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How can we put the Flat earth theory to bed?

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posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Good lord. My head hurts from listening to how stupid that moron was in the videos. I can't believe I watched them, but really, really, dumb people amaze me.

Wow, just Wow! I could never be around someone like thins. I would end up hurting him very bad. He already has brain damage, that much is obvious.

edit on 4/2/16 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:26 PM
another common FE response :
why doesnt earths air get sucked into space?
well gravity holds it there... it holds everything to earth.
Then, why doesn't moon have any atmosphere they say?
well the moon isnt large enough to hold an atmosphere, its gravity is much to weak.
speaking of the moon.... why is the earths shadow curved on the moon during an eclipse?> the sun would have to be under earth, to cast a shadow on the moon that is curvedif the earth was flat.
according to flat earth theory, the sun always stays above the earth. so an eclipse would never take place

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:27 PM
Put it to rest? Easy.

Won't cost much. An expedition to the edge of the earth. With photos, videos and other scientific instruments.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:31 PM
Wouldn't every international pilot, every astronaut from every country, and anyone who works with satellites, all have to be in on the conspiracy?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:36 PM
How possibly can you have a crescent moon and the sun in the sky at the same time which I've watched for the last couple of weeks in the morning? Explain that one Tyson lol. Assuming gimbals in gyroscopes work in aircraft it would be relatively easy to prove or disprove the flat earth.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: spirit_horse
a reply to: SaturnFX

Good lord. My head hurts from listening to how stupid that moron was in the videos. I can't believe I watched them, but really, really, dumb people amaze me.

Wow, just Wow! I could never be around someone like thins. I would end up hurting him very bad. He already has brain damage, that much is obvious.

He actually gave a rebuttal to AS's debunking video..mostly of him just saying "suuuure!" and thats about it. Basically, if you just say the word sure in a condescending way, it invalidates the argument. heh
I would have put that video up, but that was just for giggles and didnt add anything outside of laughing at that guy.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

You could always go out to the "Old Bedford Level" and see if you can explain that away. Just saying. I have no idea but something does seem strange about the whole deal.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: stdscf12

Wouldn't every international pilot, every astronaut from every country, and anyone who works with satellites, all have to be in on the conspiracy?

Is that hard to believe? Maybe, but they all had to follow thousands of "rules" to get their licenses, what's one more? Besides, air traffic routes are surely designed for a reason, maybe many. JMO.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: nobunaga
i understand there are lots of people out there starting to believe the earth is flat due to some stupid videos being passed on youtube and facebook. i would like to start a thread to prove this theory of a flat earth to bed.
exhibit A

a picture from a u-2 dragon lady. this is not nasa... this is not a fish eye lens... this is actually from a cell phone. gee... wonder what that curve is.
exhibit B

here is a picture of a contrails shadow being cast upon the underside of clouds during a sunset. according to flat earthers, the sun magically floats in a circle above the earth on a track or something? still dont get how according to FE theory that the sun goes in a big circle... is it on a track or on a dome?
but if the sun never actually sets, how do the underside of clouds become illuminated when the sun is under the horizon as portrayed in the picture. the direction of light would always come from above.

exhibit c

this is a picture of some fellow bills fans that were stationed at Mcmurdo station in antarctica. i guess theres supposed to be some sort of wall? well theres no pictures of the walls, and according to one of the gentleman in this picture, theres lots of mountains, but no walls that cant be flown over, and no end to the earth there.

i would like for people to add proof of sphere earth via pictures or math/physics....
every theory for flat earth can be shot down. and it seems like no matter what pictures you show FE ers ... nasa doctured the picture or its fake.

It can be put to bed when everyone can see it for themselves instead of seeing it in pictures and/or reading about it.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

I don't even know why people would want to believe it, a flat earth is creepy to me. How to put it to bed? Invent a cure for stupid.
edit on 2/4/2016 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: kenzohattori69

How possibly can you have a crescent moon and the sun in the sky at the same time which I've watched for the last couple of weeks in the morning?

You've been watching it so you know it's possible. What exactly are you confused by?

