the seatbelt laws are NOT bogus!!
if you actually think you have a "right" to choose wether to wear a seatbelt or not is your choice; and if your caught you must pay a fine
this is meant to save your life!! i cant believe you actually can argue that its "wrong" to force people to buckle their seatbelts!!
people are stupid and they need a govt to keep them alive because they are constantly making idotic decisions that end up killing them
seatbelts save far more lives than they take; and everyone should have to use them
not using your seatbelt is a "suicidal" mindset, and thats crazy!!
fingerprinting people at traffic stops IS going TOO far! yes i agree
but seatbelt laws have a POINT and they MAKE SENSE because they SAVE LIVES....
if you argue agianst SAVING peoples LIVES than you obviously WANT them dead!!!
im sorry to jump down your throat but im from Texas and seatbelt laws have saved tens of thousands of lives here
fatality rates in accidents have plummeted since the laws have been introduced
"Of the 31,910 vehicle occupants killed in crashes in 2001, 60 percent were not wearing a safety belt. [The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, Annual Assessment of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2001]
Safety belts saved 13,274 lives in 2001, and if all vehicle occupants over age 4 had been wearing safety belts, 7,334 more lives could have been
saved, NHTSA estimates. [NHTSA, Traffic Safety Facts Overview, 2001]
Each percentage-point increase in safety belt use represents 2.8 million more people buckling up, 250 more lives saved and 6,400 serious injuries
prevented annually, NHTSA estimates. [NHTSA, FY2003 Performance Plan, 2002]
Safety belt use has increased significantly in the past few years, but more must be done. Safety belt use in the United States rose to 75 percent in
2002 from 58 percent in 1994. [NHTSA, National Occupant Protection Use Survey, June 2002]
Seventy-three percent of the people who were in a fatal crash in 2001 and were restrained survived; of those who were not restrained, only 44 percent
survived. [NHTSA, Annual Assessment of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2001]
In fatal crashes, 75 percent of all passenger car occupants who were totally ejected were killed. Only 1 percent of those occupants had been using a
safety belt. [NHTSA, Traffic Safety Facts Overview, 2001]
In the past 26 years, safety belts prevented 135,000 fatalities and 3.8 million injuries, saving $585 billion in medical and other costs. If all
vehicle occupants had used safety belts during that period, nearly 315,000 deaths and 5.2 million injuries could have been prevented � and $913
billion in costs saved. [NHTSA, Economic Impact of Crashes, 2002]
In 2000, the deaths and serious injuries prevented by safety belts resulted in savings of $50 billion in medical care, lost productivity and other
injury-related costs. [NHTSA, Economic Impact of Crashes, 2002]
Motor vehicle crashes in 2000 cost a total of $230.6 billion, an amount equal to 2.3 percent of the gross domestic product, or $820 for every person
living in the United States. [NHTSA, Economic Impact of Crashes, 2002]
In 2000, the economic cost to society was more than $977,000 for each crash fatality and an average of $1.1 million for each critically injured
person. [NHTSA, Economic Impact of Crashes, 2002]
The general public pays nearly three-quarters of all crash costs, primarily through insurance premiums, taxes, delays and lost productivity. [NHTSA,
Economic Impact of Crashes, 2002]