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Woman says she was feet away when shots killed Oregon occupier Finicum.

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posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: beyondtruth

So many questions, its kind of pointless to bother. But if this was about some potential mass sums of money in them there hills, even that could have been handled better. # this whole thing could have been an none issues if they just let them go to town and talk to the sheriff, and take them there, I mean so many other option other then the whole attempt at dramatics. And most importantly I would not have to be hearing about this sad ass story. Its just depressing.

I thought I should point out in case you had missed it that the sheriff they were going to meet with in his county was a constitutional sheriff. Had they made it there and stayed there, that sheriff could have and probably would have made it extremely difficult for the feds to take these guys in. I think the feds may have known this and decided they had to move then, or maybe lose their chance. If they had made it to John Day, they might still be running around out there being unruly and such.

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 03:56 AM
The theory that the woodside officer wielded a taser was presented in this video analysis:
I did a thread on it here:
The usual descent into bickering occured there. Thought I'd submit it to your thread for consideration anyhow.

I also thought I should point out that there appear to have been two clear longer range fields of fire at Mr. Finicum from up and down the road respectively.

In my opinion, his movements are not those of a man looking to do battle or to get himself shot. He also had repeatedly stated that he had no desire to battle authorities.

I think there is little doubt that there is more video, with audio of course, and lots of it. If there actually isn't, then that in itself strongly implicates covert clandestine action, whether federally, locally, or mutually planned. I think what was released was released because it didn't obviously incriminate the authorities, and would 'help to promote domestic tranquility' as you suggested. The family of the victim and the ongoing investigation need to be considered as well, as far as why nothing else has been released.

Doesn't make the feds look too bad either, as inconclusive as it is. The full scenario provides enough evidence to call shenanigans though in my opinion. Too hastily/poorly planned op, or something worse perhaps...I'm personally starting to lean back toward poopshow from the LEO's. I dunno. Could go either way, I guess. There's all kinds of speculation I could engage in here, but I'll spare you.

Finicum's family has not changed their statement of wishing to see evidence supporting the authorities' claims, as far as I know. This is also telling, I think. They couldn't necessarily release that stuff to the public, but they could show it to the family at their request to clarify with the family that authorities acted appropriately. Especially considering the politicized nature of this case. Maybe I'm wrong though, and they can't. I'm not really sure what the laws are with that. Thought it was worth mentioning anyhow.

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: diggindirt
a reply to: tweetie
Why am I not surprised?
Why am I not surprised that the ground level videos from the sniper cams haven't been released?
Shawna Cox and Victoria Sharp both said they saw men coming out of the trees with "binocular-looking things" on their hats/heads. A friend of mine says that they are wearing "helmet cams" as they come out of the tree line. He should know, he used to wear them in his line of work. So where are the videos from those cameras?
Do you know if any videos were taken or streamed showing the conditions of the buildings at the time the occupiers left the building? I've been meaning to look but there is sooooo much out there that it is hard to sort through. Any suggestions as to a specific you-tube channel that might have them?

I remember seeing the story about the condition of the occupied buildings after most people left. I also recall Sandy saying when the occupiers found out what had happened to LaVoy, there was a mad scramble to get out of Dodge and the place was in total disarray from everyone rushing to gather up their belongings before fleeing. I don't know if this helps but here it is:

The Oregonian link

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: tweetie
I have to wonder what happened to all the food. From earlier videos I know there was a lot of food that had been donated, shelves of it. I just hope the feds allowed it to be donated to a local shelter or food bank.
I'm still wondering why the FBIs could release their video to the public but have declined to release the videos made inside the truck as the attack was going on.
Also still waiting to see some video---or even still photos---of the truck after the attack was over. FBIs claimed they were shooting rubber bullets and some may have been since Shawna Cox said bullets were hitting the windows but not breaking them while they were still in the truck but in the hail of bullets that followed their exiting the truck the rest of the windows were blown out.
Only the videos from ground level will give us any further information. Seems the lawyers for the defense are having a bit of trouble getting information about those and the ones from inside the truck. What is fair about that? Oh---I sometimes forget---they're not really into fair---just making themselves look good.

