posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 03:22 PM
Im going to start the story off, please add on at least a paragraph at a time
A long long time ago, there was a an 67 year old man named Herbert Morse. Morse served as a Lieutenant in the first World War and was awarded two
Purple hearts for wounds in battle. He was a tough man, took a lot to scare him.
One day, he was sitting out on his padio drinking fine whisky; when suddenly, a man in a black suit approaches his padio. "I'm with the U.S.
Government Sir. I need to speak with you in private", the Government official said. They both entered the old mans house. The Official seemed kind of
curious and fidigity with the old mans belongings, as if he were looking for something.
[edit on 1-8-2005 by theshadowknows]