a reply to:
That's another prospect (the whole 2012 thing)!
A part of me would give it all less credence if everyone experienced the same individual Mandela Effects. It just makes more sense to me that way
according to the various possibilities that might be happening. Not that I think whether or not something makes sense is really relevant, I suppose.
What's interesting to me is that if anything about ME is true, it means things are a hell of a lot more fluid than they appear, or we'd like to
CERN, 2012, natural phenomena, bumblebee revolt.. any of the possibilities come with the implication of some pretty strange stuff. In and of itself,
maybe that's what draws me to it like a moth to a flame. I just dig that sort of thing.
In my experience there is a phase between "normal" dreaming and "lucid" dreaming. I'm glad you brought it up as I think its pretty neat.
It seems like once you realize you are dreaming, you should jump right to a full blown lucid dream but its just not the case. I think they have a
different "feel" to each of them too, but I couldnt expand on that much. Its almost like you just dont "care" to actually do more than realize its a
dream. Maybe its the lazy mans lucid dream?
Makes me wonder what the actual distinction is there.
Its almost like it's not completely up to us, which raises the question; just who, or what, makes the determination?
I had one lucid dream once, full lucid dream (control over both myself and the environment), where all of a sudden everything went white. Like a
brilliant, pearlescent, glowing white. There wasn't anything else there, and it still
felt like a full lucid dream.
Except, I couldn't actually change the environment anymore. It was
extremely jarring in that respect. Then, a voice asked me "What would you
like to know?"
My response, get this, was to
shake my head. Instead of even being in control of myself, it was like the "true" answer was manifested. As I was
shaking my head, it was like that was accompanied by the thought "I'll figure it out for myself." Of course, I woke up at that point and immediately
said "wtf kind of response was
It was when I was quite a bit younger and at the height of arrogance (if anyone thinks I'm bad
now... lol) so in retrospect it kind of makes
sense. But still a really strange and interesting experience. I tried to find that "place" again, but never could.