posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 01:21 AM
Haven't piloted anything real, but if most sims are anything to go by, the big planes are landed mostly on airbrakes and flaps and small planes mostly
on engines. Throttling down too much on a big plane can cause problems because the large engines don't spool back up quickly enough to recover. (This
is probably why civil aviation pilots usually have problems, they're into a habit of flying a certain way. Which is like trying to drive a bus as if
it were a small car.) At least all planes are gliders to some extent if you maintain airspeed during approach.
Also I'm surprised the tower never instructed the guy flying to change the transponder. If there's an emergency, wouldn't that be one of the first
things they'd have you do to make it easier to flag on radar? Or is making that adjustment not considered obvious enough to try messing with? I do
know that's how pilots may communicate some kind of problem or other.