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Is the newest dinossaur species found an evidence of a cryptid?

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posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 01:19 PM
A new species of dinossaur found on Gales may be the light to gather some evidence on a very unknown cryptid Know as "Wales Dragon."

People who lived in the region told about a race of bipedal-green-like feathered lizards (yeah, they described these creatures as heaving feathers on wings and head, like dinossaurs are despicted today) with the ability to fly who were extremely dangerous and elusive, these creatures were medium-sized. According to local history, it's species was hunted down to extinction to protect the cattle (which became easy prey to the creatures) over 300 years ago, in a manner very simmilar to the Thylacine.

Here's the history shortned:

In the early 19th century folklorist Mary Trevelyan interviewed many elderly people living in the Glamorgan area of Wales. They recounted memories from their youth (early 19th century) of a race of winged serpents said to inhabit the forest around Penllyne Castle. They had crested heads and feathery wings. The serpents were brightly coloured and sparkled as if covered with jewels. They rested coiled on the ground but if threatened would attack by swooping down at their aggressors.

Now, a group of scientists announced a new Dinossaur species labbed "Wales Dragon."

The small, meat-eating dinosaur, the first from the Jurassic to be found in Wales, was discovered in 2014 by local amateurs, who spotted its bones amid the debris of a recent rock fall. Now fully analysed, scientists have confirmed the remains belong to a new dinosaur species and, drawing on the national symbol of Wales, have named the dog-sized predator Dracoraptor hanigani, the first part of the name meaning “dragon robber” and the second part honouring the brothers who found it.

“It’s the best dinosaur fossil Wales has ever had,” said Steven Vidovic, a palaeontologist at Portsmouth University, who worked on the remains. The skeleton is now on display at the National Museum Wales in Cardiff.

Vidovic said the animal must have died on a nearby island and washed into the sea where it quickly sank to the bottom. There, prehistoric sea urchins called echinoids swarmed over the carcass, removing skin and sinews. Over tens of millions of years, the bones became buried in sediments, which today form the cliff face at Lavernock Point.

“What we have is an inquisitive, nippy little animal the size of a German shepherd dog,” said Vidovic. Unlike the scraps of bone recovered from many Jurassic dinosaurs, scientists have about 40% of Dracoraptor, making it one of the most complete from the period worldwide. Details are published in the journal Plos One.

Here's what the scientists say the animal looked like, this indeed match the descriptions of the so called "Wales Dragon"in a certain manner at least.

If this isn't a coincidence, well, it's pretty damn interesting.

Info on the cryptid

Article source
edit on 31-1-2016 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2016 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 02:19 PM
So where exactly do winged serpents fit into this?

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Frocharocha
People who lived in the region told about a race of bipedal-green-like feathered lizards... According to local history, it's species was hunted down to extinction to protect the cattle (which became easy prey to the creatures) over 300 years ago

So these creatures were hunted down 300 years ago?

And Dracoraptor hanigani lived in the Jurassic period, which is 199.6 to 145.5 million years ago....

I'm failing to see this connection

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: Ghost147

originally posted by: Frocharocha
People who lived in the region told about a race of bipedal-green-like feathered lizards... According to local history, it's species was hunted down to extinction to protect the cattle (which became easy prey to the creatures) over 300 years ago

So these creatures were hunted down 300 years ago?

And Dracoraptor hanigani lived in the Jurassic period, which is 199.6 to 145.5 million years ago....

I'm failing to see this connection

Coelacanth is a counter for this. Once tough to be extinct, but pretty much alive.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Thats not a counter.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Here's what the scientists say the animal looked like, this indeed match the descriptions of the so called "Wales Dragon"in a certain manner at least.
So did others, in a certain manner at least. This is one more.
Why is this one any more interesting, in terms of cryptozoology?

edit on 1/31/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Do you perhaps have a link for your first quote?

I'm interested because I've never read anything about winged serpents in Wales before.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 04:55 PM
Interesting... missing the wings, but interesting and thanks.

