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Serious question re: who do spherical UFOs belong to?

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posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 03:04 PM
Hi -

I am a long-time lurker, first-time poster. First, let me introduce myself -- I am a degreed mathematician who semi-retired last June. I say "semi-retired," as it had been a dream for sometime to retire before my 35th b-day. And while I was not realistically able to completely retire, I was able to quasi-retire, i.e., take a nice (and well-deserved) extended leave from what had been my career of 7+ years. I am now taking my sweet time, in the process being *very* selective of how and when I re-enter the workforce.
I am happily married, live a very stable life, and treasure the simple things. I approach things from an inherently analytical standpoint, yet *always* listen to my intuition. Okay -- enough about me...

About my beliefs as they pertain to what is (I believe mistakingly) called the "UFO Phenomenon." From a purely philosophical standpoint, it seems awfully arrogant to presume, if even for a second, that we are alone in this universe. Science now seems to support this assumption, though substantiating evidence and even speculation runs the full spectrum to the *possible* existence of microbial lifeforms to the guranteed existence of near-countless intelligent life. Regardless of the availability of scientific data, my intuition leads towards the latter of the two. Why? Well, to begin with, I believe the sum total of mankind's knowledge is infinitesimally small compared to what we *don't* know. I find it oddly amusing (yet sad) that while post-modern culture warmly embraces religion in one form or another -- well over half our world's 6 billion people consider themselves religious and take part in regular religion-based ceremonies -- that open and serious discussion of the UFO phenomenon is as stigmitized as it is today. Considering that religion is faith-based, and that there exits more documented evidence of the exitience of UFOs and Extraterrestials than there does the combined exitence of both George Washington and Jesus Christ, it doesn't speak all too highly of our human nature that we so warmly embrace one while collectively shunning and stigmatizing the other. BTW, I say that the term "UFO phenomenon" is a misnomer, given the presence and occurence of UFO-related events and activity occur on such a regular basis world-wide that in my personal opinion, there is nothing phenomenal about it.

I myself have to date had four sightings, including one on a Cathay Pacific flight in late July 2003 which was witnessed by my wife, (at least) one flight attendant, and the flight crew of the Hong Kong-to-LAX bound 747. My wife also witnessed one of the other events, which occurred in mid-October this last year.

Okay -- now on to the reason of my first post:

For whatever reason, my wife and I (and I in particular) seem to have captured quite a few unidentifiable objects on camera. I have been an avid ametuer photographer for many years now, and own a nice little collection of both digital and 35mm SLRs. Over just the past 2 1/2 months, we seem to have collected an extraordinary amount of photographs which clearly show some object which often can be proven to NOT be a plane, balloon, or bird. In these cases, I make no claims as to what these objects are. I just know what they are NOT. In several cases, involving a sequence of shots of the same object, I have been able to prove -- mathematically -- that the object is unconventional, i.e., not a conventional, man-made object nor a bird.

It has gotten to the point that family and friends to whom I have disclosed the photos say I have a "radar" for these things. I tend to disregard any suggested personal connections as delusional, though given a long-established track record of demonstrative levels of higher-than-average intelligence, I honestly cannot rule out that maybe, on some intuitive level, I might have a "feel" for when these things are around.

Now, let me pause for a second to clarify a couple things: First, I know some of you are already saying, "show me!" For some, this is said with a desire to see some of the photographic evidence I have spoken of, maybe to further affirm your beliefs as they already exist. For others, this is said with a sardonic and/or sarcastic tone. To all, let me proactively respond by saying this: It is not my place nor my desire to influence your belief system. You all choose to believe what you will, as you have long before I ever registered and typed this post. I have nothing to proove to any of you. Furthermore, I consider myself a man who treasures the simple things in life. I am rather protective of this, and in ackowlegdement of the possible #storm this posted pursuit may incur, I may simply choose to fade back to oblivion after this post. After all, lurking is a two-way mirror. By making this post, I have chosen, if just temporarily, to myself stand in front of it. However, I ask you please respect my decision to once again step away from it should I so choose.

Secondly, though a simple man, as previously mentioned, I am also a smart man. And in acceptance of the possiblility that even the darkest conspiracy scenarios may be true, understand this: I am no threat to anyone's agenda, period. I simply wish to possibly address some of the questions which have crept into my head over the past couple months. My knowledge is my knowledge, period. I wish to further my own knowledge simply so that I may make *informed* decisions as they pertain to my life, period. But this comes with a caveat -- This *is* my knowledge. And in protection of my knowledge, all the substantiating data relevant to this post exists in more than place. I taught risk mitigation in the course of my previous career, and trust me -- I mitigate the f&@k out of my risks, period. That having been said, I am protective of myself, and those I love. And I pride myself in both my protective nature and my ability to provide it, period.

