Crows are smart, but it goes further - they teach other.
There was a group that did research using masks to bother crows (checking on the little ones), which earned them scolding from the crows. They did
this for awhile, then stopped for awhile; even though they skipped an entire generation of crows, the next bunch scolded the people with the masks.
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix
We can't get out of the way of our egos. We continue to believe that man is the only truly intelligent animal on the planet with the ability to grow,
learn, and adapt.
Unfortunately from the looks of things recently, a large number of the population seems to have peaked in the intelligence department and is showing a
downward spiral in intelligence.
Back when i was in the navy i watched seagulls drop clams and other mollusks. on paved parking lots or streets along the ocean so that the shell would
break the shells and the sea gulls could feast.
The problem was with people getting hit by the dropped mollusks.