I have a little tid-bit from my 1/4 Welsh ancestors that, in it's entirety, goes "there was a long ago family member who killed a little dragon in Wales."

That's it... said once at a family gathering by a great Aunt who had too much cooking Sherry, so who the heck knows.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 05:48 PM
Please never ever suggest dragons or dinosaurs walked with man, evolutionists get feral

And we all know that evolutionist know absolutely everything and the idea that some species lived alongside with humanity ( think the hundreds of lake monsters sighted over the centuries) is just impossible because they say so.

For everyone else, just something we will only have to wonder if it was real or not

Dragons have been part of humanity's law for millennia, I have read many amazing encounters from around the globe

We are being lied to, the question is why.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Please never ever suggest dragons or dinosaurs walked with man, evolutionists get feral

And we all know that evolutionist know absolutely everything and the idea that some species lived alongside with humanity ( think the hundreds of lake monsters sighted over the centuries) is just impossible because they say so.

For everyone else, just something we will only have to wonder if it was real or not

Dragons have been part of humanity's law for millennia, I have read many amazing encounters from around the globe

We are being lied to, the question is why.

The amount of hatred you harbor spanning ten's, if not hundred's of topics, about Evolution and those who accept it as evident is deeply disturbing.

I assume you have some evidence or at least a theory that actually supports the claims in the OP's information. Or are you just here, in yet another topic, to do nothing but slander Evolution without providing any content to the thread itself?

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Even without the wings he's a pretty cool find. Not sure I'd like one sneaking up behind me but maybe it would be good if they were still around somewhere.

As far as the creationists go, they knew all about paleontology. It even says in the bible that they found fossils. How else would they know that there were "giants in the earth in those days"?
Nice find.
edit on 31-1-2016 by Tulpa because: Spilling

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

This is pretty cool. I had never heard of the Wales Dragon. I'm definitely going to look into this further. I love reading about cryptids. Great thread S & F!

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: Ghost147

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Please never ever suggest dragons or dinosaurs walked with man, evolutionists get feral

And we all know that evolutionist know absolutely everything and the idea that some species lived alongside with humanity ( think the hundreds of lake monsters sighted over the centuries) is just impossible because they say so.

For everyone else, just something we will only have to wonder if it was real or not

Dragons have been part of humanity's law for millennia, I have read many amazing encounters from around the globe

We are being lied to, the question is why.

The amount of hatred you harbor spanning ten's, if not hundred's of topics, about Evolution and those who accept it as evident is deeply disturbing.

I assume you have some evidence or at least a theory that actually supports the claims in the OP's information. Or are you just here, in yet another topic, to do nothing but slander Evolution without providing any content to the thread itself?

Stop stalking Me

I have no evidence that would change your opinion
I rate your science as you rate mine

To others, read the OPs OP


posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: Frocharocha

I was reading that yesterday

Ancient 'dragon' found in Wales, named Dracoraptor hanigani

The apparently youthful dinosaur was running around Wales about 200 million years ago
edit on 1-2-2016 by Space86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Stop stalking Me

I was here first....

originally posted by: Raggedyman
I have no evidence that would change your opinion

Actually you have no evidence, period.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
I rate your science as you rate mine

There is only one scientific method, and you don't use it.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
To others, read the OPs OP

So I take it you have no information or content to provide to this thread at all? Just here for slander again?

Got it.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 05:32 PM
Ghost we believe two different things
I think dinosaurs and man once walked together

Recorded footprints of both man dinosaur footprints together

Many dinosaur sightings in recorded history

You can find this information on the net

You won't and can't because your strict beliefs deny any chance that it could have happened

Now ghost, I believe something different from you, it's ok, we are allowed to believe different things
If you want to be an adult, here is where maturity sets us apart

I accept you accept the evidence for evolution, as weak as I believe it is I accept your belief in it