Okay, now for my question: Who occupies/operates the spherical (or ellipsoidal) craft that seem to range from 10'-20' in diameter? Who operates the small (*maybe* 3' in diameter, sometimes smaller) spherical craft? Are these connected to small (1'-3') silvery disc-shape objects somehow? When I say "who," I don't simply mean "us" or "them." I already have a strong, intuitive "feel" that it is "them." My question is which them?

Please, I ask that only true, insgithful (i.e., value-added) comments be made from a base of pre-existing knowledge. In other words, no speculation -- no need to re-hash what I have already devoted much though to.

Thank you all -- though I may disagree with much I read, I truly enjoy this site, and think it plays an important role in the dissemination of information in the 21st century. Thank you to all of you who keep this board going and filled with the subject matter you do!

[edit on 8-1-2005 by sdrumrunner]

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 06:55 PM
Hi! Welcome to the non-lurking world. I'd like to make several comments of various nature.

-First, it's very interesting that you are a mathematician. My father has a doctorate in mathematics and at least once a week, I consider dropping out from my business program and switching into pure math! I'm especially interested in chaos theory, complexity theory, cellular automata (Conway's Life in particular), and emergent phenomena inherent to these. I'm particularly interested in the related work by a certain Stephen Wolfram, if you've heard of him? I have to admit, I have a Julia set fractal tattooed on my back

-Secondly, I'm afriad you do not need to be particularly intelligent to have a "feel" for paranormal phenomena - it is simply intuitive and psychic ability that is more related to the quality of your self-awareness and adaptivity to universal forces than intelligence (although creativty does play a role)
-It would be very interesting to see these pictures! They will not harm your credibility or rob you of privacy. It would be fascinating to look at them, so please! Do post them! Just to give us a pictoral overview of the things you are experiencing.
-The balls of light (I am assuming they are luminescent) you are experiencing are probably not extraterrestrial craft! They are simply non-physical phenomena existing on a different frequency of the EM spectrum, so you don't see them with a naked eye. Of course, most people don't see them on cameras either, so you're quite lucky to have this attractive ability
-These phenomena could be intelligent (non-physical critters, dead people, interested visitors, researchers, etc) or not. Try to communicate with them somehow and see what happens.
-Good luck, sounds like you've encountered an interesting ability of yours! Try some interactive experiments with these spheres. Hoping you will post pictures!

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 08:20 PM
It's a question that cannot be given factual answer or at least the answer I believe you seek (or hope that someone here could give you an "answer" - i.e. something that will remove your curiosity or put your mind at rest.)

One thing you've got remember with regards to anything "unexplained", is that we're talking about personal experiences and interpretations of them. It's almost a belief system, after all the "experts" in the world, in this field, only have what they've seen/experienced, read, studied or shared/compared with other people.

The problem lies here as there are no real answers - no one here or anywhere outside of a collective (meaning individual military units, governments or groups within national security infrastructures all around the world) really knows who/what/how/why are behind the phenomena and that�s what makes it all the more fascinating. I'm sure you'll have already read on here all the different opinions people can offer on what they believe is the true nature or events that happen to people which they cannot explain.

I've lost my trail of thought, apologies - tangents & not being able to write what I'm thinking clearly is a speciality.....

Anyway, one thing I would suggest is that no matter what other people try to tell you what they think it is - don't let their opinion sway your gut feel. That's a good-as-thing to go on as any answer you'll get here.

I'm sure, infact we all know, in time we'll get our answers and we might not be disappointed.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 08:24 PM
I've just re-read my post and it makes no sense to me !
(Well it is 2:30am here and a couple of glasses of Port clouds my concentration

I think what I was trying to say is that there are no answers, only opinions. Hence why we're all here and why ATS is so damn good.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 01:23 AM
Thx both Pavel & Timb3r for the feedback and input. I truly appreciate it.

Pavel -- I appreciate your enthusiasm for math -- I, too, am pure math (i.e., not *applied* math). I placed my focus on number theory and cryptography -- had plans to apply to the NSA before meeting my wife on a business trip overseas the summer before my graduating semester. And yes, I am familiar with Wolfram, mostly though for the fact that I (at least used to) use Mathematica.

I also agree with your assertion that one does not necessarily need be very intelligent to have a strongly developed sense of intuition -- Personally, I too see them as mutually exclusive. In fact, if anything, I would hazard a guess that E.Q, not I.Q., is more of a determinant.

Now, the spheres in question are daytime sightings. White -- or off-white, at times not truly spherical (though at other times they appear to be).

I'll provide an example of what is/has been happening -- take Thanksgiving... My wife is taking pictures around the house to document our belongings for our insurance policy. I suddenly get the urge to grab the camera from her for a minute. I proceed to take ten or so photographs of a couple water towers near our house. I see nothing but the water tower. When I download them, in the first eight frames, there is a *very* clearly spherical object, which bounces around in what appears to be a bowtie pattern over the water tower for the first seven shots before shooting off towards the edge of the frame in the last frame. It doesn't appear in the last several shots.

