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What bought you to the dance/whats your story?

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posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 02:01 PM
I see a few members say that what made them want to join is because the site is moderated. I liked that, too. People are civil here and if they aren't things get taken care of. Also, the staff joins in with the discussions and take the time to talk to members. I like that.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 02:03 PM
I read Behold, A Pale Horse when I was 13 based on overhearing an older cousin talk about it. I was already way into the occult and aliens because of my Christian upbringing. Naturally, I rebelled and only wanted to know about the evil stuff like demons. At some point I read 1984 and then I was hooked on government and religious conspiracy books and websites (once the internet came about) but as I got older it just became a search for any truth at all.

A friend of mine who "isn't really into that stuff anymore" told me about this site in 2011. I believe I joined a year later and that's that.

edit on 30-1-2016 by saintdopeium because: I'm dumb

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: neformore

I actually discovered Above top secret when it was just a web page in the mid 90's researching majestic 12 documents. ATS had the biggest resource of supposed documents I could find at that time. There was an F-117 nighthawk and a UFO in the header. A few different areas for UFO, government secrets, and paranormal documents and that was it.

15 years old, up way past my bed time, on my dad's old dial up modem, freaking out from what I was reading... Thinking any moment some man in black would come take me a way.

I've read hear and there from the owner's and mod's how it all started. But not entirely sure how the ATS of the 90's evolved into what we see today. I probably lurked in the shadows for 5 years before creating an actual account.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:01 PM
Strangely enough I came on here for mostly paranormal stuff... Especially out of place artifacts and ancient civilizations. I think it was mainly looking up out-of-place-objects that let me here, now all I seem to comment on is social issues and politics... I need to get my sense of wonder back from my politican outrage.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:03 PM
aliens, brought me here

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:32 PM
I flew Lear Jet to get here. I was destined to find this place. Been interested in the paranormal since I was young. I would turn down parties on Friday nights to watch X files
I have seen a triangular shaped object in the sky coming back from thanksgiving one year. Reported it to Mufon. Not a big poster but a damn fine lurker!
edit on America/ChicagoSat, 30 Jan 2016 16:32:59 -0600Sat, 30 Jan 2016 16:32:59 -06002016-01-30T16:32:59-06:00k by errck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: errck
I flew Lear Jet to get here. I was destined to find this place. Been interested in the paranormal since I was young. I would turn down parties on Friday nights to watch X files
I have seen a triangular shaped object in the sky coming back from thanksgiving one year. Reported it to Mufon. Not a big poster but a damn fine lurker!

I take it you have been here then?

Black trianges by bad dodgma?

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: neformore

My place here is invaluable to me. What's my story?

Please, I just got to talk to you
Please, a getcha your head out of the loo
Please, and we're a long, long way from home
Please, you'd turn a young man's face to stone


Sick as a dog, what's your story
Sick as a dog, a cat got your tongue
Sick as a dog, you'll be sorry
Sick as a dog, you're really ain't that young

Please, you were much to my surprise
Please, you're the lady in disguise
Please, you're the only a friend I got
Please, you'll be the last to see me rot

Sick as a dog, what's your story
Sick as a dog, uum cat got your tongue
Sick as a dog, you'll be sorry
Sick as a dog, 'cause ya really ain't that young

Please, it's a shame you're so refined
Please, you was the last thing on my mind
Please, don't be late to take it light
Please, you're gonna bay into the night

Sick as a dog, what's your story
Sick as a dog, uum cat got your tongue
Sick as a dog, you'll be sorry
Sick as a dog, 'cause you really ain't so young

Take it light
Take it light
Take it light
Take it light
Say goodnight
Take it light

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: neformore

I came here after seeing a UFO on my way home from work...I've learned a lot since then, that is for sure!

I still have no explanation for what I saw that night. Prior to that, I had no interest in the subject and knew very little about it except for like Roswell and Area 51, lol!

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:55 PM
I was brought to this site because of a search for ufo information. I found a hell of a lot too. People like IsaacKoi kept me here, there are few places where you can have an honest debate about dishonest subjects and still find out things that are new to you.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:57 PM
I forget what I was looking up when I first found this place, but it had to be something paranormal or UFO's or some kind of unexplained mystery. I was amazed at how huge the place was and how cool that we had so many people from all around the world and sooooo many fascinating topics to explore and ponder. I couldn't wait to join and start posting. I haven't shut up since. LOL

Oh and the many amazing and wonderful people, some of who have become real friends to me.