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 01:44 PM
I have no sympathy.....they came locked and loaded and threatened to do harm, so they should know that doing this could get themselves or others killed. this wasn't some good ole' boys hunting trip, this was taken very seriously by LEO's. which leads me to believe, their whole trip was done without much thought to the consequences by some very naïve people.....
edit on 22-2-2016 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

Listen to Lori Storm in this short audio update at the Archives page.

It's titled, "Lori-Storm-Oregon-update." No date but I think it's from after the 17th of Feb. I can't link it for anyone because the link at the page opens the listener's media player. She talks about the audio evidence but can't say too much yet. Also, they are trying to put together a trustworthy legal team for those who are incarcerated because the present lawyers may not be trustworthy.


posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: tweetie
Thanks for that update.
I believe she's right. The intimidation factor is high.
I hadn't heard about the SWAT team used to bring Cliven in. Geeze....what a fluster cluck of a government!

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: tweetie
Part 7 is posted. This is quite the education. Part 1 - 6 must be seen first, in that order, plus the "Interlude" post before part 7, so one can understand the context of the analysis.

Peter's Analysis of FBI video, part 7

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Interlu de

Peter goes over some technical items in Pr elude Part 8

In the next installment, Peter analyzes the camera the FBI used and why the whole darn video should be sharp and in focus.
Part 8a

He writes a very pertinent comment underneath Part 8a.

The next part should be posted very soon for those following this exceptional analysis.

Part 8b just went live! I haven't started reading yet.

8b< br />

Part 9. Peter is taking questions now if anyone has any.


There's nothing conclusive in Peter's work that shows LaVoy tossed his pistol (many claim he left all of his guns at the refuge as he did every time he went to a meeting) in the snow upon exiting the truck even though I could see something dark go flying in the very (intentional by FBI) blurry, slow motion, zoomed-in gifs Peter provided as well as in another video someone posted with close-up, slow motion action. Then the dark thing in the snow is missing later on after LaVoy is killed so I don't know.
edit on 24-2-2016 by tweetie because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2016 by tweetie because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2016 by tweetie because: added words

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
the sheriff they were going to meet with in his county was a constitutional sheriff.

A "constitutional sheriff"?

he Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA, for short) is a US Peace Officer group that believes that sheriffs are "the highest executive authority in a county and therefore constitutionally empowered to be able to keep federal agents out of the county".[1] It promotes this viewpoint as a method of saving the country from tuh overbearin fedrul gubmint. Their membership consists of a staggering fourteen sheriffs, one county commissioner, and one chief of police, drawn from thirteen states (mostly southern and western). The organization draws much of its philosophy from the similar sovereign citizen and Posse Comitatus movements.

posted on Feb, 24 2016 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

From the 'entry' you posted:

saving the country from tuh overbearin fedrul gubmint

Your source is obviously strongly biased, therefore lacking in credibility. I've read that entry before. It's a hatchet job for sure, and doesn't really represent what the constitutional sheriff's movement is actually about. I can't speak for the other posters, but I personally wish you would bring information to the discussion that is more relevant and accurate.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
Your source is obviously strongly biased, therefore lacking in credibility.

Just why is it lacking credibility? What is wrong with what I posted?

and doesn't really represent what the constitutional sheriff's movement is actually about.

So what is this "movement" actually about then?

but I personally wish you would bring information to the discussion that is more relevant and accurate.

So again, what is inaccurate about what I posted?

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: tweetie
Part 7 is posted. This is quite the education. Part 1 - 6 must be seen first, in that order, plus the "Interlude" post before part 7, so one can understand the context of the analysis.

Peter's Analysis of FBI video, part 7

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Interlu de

Peter goes over some technical items in Pr elude Part 8

In the next installment, Peter analyzes the camera the FBI used and why the whole darn video should be sharp and in focus.
Part 8a

He writes a very pertinent comment underneath Part 8a.