This process has repeated itself quite a bit (at least in my opinion) -- probably a good dozen (maybe 15) times over the past 2 1/2 months. Over this time, I have read quite a bit of material on the subject, from what I consider to be good, objective studies (e.g., Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State to the less substantiated, more speculative, pulp work from the likes Timothy Good and Jim Marrs.

Lastly, I'll think about posting the pics, though I may simply throw together a website on which I can host them. For now, it's getting late even on the West Coast, and I'm calling it a night. I will look forward to revisiting this tomorrow in the hopes that maybe someone else has something to contribute.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 02:36 AM
Well, I've gotten caught up watching SNL, and since I'm still awake have decided to go ahead and post one of the pics. This was taken a week ago, the first of six in a sequence shot at a rate of 1 frame/second. The object is also visible in the second photo, though it has relocated above the plane. It is absent from photos 3-6.

Before any of you decide to comment on it as such, please respect my request regarding the purpose of my original post.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 03:07 AM
sdrumrunner, I'm uncertain if I qualify to respone to your question, because you ask for no speculations... But is'nt that all we can do for right now? As far as some insight... Maybe I can give my thought on those Spherical, my take on them would consist of a drone type of energy, similar to but not exactly like what we have within the Military that we control from a remote location... (Can't recall the name of them.. UMRV or somethng) But these Sphericals are way above our Technology, considering the source there coming from... Which goes back to your other question, Who/Which of them? I have no clue. But it would appear that you have a intune ability to detect them without seeing them first, in itself very unique. I will look forwards to any photos that you wish to share in the future. I to have a love for photography, well maybe more to the point of a passion for it, But I have never had a Camera in hand on any of my sighting... If I did just two weeks ago, It would be a classic photo of such of event that I witness.... I sware one of these days I'm going to get into Car accident if I continue to see them when I'm driving.. Try to explain that a Cop or your insurance company...

Thanks for posting, I really did enjoy your thoughts on this.

[edit on 9-1-2005 by jessemole]

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 09:03 AM
The object is small compared to the plane. So I think it has a much more cown to Earth explaination than an E.V (extraterristrial vehicle). Maybe debris of some sort. The fact (or maybe not im not sure but assumeing you have seen more than one) that you have seen more than one oject surgests otherwise. I think the shape and and size surgests un-manned craft maybe probes or somthing of the sort. What logical E.B.E would build a craft of that shape. It makes no sense.

So i think it is an un-manned craft maybe or maybe not of E.T orgins.

....i wouldn't go as far as to claim one or the other.....

Hope o was of some help.

Good post...

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 09:43 AM
Jessemole & shorty -- Thank you both for the feedback.

It's amazing that as pensive as I was about originally posting in the first place, that I had to get out of bed on a Sunday off five hours rest just to check the post for new info...

Shorty -- re: the possible debris explanation, the problem I have with that is a) the object is ascending (at a rate I would estimate to be roughly 200'-300'/second -- approx. 10x greater than that of an NOAA weather balloon), and b) has lateral movement equal to or greater than that of the plane. Figure that 'lil 12-seat commuter is doing a good clip of what -- 160-180 mph?

Thanks again, and I look forward to reading more feedback... for now, I think it's back to bed...

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner

About 11 years ago I saw something very similar.. it was fairly close and saw it from the stands above a race course at night [I'm not posting up why I was in a race course because.. that'd be a long story:p]. It was about the size of a small car I guess.. a perfect smooth sphere.. and was a silver/ grey colour [not really shiny though] and it just 'hovered'.. it didn't move from it's spot for ages. It just hung there. What was odd about it was it was spinning on an angle.. and had some sort of 'belt' around it which stayed horizonal. It was as though the belt 'floated' around it.. I can remember other details but I can't quite articulate it and have no idea what it was so I'm not comfortable even discussing it. One thing I do remember was the sentsation of being 'watched'.
Anyway- wow I've just posted my first UFO experience!

oh yes.. I doubt whether I saw a whether balloon.. as metal cannot float.

[edit on 9-1-2005 by riley]

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 10:03 AM
sdrumrunner, Good shot considering the film that you were using... I suspect a 400 speed, this might explain the grainy results, or its your scanner!

I'd like to suggest during day-light, use this... VC160, Kodack film... if your with a SLR Camera, set it for a Fast exposure... Otherwise use 400,800,1200, at a lower light condition, set your dial at a Program mode, during that time... Let the Camera work for you from there.
However, I want to see more of what you have.... I can define what is real when it comes to this.. so far... Damn good!