I have belonged to a number of forums over the years, but ATS has become my home and I'm quite content and happy to be here.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 05:00 PM
I am a voracious reader, if it's got words on it, I'm probably going to read it.

I got my first computer in January of 2004, and was playing around on the interwebs looking for information on the JFK assassination, and the connections with the later Watergate drama, 911 intelligence breakdowns. Needless to say, ATS has its fair share of those...

This site popped up a couple times, so I entered in. my first thought was this is pretty cool. So I lurked for a while, then the computer decided it had had enough of this mortal coil, and passed on.

It was several months 'til I had the financial where withal to get a new one.

I found ATS again, only this time I was looking into UFO's and Bigfoot... ATS, again, comes up. Lot's of interesting things. Lurked for a while, just reading... Then I just had to reply to someone, and loe and behold, I'm still here. Which is remarkable really, since I have the attention span of a four year old.

So, like most others, it was UfO's, conspiracies...911, Kennedy, UFO's, that brought me here.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 05:05 PM
i came here to prove Christianity, well. it didn't work out.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 05:16 PM
I came across a link to a thread on ATS
That thread being Window of Opportunity by Hidden Hand

I wanted to engage him but he had left ... I decided to hang around because of the calibre of many of the members
I like it here because it makes you think and find better ways to put across alternative views on many topics that are discussed

My leaning is toward the spiritual in a down to Earth (well almost) sort of way

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 05:46 PM
I was always deeply interested in nature and magic and mysteries and that sort of thing. I've had a few unexplainable experiences in my life, including a family friend who is a Freemason claiming to be in contact with aliens, and to show me no less(I will write a thread maybe if anyone is interested?).

But what got me hooked, was when I was a junior in high school. I was surfing the internet and came upon an article about gobekli tepe. And that's when I jumped down the rabbit hole armed with my tin foil arsenal.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 05:50 PM

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: lovebeck
I came here after seeing a UFO on my way home from work...I've learned a lot since then, that is for sure!

What did you see? Tell us more

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: neformore

The Isaac CARET - Drone thread brought me to ATS: Isaac CARET thread

Turned out be a hoax but made for great reading. I got a taste of the ATS community and wanted more.

edit on 30-1-2016 by fworkman because: spelling

edit on 30-1-2016 by fworkman because: spelling

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: neformore

Well, I first came to ATS in 1999 before it was a message board. I think there was a BBS back then, but I didn't poke around on it. The site was relatively new. So how did I stumble on it? I was giving a presentation in eighth grade on MK Ultra. It was our big, end of the year project and we had free reign on the topic. I was an odd kid. It was complete with five minute presentation, tri-fold poster, and a ten page paper. About as thorough and in depth as you can get for a kid. ATS was one of my main sources.

Following that, I can't say I happened upon the site too much throughout high school. However, in 2004, during my freshman year of college one of my professors started going on about chemtrails, a phenomenon which I found utterly absurd and just plain goofy. In doing some searching on the topic, I came across the site once again. I quickly joined, if only to be a jerk to people who believed in the idea. Check out my first posts... Pretty bad, eh? But heck, that was over a decade ago now (My twelve year anniversary with the site is tomorrow! Holy crap!) Once I gave up on that I quickly transitioned over to pretty much being in the space and aviation forums.

So, yeah, rather boring, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 10:54 PM
Great thread! It's interesting to see what leads others here.

For my part, I've always thought reality was stranger than most people let on. As much as I would like to be a wholly rational science-type, I tend to be more intuitive than anything else. The party line, the mainstream explanation, and the standard story don't ring true to me. Stories of the weird, the experience of the marginalized, those always felt more real and honest.

This has only been reinforced in recent years after living in a "haunted" house. I laughed it off initially, of course, but I don't anymore. Whether I encountered demons or simply fell victim to the psychological effects of some kind of mold or bad wiring, I don't know. I couldn't say. But I know it was a strange experience.

I consider myself a Christian with Orthodox leanings. My favorite component of orthodoxy is the element of mystery. The thought that some things are simply beyond comprehension and inhabit a strange space we can never fully know. Full disclaimer: I'm not a great Christian, I'm, so far, terrible at it. Controlling passions, yeah, novice at that on a good day...

That said, I enjoy science topics, especially the history of science-- like books in the vein of The Disappearing Spoon. I appreciate genuine efforts to understand reality, but know there will always be fuzzy edges and blind spots.

Favorite books: Confessions of a Crap Artist -- PKD and Good Omens by Terry Pratchett. Favorite comic: The Sandman

I add that only to clarify a) that I'm again not the best at orthodoxy b) the source of my username

Cheers to all! Search on!

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