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UFO's and the Bible

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posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 05:13 PM
I haven't been able to find any translation as of yet.Just bits and pieces.If it is authentic it would be a huge find.
I'am assuming this is what you are talking about.

Thanks for the heads up on this.I had never heard of it.

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 05:16 PM
I'd like to have the original scrolls scanned by the lastest techniques and have them re-translated from the original text...

It is my belief that there were a lot of interpretational translating errors made... Back in the 16 hundreds or whenever the translations were done they even thought the earth was flat... Science has proven a lot of things since then... and translational skills have improved a lot since then...

I think that if we do a modern day translation word by word (with as less interpretation as possible) we'd get a very different and interesting story that might open our eyes.

Same goes for the Quran, Talmoed and other scriptures.

What do you think?



P.S. that's why i can't believe ppl still wage war over something that has been translated so long ago... thinking in terms of those days...

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 05:25 PM

It is my belief that there were a lot of interpretational translating errors made... Back in the 16 hundreds or whenever the translations were done they even thought the earth was flat... Science has proven a lot of things since then... and translational skills have improved a lot since then...

I think if the Bible,Quran and other transcripts and books were translated to what they really say,we would be in for one long war.I don't think people want to know the truth anymore.About religion.They are content to believe what they grew up reading.
But it also cusing problems in the middle east.Science is a threat to a lot of Muslims over there.Science is disproving the mystical and miracles in the Quran.And they can't accept that.

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by nyeff

I think if the Bible,Quran and other transcripts and books were translated to what they really say,we would be in for one long war.I don't think people want to know the truth anymore.About religion.They are content to believe what they grew up reading.
But it also cusing problems in the middle east.Science is a threat to a lot of Muslims over there.Science is disproving the mystical and miracles in the Quran.And they can't accept that.

I feel ya.... i couldn't agree more.

The url you posted indeed was the scroll i was talking about.

Maybe this will help aswell:



By the way... this is a post i've wanted to make for a long time now... cuz i've felt this way about the bible for a very long time.... thanks for raising the subject..

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 05:34 PM
I was just reading that link.

I'm glad you like the post.I plan to add to it.There is a lot of information out there.It takes awhile to sort through it all.If you find something,feel free to add it here.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 08:37 AM
I've read many papers, and documents, pertaining to many theories. This UFO phenomenon has the most wieght behind it, because now everyone is tieing it with age old myths, and legends, that fit the apparent characteristic of all the stories.
i.e. The Native Australians, and their gods (Sky Gods) involving themselves to the humans by supposedly choosing shamons, and priests. Then there are the stories of the (Spirit Children) Mothers who give birth to a spirit and not a physical child. There are even cave paintings and legends that tell of UFOs, and "beings from the sky."
Another example is may or may not be true but the tales of the ancient Indian Craft, "Vimana" I believe they called them. Craft that seems to be very similiar to the UFOs of today.
Also I heard of a story, from Africa that a tribe was taught many advanced things from someone apparently from the star or something located right by Sirius (Sirius B), in which we've now have found, with more advanced technology. Already have we found the architectures of some civilizations to be more advanced for their time. Perhaps Maybe not the greys, but perhaps other people, (Nordics?) have come to earth and taught humans something to our benefit.
What are your thoughts? I've read he supposed MJ-12 documents what are your thoughts on them, and so you think they are factual, or just a story (perhaps of the devil?)

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:34 AM
To be honest I'm not sure I have a theory.UFO's have always intrigued me.I have read most of the MJ12 documents,countless UFO reports,and have seen lots of videos and pictures.
If you take all the government documents, I would come to the conclusion that UFO's are real.The reports for the CIA,FBI, military personel,even Jimmy Carter filed an UFO report.But the evidence is overwhelming.Its all there in black and white.
So all I'm doing now is going back to the begining.Starting with some of the oldest referances I can find.A lot of people think that the UFO phenomanom started 1947 with Roswell.That is not true however.The Summarians are the first to record the stars and planets and mention that we are not alone.So I'am trying to research from then to now.
My point with UFO's and the Bible is that most are familar with the Bible. All I'am doing with this thread is putting out another point of view.Or another idea of some of the events in the Bible. I don't know if I'm right or wrong,but it is worth reasearching.It is possible that the evidence for UFO's is in the Bible.It could be angels are aliens.That the referances to platforms and pillars in the heavens are spacecraft.
I don't have the answers,I'm just trying to find them.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 11:47 PM
What if?

Lets look to the Future, Tomorrow we will face War with Nuclear Weapons, yet if you look at the Bible and the Fall of Mankind perhaps what is spoken about then is about to happen again. UFO's then would be ships that could be similar to our current Space Shuttle, and those who escaped and then came back to rebuild. If that is so then we are just like sheep moving without knowing where heading for the slaughter house. UFO's may not be aliens but people who had technology to get off the planet when Mankind Fell. Behold the Battle of Armageddon.


posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 11:13 AM
Good point ArkAngel...

I've thought of that aswell...

I'll try and add my point of view in a somewhat longer post/story in a little while.... I'd like to keep this thread going because i love the topic... Tell me how all of you feel about the points you've raised.


P.S.... I've got to point out that your avatar (however beautifull it may be) is probably a tad bit too big... Maybe you shoud resize it... (I believe there's a thread somewhere about the rules on avatar usage). Look it up if you want... just to be sure... (otherwise mods and admins might complain).

[Edited on 4-7-2003 by MrFreeze]

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