There is a good graphic here but it's not supposed to be used on other sites. Check it out.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: donktheclown
This was posted recently in another thread

I don't see how someone can understand that and disagree with it.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:22 PM
If the Earth was flat it would appear that way from outer space. That should end all discussion.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:32 PM
what would be the purpose of hiding the "flat earth" anyway? like, really? if it's flat, it's flat, if it's round, it's round.

would there be ANY reason whatsoever to create such a MASSIVE conspiracy just to hide the "true" shape of the earth?

there would be no purpose for a conspiracy here, it's just a shape. there'd be no reason to lie about the actual shape of the earth. it makes no sense to me at all and i personally believe the whole flat earth conspiracy thing is just a distraction. it's just a jokey conspiracy theory put together to make other more legitimate and quite possibly true conspiracy theories seem that much more asinine and ridiculous.

it's a waste of time and energy for those who actually "research" and try to prove that the earth is flat.

i mean i used to work at an airport, anyone can get a pilots license pretty much if they put the effort in. kids from 16 years old and up are flying planes. they ALL aren't in on some huge conspiracy to hide the true shape of the earth. there's no secret paper work or contract or oath that pilots have to go through before going up in the sky.

i mean c'mon. such a HUGE waste of time.

what's even worse possibly is that there's a theory out there that the earth is actually convex! yes, that's right, that we live on the INSIDE of a spherical earth with the universe in the center! LMAO, try and wrap your head around THAT one!

to me it's just as ridiculous as flat earth theory. sorry. and i'm a REALLY open minded guy. I can pretty most entertain ANY conspiracy theory, whether or not I believe them all is a different story, but I'm willing to keep my mind open.

But, THIS one, flat earth. I just can't. Just can't....
edit on 4-2-2016 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 03:26 PM
If I'm in Florida, and I fly west towards Cali, and keep going over the Pacific ocean, I will eventually come to Japan, S. Korea, and China. If I keep heading in the same direction I will cross over the Middle East and Europe, eventually coming to the Atlantic Ocean, which if I keep heading in the SAME westerly direction I will then come FULL CIRCLE back to Florida.

you can't do that if the earth is flat

UNLESS!!! I head, west come to the edge of the world (lets say the middle of the Pacific ocean) roll over the side, and then I would be going east, (draw a line on paper you'll see what I mean) till I came to the other edge of the world, which i would have to roll up over the side, and then be heading west again to make it back to my starting point.

1 its literally easier for the world to be round.
2 why would anyone want to hide a flat earth from us regular people?
3 I don't have a 3 I hurt myself trying to explain travel on a flat earth

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Squirlli

The response I've seen to that is that the Earth is like a vinyl record. So you were just going "around" on the surface of the disk, which is why you got back to the original point. LOL So in your example, you'd have to go on similar trips in different directions until that "rebuttal" was crushed beyond all doubt.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 03:42 PM
Perhaps put the believers in a space ship with windows bound for mars.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: anotherdaytoday
One would have to be mentally retarded to believe the "Earth" is a spinning ball in this day and age in light of all the evidence available for your perusal. Its ok, keep convincing yourselves that you have not been lied to all your lives. At the pace that folks are becoming awake to this deception, I can foresee a time in the near future where ball-earth believers will need to be registered , so normal people can keep track of this abomination in order for incidental defilement of society and the gene pool to be kept at its minimum. Furthermore, its actually quite funny how many in this thread already have shillidentified themselves.

Lol, you are joking right?

Because I can right now look at Jupiter or Mars in my telescope and you can see the spinning ball worlds yourself!

I will give you my address, come on over!

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

well if that's the case, I want to know what is on the "other side", the B side if you will.
maybe that is what is meant when they say "parallel universe".

I'm beginning to think that the only way to silence the Flat Earthers is to have a big name stupid celeb tweet that they endorse the whole round earth theory, and everyone will believe that its true.
Maybe one of those Kardashin people. ( I said big name, I didn't say smart or even good)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: anotherdaytoday
One would have to be mentally retarded to believe the "Earth" is a spinning ball in this day and age in light of all the evidence available for your perusal. Its ok, keep convincing yourselves that you have not been lied to all your lives. At the pace that folks are becoming awake to this deception, I can foresee a time in the near future where ball-earth believers will need to be registered , so normal people can keep track of this abomination in order for incidental defilement of society and the gene pool to be kept at its minimum. Furthermore, its actually quite funny how many in this thread already have shillidentified themselves.

What could anyone even the NWO,Illuminati,or the Government gain from lying about the shape of the Earth?
I know that is a hard question for Flat-Earther's because none have been able to successfully answer that question.
Furthermore how can you believe a theory so easily debunked even with a cheap Walmart telescope or plane ride?

If the Earth is flat why do we waves in our oceans?
If the Earth is flat why are all the planets around the Earth round or globe shaped?
If the Earth is flat why doesn't it have an edge?
If the Earth is flat why do all the photos of it from space appear to not be flat?
If the Earth is flat why does all of the evidence point towards the exact opposite?

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