I've been thinking about this a lot lately...
Does anybody else think that the advent and diaspora of the human race will ultimately prove to have been a mistake on the part of evolution? Think
about it: before we came along, no species ever threatened the viability of every other species on not ony this, but every, planet. If we had never
attained the talent of conscious thought, we'd never have built a nuclear weapon, and things like antimatter and 'strange' quarks would never wind
up on earth, as they may well do if our scientists get too curious. There would be no genocide, no engineered plague or organized crime. Not so much
as a single tree would ever have been felled before its time... allowing for the occasional beaver, of course.
When you think about it, the only species that has really reaped any benefit from the presence of mankind is.... well... mankind. We have survived
and prospered because we have been able to circumvent, tame, or outwit nature, whereas the rest of Earth's creatures have gotten along by living in
concordance with it.
Additionally, we seem to think that we have some manifest destiny to rule everything we see. Viewed over the course of centuries, it becomes clear
that it has never occured to a civilization that maybe they'd got enough room already. If (for the sake of example) an eighth continent were to arise
between America and Europe, I'm sure there would be a mad race, and, eventually, a war, to decide the ownership of the thing.
The Human Menace (can't you just see that on some article of propaganda?) reaches even beyond the Earth; we are already intimating threats to the
rest of the galaxy. We've already gotten as far as the moon, and I'm sure we'll figure the rest out eventually, assuming we aren't all obliterated
in a global orgy of nuclear hatred beforehand. Once we spread to other worlds, we will either terraform them or, as we have done to Earth, cover them
in concrete and steel. Is this really what nature intended? Are we, humankind, a potentially fatal mistake on the part of natural selection?
Your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and flames are graciously welcomed