Inspired by our collection of 17 new backgrounds rotating behind the new site home page, and
this thread by Bybyots, it makes sense to consider a representative background for
each forum. Especially with the new system we've integrated for social sharing... where I've created "Open Graph" images from the backgrounds. The
problem is, I just don't have the time to create all the images necessary for such an idea.
So we're asking our members to lend a hand.
Here's how one of the current backgrounds relates to the open graph image for social sharing...
Open Graph image:
The smaller 800x400 image is used whenever someone shares an ATS link on social media.
So fire up your Photoshop (or whatever else you have) and submit your suggestions for backgrounds/sharing images for each of our forums.
Here are the requirements...
Image Sizes
Forum Background: It must be 2,000 pixels wide by 1,500 pixels tall, and hold up well when compressed down into the zone of an 80k JPEG.
Social Sharing: it must be an 800 by 400 pixel rectangle either scaled-down from your background, or cropped from an interesting area of your
Image Sources
The source images you use must be free to use.
Do not search for source material on Google Images unless you specifically search using the "free to use, share or modify, even commercially"
option in the advanced search. See the example below:
Flickr creative commons search is one of the best sources to use. Make sure you select "Commercial use & mods allowed" in the license drop-down, as seen below. is another good source of images for which you would be allowed to use
and modify.
Make sure you keep track of the image(s) you use, as credit to the original creators will be included.
General Guidelines
Keep it simple. Clear, clean, non-noisy images will work best.
Keep any text in the image to a minimum -- no text is best.
Make sure there is something interesting in the far-left and far-right edges of your background image.
Who Judges?
Post your images in this thread for our members to comment on. I will select from those that get the best feedback, combined with what I think will
work best on the site.
If selected, I'll be asking you to email me the original, so I can compress it down to use as a site background.
What You Get
Officially, not much more than a hearty thank you so much.
But you'll have the option of using your real-name or your ATS pseudonym on the image as the artist's credit.
And you'll be able to bask in the glorious admiration of your peers here on ATS for the fantastic job you've done.