posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 07:17 PM
but what more basic right as living beings do we have then to decide to stop living?
Sure it is, but the demanding of ANY right is selfish, unless you're demanding them (and fighting for them) for EVERYONE.
Sure it is, when you think in terms of family, friends, groups, and further divisions of humanity. All death is wrong and should cause you pain. To
have it not bother you is what allows wars to happen. If men valued life instead of power, money, success, security, comfort, etc., etc., there
would be no more soldiers. No more wars.
Every enemy soldier is a soldier fighting for what he believes is right.
Every enemy soldier has a family, friends, etc.
Does the suicide of a person you've never met bother you more than the death of an enemy soldier you've never met? Why?
The suicide wanted to die.
to add:
I am against suicide for my self and others because i believe it inhibits spiritual growth - basically, you dont grow from taking the easy way out and
are likely assured of receiving a harder life and a harder life until you face the problems you are confronted with.
However, the main issue to be addressed is not repressing others rights to live(and therefore end) their lives, but to create a world which no one
feels the need to exit from early.
Obviously this is a far way off.
To say that suicide is stupid, selfish, hurtful to others, etc., is to ignore the reasons for it, and serves only to increase the guilt and shame of
the person contemplating suicide.
[Edited on 14-6-2003 by quango]