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GERMANS PANIC as Muslim horde marches though Hannover, claiming Germany for Allah- ISIS Flags! (VID

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posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: Awen24
That's not the ISIS flag. It's the black flag of Islam: the 'black standard'.

Does what is on that flag really matter?

Do they not both serve the same 'god'?

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 03:57 AM
Speaking german myself, I can hear the stupidity and fear of those two woman speaking.

The refugee flood happened exactly as planned and fear is the biggest weapon in this war.

Is that really so hard to see?

ETA: Fun fact, you know how much hate I feel when I see an American Flag? Dayum.
edit on 3-2-2016 by Danowski because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid

originally posted by: Awen24
That's not the ISIS flag. It's the black flag of Islam: the 'black standard'.

Does what is on that flag really matter?

Do they not both serve the same 'god'?

Or it could be that Byzantium (Instanbul) adopted the crescent moon in honour of the Greek god Diana?------ and when the Ottomans took Instanbul they adopted the crescent moon into their Empire which ruled over much of the Muslim world. Thus, the crescent moon became synonymous with Muslim countries and it has nothing to do with Molech. Molech was a god in which you sacrificed your children too literally. Muslims did not have the crescent moon as a symbol in times of Muhammad and no one sacrificed their children to him. However I cannot say the same thing for the bible.

As for the original videos, I'm surprised how peaceful it was considering the thread title.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:07 AM
The only people I see in ovens are the European citizens themselves when ethnic cleansing and genocide starts from the terror cells that have been allowed into our midst, once they are given orders they will reveal their evil heads!

Do you truly believe in a Country like Germany in the present day any migrants would be harmed. They are protected, citizens arent even allowed to say anything negative about them even when they rape en masse.

The only thing I can see happening is that many will be deportec. The problem with that will be first finding them (as 600,000 have gone missing) and then finding out where they are from as many havd destroyed evidence. What we do know is only 20% are from Syria and even that is speculative as a lot have forged passports.a reply to: saadad

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: gort51
I was wondering when someone was going to suggest this. I have been thinking about this for quite a while. Why don't Europeans set up tent embassies in front of their parliament houses like in Australia and demand their land back. Europeans have suffered atrocities at the hands of their various governments for hundreds of years and been sent to war and killed in their millions. Land has been confiscated through economic means and distributed to foreigners who can pay for it. Indigenous Europeans have been mistreated and abused for centuries.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:17 AM
Hard working serious German citizens, immigrate to Australia. Leave germany to Merkal. Sooner or later she'll put on a shroud and hide her face.

Come to Aussie, work, build a future and learn by your country's misfortune. Same goes for swedes.

Kindest regards,


posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: everyone

Is that so ?

There is no sharia in england right?

How many ‘courts’ are there in Britain? According to a report carried out in 2009, there were around 85 sharia courts in the UK, but the number is likely to be higher now.

That is from last year and looks like a good start. How many U.S courts do you have in their country?

There may be Sharia courts in England but the country itself is not under Sharia Law. I personally don't have any courts and if I did, they wouldn't be U.S, I'm Scottish through and through...

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

Good on ya mate. Scots are tough.



posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid

Does what is on that flag really matter?

Do they not both serve the same 'god'?

What's your point? Do Catholics and Protestants not worship the same God? Do the KKK not worship the same God as Nation of Yahweh? Do Wesrboro Baptist Church not worship the same God as The Gay Christian Network. Oh I see what's going on here, you're a racist that tars all Muslims with the same brush...

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: Danowski
The refugee flood happened exactly as planned and fear is the biggest weapon in this war.

Is that really so hard to see?

Yep. It is surprising how on a forum like ATS, where there are alternative topics that so many posters are drawn into this like zombified flies flying to the sh1t created by the establishment. Topics on ATS for the past couple of years have either consisted of threads being mostly filled with skeptics towards everything in general that does not fit official narrative to fearmongering about muslims.

The game is to support Israel. And to support Israel, firstly it helps to have a common hate of all things Muslim. Because if you look at support of Israel from an objective point of view, then it's clear that people would be astounded that the West (Zionists) were able to create an artificial jewish immigrant state in the sovereign land of the Palestinians and got away with it. Support for the Palestinian state has been growing in Europe. What better way to turn the people’s heads onto these terrible MUSLIM migrants. While at the same time witness the balkanization of countries surrounding Israel.

