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Are America's sporting events used to bless war/military service, and perpetuate our endless wars?

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posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 12:25 PM
I brought this topic up at the beginning of the Super Bowl, and commented about the sporting events taking on a Nationalist type of backing prior to the kickoff. There is similarities with cases in Europe and their soccer games and all the flag waving nationalists all half lit drinking beer and getting into a violent sport. The left govt in Europe is trying to do away with all the flag wavers, and has not happened in the US (yet).

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: ExNihiloRed

as well as commemorating wars won/lost, armistice day, D-day, etc., etc., The PSA ads regarding vets suck too, that 'entitlement complex' reeks so badly that I have to change the channel.

I used to get a good deal of calls at work when a person drops the meme, 'I'm a/was a veteran in xyz war, and the service I get from your business sucks and I deserve better...' and so on.

Veterans are no better than civilians and vice versa. The only choice I have to is to ignore that and make a humane segued focus on the nature of the call. I cannot in good conscience say "thank you for your service" because I didn't directly ask the person to do that for me, the Selective Service System and other things involved in politics.

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