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LaVoy Finicum (BUNDY) was NOT shot with his hands up! He charged at LEO's. (from others arrested)

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posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 05:32 PM
Shawna Cox, the second woman in the vehicle with LaVoy Finicum, was granted bail in court proceedings on Friday, and I believe she was released yesterday. She gave a telephone interview to Rick Koerber with Free Capitalist Radio.

Shawna Cox Testimony of the Death of LaVoy Finicum

They audio is very poor (it is a telephone recording), and the interviewer speaks over her occasionally, so it is often difficult to understand Ms. Cox. The following is an article at Free Capital about the interview.

Second Eyewitness: Chronicling the Tragic Ambush and Murder of LaVoy Finicum [Video]

BURNS, OREGON – January 30, 2016 (Last Updated 1/31/2016 at 3:37 AM) — BREAKING NEWS: Shawna Cox is one of five occupants who traveled in with LaVoy Finicum in his white pickup truck on January 26, 2016. Tonight at 10pm Mountain, Rick Koerber and Free Capitalist Radio broadcast ((video below)) her first-hand statements from a telephone interview earlier in the day, recounting the events she experienced, including the tragic shooting death of Mr. Finicum on January 26. This is the second eyewitness account being reported to the public, both differ dramatically from the official FBI story.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:13 AM
After reading mluch and hearing many takes on it.

I have to say that he did "charge" at the officers when he drove towards them at
a high rate of speed-fleeing a felony traffic stop.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Okay, I listened to it...and as far as I can tell her story seems consistent with what I have theorized (and stated) from the start...

- Finicum WAS apparently saying he was only going to talk with a Sheriff (i.e. no one but the Sheriff had jurisdiction in his mind). And this, allegedly WAS the reason he took off from the traffic stop. Cox alleges they shot at them while stopped. This needs to be verified.

- Finicum DID apparently exit the vehicle saying, 'go ahead and shoot me...I want to talk with the Sheriff...shoot me', etc.

- Cox states bullets hit the windows but didn't break them. These would have been the less than lethal rubber rounds. In almost the same sentence she states there were gas "things". These would have been the capsicum rounds.

So the "hail of gunfire" was likely a hail of less than lethal rounds, not gunfire. (even the radio host catches this detail).

At one point she states they were set up by someone from the inside. I couldn't make out who she was talking about, but she states "look how quickly they turned him loose". So, based on this, it doesn't sound like they even trusted each other.

So I guess the remaining questions are:

- Let's see the truck. It must be riddled with bullet holes. If not, someone is making things up.

- What was the real reason Finicum ran the talk with the Sheriff, or because he was being shot at (with real guns)?

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: Boadicea

Okay, I listened to it...

You have my utmost respect and appreciation -- thank you! I know you have been critical of the claims against the feds, but you took the time and effort to look at (or hear) the bigger picture. You rock

- Finicum WAS apparently saying he was only going to talk with a Sheriff (i.e. no one but the Sheriff had jurisdiction in his mind). And this, allegedly WAS the reason he took off from the traffic stop. Cox alleges they shot at them while stopped. This needs to be verified.

Yes. If he was shot at during the initial stop, that puts the rest of the encounter into a whole new light.

I would also like to know exactly what commands were given to Finicum and the others. All I've seen is that they were told to "surrender." But I can't see that being the actual command. And I don't understand why Finicum and Payne would be asking for the officers to let the women out... wouldn't that be what the officers wanted? I'm missing something there...

- Finicum DID apparently exit the vehicle saying, 'go ahead and shoot me...I want to talk with the Sheriff...shoot me', etc.

I don't know this, but it seems to me that the cops very well could have been shooting at the vehicle from the time it took off from the initial stop until it reached the roadblock. Is that why he said "Go ahead and shoot me" when he got out of the vehicle? Just that statement indicates that they were already shooting.

- Cox states bullets hit the windows but didn't break them. These would have been the less than lethal rubber rounds. In almost the same sentence she states there were gas "things". These would have been the capsicum rounds.

So the "hail of gunfire" was likely a hail of less than lethal rounds, not gunfire. (even the radio host catches this detail).

That may be... but it's also reported that Ryan Bundy was taken to the hospital for gunshot wounds. We need the hospital reports.

At one point she states they were set up by someone from the inside. I couldn't make out who she was talking about, but she states "look how quickly they turned him loose". So, based on this, it doesn't sound like they even trusted each other.

