posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 08:13 AM
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Great post,
I was just thinking along these lines the other day. The ego is constantly needing more and more as it seeks attention.
I think we each need to make our own judgement as to how materialism affects us. I see many who people with plenty who are happy, likewise many who
are content with little in life. If you hold possessions dear you soon lose them, or one is forever trying to find peace through acquisitions.
When you say mainstream culture I guess materialism is made out to be a panacea to the longing of spirit within; those who fail to critically look at
why they buy "stuff" will forever be chasing an elusive ideal. On the other hand I dont see materialism as the death of humanity. I am loathe to cast
my judgement on others through the lens of possessions. You only have to wait all of 2 minutes to see what comes out of their mouth as a better
indicator of their raison d'etre.
Sure I get that we are part of a whole and as such we should be good stewards towards the planet. Until we get rid of psychologists and re elevate
"ministers of the soul", or teach people ethics and morals formally in our society, we will wallow in moral ambiguity.
understanding that everything is one giant cosmic being living in everything everywhere.
Some see it like this... and there is merit in admitting that all our actions affect others somewhere along the way; I stop short of saying we are or
should be part of some "borg" like collective. These are memes that have done the rounds being put into circulation by think tanks who likewise push
the man is a virus on this planet, or eating meat is bad for the planet or we are solely responsible for climate change. I usually find that if you
trace back where these ideas were generated you would find that its the super wealthy 1%'ers who want you to go without, whilst they have it all.
We are not doomed, that's negative thinking. The Universe is bountiful, there's plenty for everyone; if you think "poverty". that's all you will see.
There's energy and life everywhere. We can make a better change to our future if we all slowed down and questioned our rationale. The solutions are in
front of us. We will not find them if we walk in fear.