a reply to:
The so-called "problem of evil" is a GREAT thing to ponder. It's rather like other "unsolvable" questions, as it tuns out that the original premises
are all screwy. That's the value in the exercise. But most people don't spend the time it takes to "solve it", but rather either stay sullen and
cranky about the "issue", or try to take someone else's take on it, but remain sullen and cranky.
Somehow, humans feel that "God" exists in some sort of anthropomorphic form, and that said "God" is either one of two things:
1) A benevolent sky daddy that wants to shower them with love and eternal life
2) Some real asshole "trapping them" in some "hell world".
There are other views, but these two are instructional to start.
Does a badger feel one of these two applies to him or her? Probably not. A dolphin? Probably not. There's plenty of fish and fun until suddenly they
But we humans either delude themselves that such a skydaddy exists, and then get cranky when things don't turn out that way.. or we give up on that
delusion, but keep throwing tantrums.
I don't recall the Universe ever showing up and making us grandiose promises.. of course some people think that the Universe has done exactly that..
and that is very sad..as the mental gymnastics that must be willingly undergone ties up much of the brain's capacity to do something worthwhile, and
gives nothing in return, but perhaps ashes.
When people ask me about what "spirits" I "critters" I may have interacted with, I am always forced to give some rather grim stories, and scarcely
ever any "happy stories".
There is a reason for that, and it's not that the "Universe is evil" or that "God" hates us.
It's really very simple.
Other species live until they die, and do the best both for themselves and their species until they die---and probably don't bitch about any imagined
injustices on the part of the Universe.
Humans don't do that. We bitch and whine and delude ourselves that we are so very important.
Now as to some of these "other spiritual species".
All the ones I've come across seem pretty motivated to advance their own self-interest. If they see a resource and they want to use it, they try to
use it. If they want more "power" they delude some "self-styled magician" and get him/her to rev up the god-making machine (the human body) and get
them to do something for them---promising much and giving almost nothing.
Now that makes sense, at least from a "game theory" perspective. Maybe someday it will be in their best interests to make friends instead of just use
people---but the sad truth is that humans don't register as even BEING SENTIENT to many of these species..so cooperation and respect are not possible.
Do you collaborate with a dish of sliced cucumbers? Probably not.
Now there seem to be some benevolent types out there.. but they will not "enter a person's house without invitation", so if anything, they "wait" for
the humans to discover them and to invite them to participate.. but still it's like an ant trying to collaborate with an Einstein.
And most humans don't know how to "call properly", so if they do, they wind up calling something at best neutral and often nasty.
I'd really like to tell a good story, about wonderful spiritual paths that lead to skydaddy land with pet unicorns and unlimited candy that doesn't
make you fat.
But I can't.
But humans could build that world, or find that world, if they worked together like other species do.
The Universe isn't so grim.. it's humans who are grim, as they tell each other grim stories, and don't work together very well to change that.
edit on 22-2-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)