She was talking about Mark McConnell, the guy who put out the first video saying that he "heard" that Finicum rushed the cops. McConnnell was the driver of the other vehicle (a Jeep), and reportedly Bundy's bodyguard. Shawn was asking why he wasn't arrested and taken to Portland with the rest of them. And complained that while they were still at the scene, he was more worried about his "$60,000 Jeep" than with the death of Finicum. So now she doesn't trust him and thinks he was an FBI plant.

So I guess the remaining questions are:

- Let's see the truck. It must be riddled with bullet holes. If not, someone is making things up.

YES! I don't understand why they released a video but not the vehicle!

- What was the real reason Finicum ran the talk with the Sheriff, or because he was being shot at (with real guns)?

That is key to understanding how this all went down, and why Finicum did what he did.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

That may be... but it's also reported that Ryan Bundy was taken to the hospital for gunshot wounds. We need the hospital reports.

If you listen carefully to the audio, Cox states Bundy was shot during approximately the same timeframe she is discussing Finicum being shot. From this I conclude Bundy is hit by a stray bullet intended for Finicum (possibly a ricochet, a fragment, or just a wild shot).

Cox's story, in my mind, sounds trumped up. Just the hesitation in her voice in response to questions, like she hadn't thought about the question previously and prepared a response. Another telling thing (to me anyway) is the way she calmly says "I don't know...I don't know..." It's like she's talking to her neighbor over the fence about an escaped cow, not a radio host about her side of an alleged murder which took place right in front of her eyes. She doesn't sound genuine to me. She sounds like she's singing the party line, almost begrudgingly, like it's a chore.

edit...on a medical note; typically a gunshot wound is not a "treat and release" injury. Normally a person with any type of an actual gunshot wound is held for further observation (arterial bleeding, bone or collateral damage, etc.). Especially not as fast as Bundy was released, which further suggests it may not have been an actual direct hit, but a fragment, ricochet or piece of debris). Contrary to what people see in the movies, an actual gunshot wound is usually a pretty serious thing (especially from a 9mm or larger, which is what LEO's carry).

edit on 2/1/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You may be right... but I doubt they (any/all of them) had the opportunity to sync their statements.

I'm more inclined to think that Shawna was simply in a form of shock or surrealism, and wasn't sure what was up and what was down. She's just a simple woman. I doubt she had any real idea of what she was in for, or what others are capable of.

That's why it's so important to release the vehicle for public viewing and examination. Victoria did mention the gassing along with what she thought were real bullets, though I don't know that she would have been able to differentiate between rubber bullets and the gas canisters and the flash bangs and real bullets. Release the vehicle!!! (Said in my best Feifel voice)

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

edit...on a medical note; typically a gunshot wound is not a "treat and release" injury. Normally a person with any type of an actual gunshot wound is held for further observation (arterial bleeding, bone or collateral damage, etc.). Especially not as fast as Bundy was released, which further suggests it may not have been an actual direct hit, but a fragment, ricochet or piece of debris). Contrary to what people see in the movies, an actual gunshot wound is usually a pretty serious thing (especially from a 9mm or larger, which is what LEO's carry).

Good point. I think I did hear the shots were in his arm, and that there were multiple shots. Were they simple flesh wounds, thus allowing release from the hospital? Or just simple bruising from rubber bullets? Did the feds demand his release after treatment? We won't know until we see the hospital reports -- if ever.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:55 AM
It looks like, after being shot, Finicum raises his hand in the air while laying down. He is sort of on his knees. I wonder if they shot him at this point, which it seems like they did, finishing him, generating the whole "shot him while on his knees with his hand up" notion.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a guy that wanted to die

Can you cite a source to substantiate that claim?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: Phage

No. The Bundites instigated the whole affair. From the get go.
They were the ones strutting around armed on youtube. They were the one's who called on other "patriots" to join them. Finicum is the one who said he would rather be dead than imprisoned.

Can you cite a source that documents him making this statement, that "he would rather be dead than imprisoned"?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Myself, I'll go by Funicum's own statements wherein he said he wouldn't be taken alive, and his own videos where he was repeatedly armed and clearly stated he was ready to fight.

Can you cite sources to document this claim?

posted on Jun, 28 2017 @ 12:35 PM
Updating with new information on this case:
See related thread....
FBI Agent indicted....

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