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Residents being evicted to make way for incoming refugees

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posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 03:19 AM

Syynä on se, että turvapaikanhakijoiden asuttamasta kerrostalosta alettiin irtisanoa vanhoja vuokralaisia viime viikolla. Vielä joulukuussa sanottiin, että talon vuokralaiset saavat jatkaa asumistaan normaalisti.

Despite being told in December that no changes would be made to their leases, tenants are now being faced with contract termination in order to make way for yet more refugees.

Residents being evicted to make way for incoming refugees

This is happening in Akaa Toijala, where there is a refugee centre. The landlord is evicting people with larger apartments first. Already there are some refugees living in this building, but because there are so many more coming, now the existing residents have to move out and find new homes.

The landlord is also offering the first month free of rent for the refugees.

I am sorry but I could not find any sources in English. Still, I thought maybe some people would be interested in hearing this.

As you know, there have been a lot of tension in Europe recently regarding refugees, such as the Finnish girl who was horribly raped by Somali men last year. And now, Finnish people are being kicked out of their homes for the benefit of refugees. Is it not a common ideology, to help yourself before you are able to help others? You probably would not hurt your family at the expense of an outsider, so why is it that Finland is harming its own people and favouring the refugees?

Here is a link for the Google translate version of the article, but, Finnish is apparently a difficult language to translate via software...

Toijala: apartment redundant old tenants, because asylum seekers need more space

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:08 AM
I hope there is more to this story. Maybe the landlord is evicting people behind on their rent?

Like you said in OP, doing this to your citizens, if there is no actual ground for eviction is simply wrong and makes zero sense.

Unless... (Tinfoil time) the government is paying landlords to let in refugees to further the destabilization of the area so riots break out, people get violent and marital law is declared through a U.N. outlet to progress the grasp of a new world order!!!

^silly conspiracy theorists

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Volchitsa

Gubment is promising to pay for their rents, so the landlord is evicting people to make way. They will form a community within a community, like here in the states. We have places like China Town for instance, exclusively occupied by one culture or ethnicity.

Bummer for the people moving, the landlord don't care though, nothing like gubment guaranteed paychecks.

Damn landlords, they go with the highest bidder, all they care about is money. And the gubment knows he'll do their dirty work for them.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:35 AM
According to this source, tenants in Finland do have certain rights, but so does the landlord:

What rights do landlords and tenants have in Finland, especially as to duration of contract, and eviction?

The landlord must give at least 6 months’ notice, if the tenancy has been in existence for more than a year. Otherwise three months notice is mandatory.

Fixed-term agreements. Fixed-term tenancies, unlike unlimited ones, must be in writing. No maximum or minimum duration is prescribed. Fixed term contracts expire automatically at the end of the term, and it is very difficult to terminate them earlier.

As long as everything is done according to the laws that protect both tenant and landlord, then what else do you expect them to do?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Volchitsa

Gubment is promising to pay for their rents, so the landlord is evicting people to make way. They will form a community within a community, like here in the states. We have places like China Town for instance, exclusively occupied by one culture or ethnicity.

Guaranteed rents is the way in Europe now. Foreign investors are grabbing up residential properties all over Europe forcing higher rents as competition drives it up. If a group of White people form a community it instantly gets labeled a "white supremacist survival retreat" or some crap like that. Diversity is enforced only on the White communities. Nobody goes to the projects and says "you don't have enough Japanese Americans here" and starts a Federal program to ensure that Japanese Americans move in.

ETA: Finns won't put up with much of this. Their leaders are already calling out the EU to modify existing treaties and practices to address the refugee issue to help the true asylum seekers while deporting the free loaders and criminals among them.
edit on 5-2-2016 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Their leaders are already calling out the EU to modify existing treaties and practices to address the refugee issue to help the true asylum seekers while deporting the free loaders and criminals among them.

Thats hard enough, identifying the real ones swimming among the fishes. . Hopefully they won't start bombing.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Volchitsa

now the existing residents have to move out and find new homes.

Google doesn't translate Finnish too well. However, it appears to me that the landlord is not throwing the existing tenants out in the cold, but are offering them apartments in a newly renovated section. And they are providing them with relocation assistance, and the first month's rent is free.

Of course the newly renovated apartments will probably cost more than their existing accommodations.

And it looks like there is a 1 year limit to the time the refugee's housing is paid by the government. Then those apartments will be renovated. The refugees will have to move out at that point because no one can live there while the renovation work is being performed.

Like I said Google translation is poor. Did I read that correctly?


posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 12:13 PM
Seems like this immigration crisis is a real cash cow for real estate businesses, and suddenly everybody has lost their scruples. Anything for a buck.

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