posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 05:17 PM
Ok, I´m posting this in the gray area because I myself can only retell what a friend told me a month ago.
I have not seen him a few months before that but we came together shortly before christmas.
I´m only retelling what he said to me so don´t shoot the messenger, please.
To give you a picture, first I tell you some facts and then what he said.
He comes from old yugoslavia(kosovo part).
He´s muslim but not the arabic-muslim type and they were all forced to convert at some point in history, but they really give a # about the whole
headscarf, non-swine-eating and radical stuff. He actually laughs about muezins and says it sounds like his stomach hurts.^^ Basically they were
forced to be muslim on paper.
I know him as a loving father, totally correct, honest all the time, never judging beforehand. However he told me something and I have his OK to write
it here.
First thing is, there is a US run underground facility somewhere in or near serbia. It´s not a secret base it seems. I have to ask again, he told me
the nearest big town but I could not understand it to a point, and back then I did not think to much about this part of the information. The local
truck drivers that deliver cargo to the base have to unhinge their cargo somewhere near it and US truckers then collect the cargo and deliver it into
the base. The base and it´s runways are almost completely underground. They basically fly out of the ground from a ramp, how they proceed to land was
not told to me. I assume the runway is not complet underground but partly covered. He has this information from a friend, who´s one of those
Second thing, he told me of rumors from some friends that the US is recruiting local muslim people in to infiltrate ISIS. The practice is that they
will bring you into the country to "undermine ISIS" and they are given a pill or some kind of drug and in the end, you are doing stuff that helps
ISIS, not undermines it. How this information was able to get back to his friends, I don´t know.
I have to say, I believe him directly, meaning at least he redirected this to me 1:1 like he heard it.
Do what you want with this information, there is no way to proof the second part but the first one is doable. I have to ask him again about the name
of that town or city where the base seems to be.
I wrote everything down I can recall.
The second part is barely proofable but I´m interested in this airbase. If it´s like the way it is, it´s surely unique!
My own questions:
Does it make sense to (partly) burry a runway? I´m thinking of it as a T structure, where the ends of the upper line are the entrances/exits or
better to say, the partly burried runway.
And if it is so, why? I mean, if you know it´s there you know it´s there. No reason to go underground except for extra bombing protection, because
it´s not secret.
If you post here and I did not came back to deliver the name of the town, please be so kind and send me a reminding U2U.
It´s 0014 here so I´ll ask him tomorrow.