First, let's look at Bernie Sanders the man.
The guy didn't have a steady paycheck until he was voted into public office at age 40. In 22 years of adult life, he couldn't hold down a steady job.
He had problems keeping his utilities turned on and depended on others to eat. Citation
It's no wonder he's so obsessed with providing free things to everyone - he lived a life where free stuff would have given him a better life. Earning
his way wasn't something he could be proud of, because he wasn't good enough at anything to make his way doing it. It's likely that he was on public
assistance before being elected to public office and I submit that being a public servant is another form of public assistance, albeit - with a
requirement that you actually do stuff.
As far as how his policies would be bad? That's easy. I think Benjamin Franklin said it best: “When the people find that they can vote themselves
money that will herald the end of the republic.”
Of course, a true liberal won't accept the logic of the founding fathers - or "terrorists" as the new school books call them.
Let's look at a few of Bernies statements, shall we?
Recently, he
stated "I will raise taxes on
everybody". The problem with that is when the taxed decide that it's too much work to support government programs that they give up and join the
welfare class, the whole house of cards falls down.
My current tax bracket is 25%. According to his own released information, my new tax bracket under the Sanders plan would be 30.2 and adds 2 more tax
brackets. You may think that's OK, but there are higher tax bracket expenses you may not be aware of. That's nearly 1/3rd of my income that goes
toward federal programs that I'm excluded from because of my income.
Here's the link. Read it
"You don't need welfare" you might say and I'll agree with you. Do my children deserve the benefit of Pre-K education like everyone else? The
Department of Education has restrictions on who can attend the Pre-K Head Start program, and the barrier to entry is that your income must be low
enough to qualify for free lunches or be on some other public assistance. So, on top of paying 25% income tax - I also had to pay thousands for a
private school Pre-K program for my son, so he would have the same benefit of education as my tax dollars provide to the kids who qualify for the DOE
Moving along...
He recently made comments about the number of deodorant choices that people in America have when children are going hungry... I'm not sure what he
smoked that day - but I'm pretty sure that those two points have zero correlation. And he says stupid # like that all the time! People already pay
taxes which are given to welfare recipients to feed themselves. If children are still hungry, it's because their parents aren't feeding them with
their welfare checks.
"Show me SOMETHING that proves emulating countries with higher standards of living is a bad thing for America" ... This is going to be fun.
OK, let's first look at the faults in your statement - I'd like to know which "higher standards" countries you're talking about, because that would
make it easier to customize the punchline for this joke you've told.
Sanders wants higher corporate tax rates, and you probably believe that other "higher standard" countries do this, but they don't. The United States
Has the Third Highest Corporate Tax Rate among 173 Nations. The UAE and Chad have higher rates, and I'd venture to say that they're not holding to
higher standards than the USA.
Sanders wants a $15/hr minimum wage. Several US cities have adopted a $15 minimum wage and it's been devastating to the workforce. There are many
reports of companies cutting shifts in order to accommodate the higher wages. Other reports show that some employees are cutting their availability
in order to keep their income low enough to qualify for the public assistance they've become dependent on. Yet other companies are replacing workers
with machines, because it's less expensive. So a higher minimum wage has resulted in more unemployment.
Sanders wants to expand labor unions. The reasons to limit the reach of labor unions have been known for better than a century. It's happened over
and over again. here's a
Sanders wants to make it illegal for US corporations to manufacture goods abroad, and sell those goods in the US. This is a recipe for disaster.
When combined with a $15 minimum wage - nobody in the country beyond the ultra-rich will be able to afford anything at all. Expect that everything
will increase in price 1000% at minimum.
Sanders wants to impose new taxes on financial transactions. So, you already pay income tax to the fed and state and you already pay sales tax to the
state. Now he wants to add an additional tax in there somewhere. Nickel and dime. After everyone gets their slice - how much of your dollar do you
have left?
I could go on and on and on...