posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 02:03 AM
Predictions by ATS members.
I was going to post this on the paranormal board, but seeing as this is a prediction it would be best here i think.
But first some background. I have been remote viewing for a few years now and i have posed this question to myself on a couple of occasions. Front
loading the question "where will the next terrorist attack occur on U.S soil Post 911"
The reason i would post this question is that everyone has the ability to tap into this type of info through their own psychic ability on various
levels. A person could use meditatation, remote viewing, or simply ask themselves this question before sleep. I was wondering if a few people would
try this over the next week or two and see what they come up with, right or wrong. I think it would be interesting to hear some results.
Wanna give this a try ?.
[edit on 10-1-2005 by parker]