Please enjoy your chosen decision to believe in science

Let me enjoy mine

You have no power over me, you have no influence or sway, you are a hit and giggle target
You can talk me down, call me a liar, deny my intelligence, call me names, even tell me because you were here first you are special ( does it really make you special or does it just make you feel special)

I am not providing information, you won't believe it

If you want information please go and research it or not

Someone in this post suggested these dragons were around 300 years ago, I think it's possible

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Ghost we believe two different things


originally posted by: Raggedyman
I think dinosaurs and man once walked together

Recorded footprints of both man dinosaur footprints together

Many dinosaur sightings in recorded history

Yes, and all these claims have been proven false over and over again

originally posted by: Raggedyman
You can find this information on the net

Which is why it must be false. Scientific research papers are posted on the net. If this were actually true, then someone can go collect their Nobel prize for such an incredible discovery.

No one is trying to keep 'the truth' out of the public's eyes. If a discovery like what you claim was actually legitimate, it would only serve to further our understanding of biological history on Earth. So why cover it up?

It makes no sense.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
You won't and can't because your strict beliefs deny any chance that it could have happened

I don't have any strict beliefs. That's what religion is for. If there is evidence that is factual and can be confirmed, I will immediately accept it.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Now ghost, I believe something different from you, it's ok, we are allowed to believe different things
If you want to be an adult, here is where maturity sets us apart

Maturity? Every time I post in a thread you post after me with some ridiculous parroted response, in which I directly address it's ridiculousness and then you accuse me of stalking you. Do you not see the irony here?

originally posted by: Raggedyman
I accept you accept the evidence for evolution

Oh good

originally posted by: Raggedyman
, as weak as I believe it is I accept your belief in it

Ah, I see, so you don't actually accept the evidence for evolution. You just voided the first words in the same sentence.

Do you accept evolution? yes or no. It has nothing to do with my personal views of it.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Please enjoy your chosen decision to believe in science
Let me enjoy mine

I would let you enjoy it, if you didn't go around slandering everything about it for no apparent reason and spreading a massive amount of misinformation.

However, when you comment with a totally false position, I am going to respond to you and show you how your information is false.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
You have no power over me, you have no influence or sway, you are a hit and giggle target

I'm not trying to have power over you. I will, however, show the rest of the readers how your information is false.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
You can talk me down, call me a liar, deny my intelligence, call me names,

It's funny, you've listed all the traits in which you directly state to me in virtually every thread we're in. Can you show me where I've done any of these things using quotes, please?

originally posted by: Raggedyman
even tell me because you were here first you are special

When did I say that posting first made me special? You accused me of stalking you in a topic where I posted first. Do you not realize how ridiculous of an accusation that is, and how showing that I posted first isn't some kind of unfounded pompous remark, but actual evidence that shows your accusation is totally baseless?

originally posted by: Raggedyman
I am not providing information, you won't believe it

Correction, I will believe it, if it's factual. I won't believe it if we can easily show that information is false.

Despite what you keep claiming, I don't have some kind of 'out' for you. You just consistently post nonsensical information that has already been disproved time and time again.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
If you want information please go and research it or not

I have researched it. That's why I keep telling you that your claims are false. It's not because they don't abide by 'my beliefs', it's because they are actually false.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Someone in this post suggested these dragons were around 300 years ago, I think it's possible

Great! Now all you need to do is prove why you believe that's possible and we can have an actual discussion here, unlike every other thread you and I are in where you just slander, slander some more, then run away without providing any content to the thread or argument at all.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 11:39 PM
Dont have a hissy fit
I disagree with you

Go have yourself a cookie

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Dont have a hissy fit
I disagree with you

Go have yourself a cookie

You mistake my correction of your misjudgement with anger.

Instead of yet again dropping the subject (that you started), why not actually present a rebuttal that isn't just full of personal attacks?

Each thread you and I meet in I always ask for you to actually present an argument, but this is inevitably what you culminate to.

It's a shame you don't actually wish to have a discussion as I do.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 11:56 PM
Locals discription sound more like a cassowari to me
edit on 2/1/2016 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

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