If you cannot win the argument from an objective point of view, then use fear and peoples feelings and it seems to work every single time.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:24 AM
So, that video is from 2015??
Thanks for that laugh, how can it then be that i saw this fearmongerer crap before around 2 years for the first time???
And then again, and now again, again... xD
This video was discussed so often, the "Besorgte Bürgerinnen" in the video that are afraid that they will have to change their lifestyle, their clothes and everything. Made me laugh at the time, and now again.

Nobody mentioned which stereotypes the "Besorgte Bürgerinnen" fire one after another? What a wonderfull coincidence that the interviewer met exactly those two "Besorgte Bürgerinnen" with their complete nazi minds???
Come on, thought this is ATS...

Maybe someone here is good in finding the real dates of when videos and pictures were spread in the web for the first time?
So we can teach the people that it is nothing more than fearmongering, and an old video, discussed again and again here in germany, long time ago for the last time.

Don`t fall for that nazi propaganda and fearmongering!
edit on 3 2 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:25 AM


posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:33 AM


posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: Konduit

Yep, that's right.

No such thing as 'moderates'. Just 'fence sitters' to see who leads and wins. Then they join that side.

Tragic that people support them,


posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: gort51
Yes, but they were invited in by Europe.

Also...This video is from 22nd October 2015, so, in a way, it is not directly connected to recent events.

Nonetheless, it is a worrying development for "European Natives".

How about land rights and Native rights for White people in their Spiritual Homeland........ same as we agree with indigenous rights for other oppressed "Natives".

They were not invited in by 'Europe' they were invited in by Angela Merkel, 'Europe' does not want them, only large companies, bleeding hearts, and TPTB, 'Europe' knows the perfect storm is coming.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 05:03 AM


posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: pikestaff
'Europe' knows the perfect storm is coming.

Like the one that blew through Germany in the 1930's, you mean? Different century, different scapegoat, same weather pattern.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 05:25 AM
Germany's future?
I counted 16 migrant kids under 5.
I saw one pram being pushed by native Germans.
One migrant carriage was covered in black, how nice!

Also, anyone who carries an ISIS flag in public is a legitimate target for termination and should be shot on sight as an invading soldier.
Instead of panicking Germans need to confront this in the streets and reclaim them for Germany.
edit on 3-2-2016 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

you're a racist that tars all Muslims with the same brush...

Please stop with the racist nonsense...Muslims are not a race, the same as Christians are not a race. It's such a strange anomaly on ATS that if a Christian says/does something, considered to be "unacceptable" (there is currently a thread about the duck dynasty guy and his views on gay marriage) that it is perfectly acceptable to tar all Christians with the same brush, and bash them mercilessly, mention Muslims and you are automatically a hater/bigot/racist etc even though Islam isn't too keen on homosexuals either, and at least the duck dynasty guy isn't throwing people off of buildings and beheading them...

BTW I don't follow any religion, I think they are all as ridiculous as each other, but the whole racist slur really bothers me, when people are just trying to have a valid discussion. I live in the West of Scotland and there are no issues here, but I have lived in Blackburn in Lancashire and I can assure you it is totally different there, and I understand why some people have concerns about a patriarchal, backwards religious regime gaining momentum and pushing their views onto everyone else, that does not make them a racist or a bigot, just a person who would rather live their lives they way they always have

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro

Well, let's take this quote from your source article which is well and truly WRONG. Do you really think Shariah law could be passed in the UK without the world knowing about it? Talk about embracing ignorance! Talking about ignorance, have you tried researching this topic...

You should be a little wary of throwing around the "do you even research, bro?" line. I agree that the article is incorrect, but your post is just as misleading.

This point has been discussed on multiple occasions. Sharia does not have the standing to supercede English law, but it is accepted and given both de jure and de facto legal force in ADR settings by virtue of a court supporting ADR outcomes as being legally binding provided they are not contrary to English law. There are also communities where Sharia has de facto legal force because that community allows it and does not seek redress from English courts. The latter situation is less common than the former situation.

Incidentally, the ADR situation is actually something that we adopted from the Americans. Yes, Sharia law is as enforceable in the US as it is in the UK.

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