posted on Feb, 6 2016 @ 11:13 PM
Starting with the site home page, we're going to begin rolling out quite a few incremental improvements throughout all of ATS. With the new home page,
I focused more on a broad-picture overview of what's happening on ATS "right now," rather than the categoried approach of the home page we have now.
Much of the overall design is the same, just some layout improvements.
Here is the new prototype home page, light version, represented in two "scrolls." (Click the thumbnails for full-size images)
No scroll...
First scroll...
Second scroll...
As you can see, there are rotating background images. Right now we have 1) The police lined up for a protest in NYC, 2) The TPP negotiating table, 3)
Surveillance cameras, and 4) The WTC wreckage. For those users on desktop browsers, it feels like these thematic backgrounds help to make up for the
(unfixable) fact that our topics have no associated images or photography.
Here's where I could use your help... what other iconic imagery would you like to see rotating in the background of our site home page?
Help find some images. The must be images with a Creative Commons deed that allows both commercial use and modifications. An excellent source is
Flickr or WIki Commons. The original should also be at least 2,000 pixels wide.
Let me know what you think of the revises home, and also your ideas for the imagery.
edit on 6-2-2016 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason