posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to:
Stopping to see if someone on the side of the road needs help is pretty much an unwritten rule around these parts.
I have a story about this...
My sister lives in Buffalo, NY. One time she came to WY with my nephew and wanted to see Yellowstone. Driving across the vast expanses of WY she
asked me
"what happens if we have a flat???. I told her we change it. This settled her down for a while. About 20 minutes later she asked me
what happens if we have another flat????????.
I told her, the first person who drives by will stop to help us or give us a ride to the nearest town. She completely FREAKED OUT!! I told her I
didn't understand her fear. She was perplexed.
I asked her...."
what happens if you have a flat in Buffalo, NY...on the highway, in the city????? Do you change it...or just start fearing for
your life immediately????
Things got pretty quiet after that. To this day she still tells me how terrified she was to be out in such big open country like that, so far away
from anything. In my mind, sometimes 'nothing' is a hell of a lot better than a gang of bandits every two minutes.
Maybe I'm just a country boy.