The next part should be posted very soon for those following this exceptional analysis.

Part 8b just went live! I haven't started reading yet.

8b< br />

Part 9. Peter is taking questions now if anyone has any.


There's nothing conclusive in Peter's work that shows LaVoy tossed his pistol (many claim he left all of his guns at the refuge as he did every time he went to a meeting) in the snow upon exiting the truck even though I could see something dark go flying in the very (intentional by FBI) blurry, slow motion, zoomed-in gifs Peter provided as well as in another video someone posted with close-up, slow motion action. Then the dark thing in the snow is missing later on after LaVoy is killed so I don't know.

Peter begins answering questions.

Request 1

Request 1 cont.

Request 2

Sigh. People wonder why so many of us can't trust what government entities tell the public. I know I would like to but time and time again they disappoint. Deeply. Thoroughly. Endlessly. If they were so lawfully right and justified in killing LaVoy the video wouldn't have been doctored, blurred and edited.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 12:46 AM
I watched the video several times. It looks to me like Finicum was shot from behind in the left side. When he instinctively reached for the wound, he was then killed. To me the LEO's presented a pack of dogs mentality and simply killed the guy.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Nickn3

I know what you mean.

I stated this somewhere and will do so again because it comes to mind that Shawna Cox stated before she left Oregon she was told LaVoy was shot three times in the back. She didn't say who told her.

My ongoing assessment still stands, based upon everything I've looked at, read and listened to, that it was an unnecessary killing. Since the complaints about the occupiers landed in President Obama's lap to put an end to the "spreading virus," I have to wonder if a lot of people wanted him dead.
edit on 27-2-2016 by tweetie because: added a word

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: tweetie
It is my opinion that the ones who wanted him dead or out of the county are the ones who stood to lose the most from the investigations the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom were doing. This problem goes beyond just the BLM, extending to local officials who cooperate with feds to unlawfully separate property owners from their property.
The only danger in this situation was a danger to the politicians who have ignored the Constitution and gotten by with it for many years. There's nothing like an educated populace beginning to dig into documents in search of evidence of corruption to scare the bejeebers out of a bunch of elected or appointed officials.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 09:49 PM
Peter's been having a heck of time (my words) publishing his latest installment but he says the next one should be up soon. I missed posting links to the last few updates here but he's been able to blow up the part of the video with an improved program he purchased where LaVoy was shot and that's what's next on the list to post. I hope I described that correctly.

P.S. Imagine that! The new installment is posted. The link won't post correctly so I removed it. I've repeatedly tried to post the link but something is amiss.

edit on 6-3-2016 by tweetie because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2016 by tweetie because: trying to get link to post but no luck right now.

posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 12:59 PM
"The Oregonian" has posted an article giving results of the police investigation into the shooting of LaVoy Finicum. "The Oregonian" pays attention to independent media and includes their thoughts in their articles.

Full coverage


This man's retweets, a Senior Investigative Journalist for "The Oregonian," showed up on my Twitter feed because I follow "The Oregonian."


Also, FBI Agents Under Investigation for Possible Misconduct...


(P.S. Then why is the FBI video edited?)

edit on 8-3-2016 by tweetie because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2016 by tweetie because: adding info

posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: tweetie
"The Oregonian" has posted an article giving results of the police investigation into the shooting of LaVoy Finicum. "The Oregonian" pays attention to independent media and includes their thoughts in their articles.

Full coverage


This man's retweets, a Senior Investigative Journalist for "The Oregonian," showed up on my Twitter feed because I follow "The Oregonian."


Also, FBI Agents Under Investigation for Possible Misconduct...


(P.S. Then why is the FBI video edited?)

Here's the video and audio from Shawna Cox's phone. WARNING! Graphic and disturbing!!

The Oregonian

I think the FBI video was edited, as shown by Peter, so people couldn't see how LaVoy was shot at when he jumped out of the truck.
edit on 8-3-2016 by tweetie because: added words

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