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 10:09 AM
I think what we all forget here is that we are looking at things very three dimensionally.
Who's to say alien life forms aren't microbes, or beings that can change size and shape at will. We need to start looking at things from different angles, to see the whole picture

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 10:33 AM
Okay... this will be my last post before I go back to bed...

Again, I thank you all for the feedback, and welcome the continued provision of the same.

Riley, I find a couple parralels between your experience -- including feeling as if you were being watched at the time -- and my own. I'll U2U you after I catch up on some rest...

Jessemole -- the graininess is more due to the fact I had to re-size it to upload it. The image was shot on an Olympus C740 Ultra-Zoom digital camera, at a shutter speed of 1/650th of a second at f 5.6. In time, assuming I acclimate to this site, I might be comfortable providing full-size versions of the pic via e-mail.

Ambergambler -- rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?
You might find it interesting that in an abstract geomtry class I had my graduating semester, we actually graphed objects in four (& more) dimensions. In fact, multiple disciplines in both math and physics deal with solving multi-dimensional problems (theoretically, there is no limit to the number of dimensions one can account for in mathematical terms, though contemporary physics recognizes 11 dimensions in the known universe).

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 10:34 AM
These are very interesting incidents sdrumrunner, thank you for sharing your UFO experiences.

Originally posted by sdrumrunner
My question is which them?

Please, I ask that only true, insgithful (i.e., value-added) comments be made from a base of pre-existing knowledge. In other words, no speculation -- no need to re-hash what I have already devoted much though to.

From reading your post it can be discerned that you have already put much speculation into this. I can understand that you want nothing but answers, but your guess is probably as good as anyone�s. When you say which them, you are asking if these things are ours or extra-terrestrial, correct? I believe if you can determine whether or not people today are capable of developing the level of technology to make such a craft possible, you likely will have answered your own question.

[edit on 9-1-2005 by Seth76]

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 10:53 AM
Hi sdrumrunner

had a good sleep I hope

What are the 11 other dimensions, if it's possible to explain it in laymans terms

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Seth76
These are very interesting incidents sdrumrunner, thank you for sharing your UFO experiences.

When you say which them, you are asking if these things are ours or extra-terrestrial, correct?
[edit on 9-1-2005 by Seth76]

Hi Seth,

Thanks for the feedback and your appreciation -- re: the question of clarification as to "which them," I pretty much have come to the (intuitive) conclusion it is "them," not us. But given the reported range of extraterrestial life -- anything from 3-4 different species to what, 16-17? -- I am somewhat curious as to which ones.

I figured this site was my best shot at tossing that question out there in hope of getting an answer. And again, especially to those who have taken the time to U2U me with additional insights, I thank you.

Agggggh. Guess I'm not going back to sleep afterall... time to re-up with some caffiene and keep posting.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Ambergambler
Hi sdrumrunner

had a good sleep I hope

What are the 11 other dimensions, if it's possible to explain it in laymans terms

Unfortunately, my direct knowledge base as it relates to this is lacking -- I have simply heard it both from a physicist friend of mine and from a show on the Science channel I watched deidcated to the subject. But I'm sure the information is readily availble with a little search... After I get some coffee in me, I'll poke around and see what I can find.

And no, unformtunately, I'm going off of far too little sleep (at least for someone of my inherently lazy nature

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Ambergambler
Hi sdrumrunner

had a good sleep I hope

What are the 11 other dimensions, if it's possible to explain it in laymans terms

Ahhh yes... it's part of modern string theory as embraced by contemporary physics. And it was PBS, not the Science Channel, that I was watching. Here's the link to the NOVA 3-part series.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 11:14 AM
sdrumrunner, Well you started this. I have come to respect your Attempt here. Considering, going into this, you took a shy approch. Get some sleep, I am, I'm tried of supporting everyones sleeping habits. Later!

[edit on 9-1-2005 by jessemole]

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 11:24 AM
Hi again

I saw a film once that was discounted as fake, it was of a crop circle appearing, being created by globes, like the one you shot, but smaller. In Wiltshire as you may know the sightings of these globes is massive, and they have been filmed. It seems that they are intelligent, and trying to do something. A friend of mine, created a crop circle based on some sort of mathematical formula, with the consent of the farmer, and when I was in the circle I took some photos as well, on one photo there are two small round marks, its a close up shot of my sons face, it's not on any other shots, later that night, myself and my husband, went out, and we saw lights that formed into a triangular shape. This was over half an hour, the lights kept going on and off but always rearranged themselves back into this triangular shape. I took about 10 photos over the half hour, and other people filmed it.
Anyway I'm rambling, your question "which them" well I think from my experiences and others I know, that a new "them" are becoming more prevalent, they are inter-dimensional beings, not physical as we know, but able to take different shapes. Most often seen around water, clouds, planes and hills. Basically light beings. They use the round globes to travel in.
I'm a bit scared of making this post, but here goes.

[edit on 9-1-2005 by Ambergambler]

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