posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 05:00 PM
originally posted by: BuzzyWigs's not "the left" that wants to gut Social Security, or force them to work until they drop dead. It's not "the left" that is taking away
pensions and doesn't give a rat's ass about 'older people'.
But it was the left that created social security in the first place. The problem is they keep creating all these social programs and they know the
money is just not there to pay for them. They know it's unsustainable. They know they're creating captive voters by making retirement benefits a
partisan issue and holding it over their heads on every election.
You tell me this. Where did you think the money for things like Obamacare was going to come from when Obama was making all those flowery promises.
You didn't think "Boy. That sounds really expensive! I don't think they can do this without raising taxes"?
They just keep on piling on and then claiming those who oppose them are trying to screw the elderly. No. They're not keeping their promises. If you
promise someone something, you find a way to keep your promise. If that means you don't spend trillions on shiny new plans, that's what you do. The
cycle is starting all over. They're promising people things they can't possibly deliver.
edit on 19-2-2016 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason