posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 07:31 PM
First, I want ask you, have you ever met a person who practices witchcraft?
My town is full of Witchcraft practitioners and I have a little bit of knowledge on subject.
There are people who practice dark magic well into "the witching hour'' in order to make someone's life bad.
If you think this is the case, I will direct you to a site that goes into detail about such things and how to counter act such magic through prayer
and herbs and roots. It's called Hoodoo and although the bible doesn't want people to practice such things Hoodoo has alot of it's roots in prayer and
using scripture from the bible when dealing with warding off someone's ill will towards you.
Have you crossed anyone lately? Scorned a heart? Who knows what would make a person practice negative magic on another person, but believe me, from
what I've read, it's real.