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Tick bites, lyme Disease and Plum Island

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posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 08:51 AM
Ok so I know that their is a thread about Plum Island specifically and this information is probably contained within that thread. That being said I really just want to renew awareness in this. I was sitting here all warm and cozy snow locked into the house and I felt a slight itch on my side and I gave it a little scratch and no thought. Now progressively the itching became worse and I noticed that a red bump had puffed up out of what was a scar from a two year old tick bite. Now it is moderately swollen and I'm sure it will return to normal as long as I can resist the urge to scratch at the tiny hellfire it creates just underneath my skin.

This got me thinking about Ticks and just how inherently nasty their little mouths are. Now I know its not Lyme or at least I hope not, I have had blood work numerous times since the initial bite and I do remember removing the Tick before the necessary 24 hours for them to spread lyme. I've also heard of a bacteria that carry that if passed will cause you to be allergic to meat which if incurable would certainly cause me a great deal of grief.

I see therapist occasionally when I feel like I could use a friendly, supportive and non biased opinion from time to time. Her own personal accounts of the struggle of Lyme disease and how medical professionals are not apt to diagnose let alone treat it really opened my eyes to the struggles of this chronic debilitating disease. Apparently it gets misdiagnosed all the time and we all know how doctors respond dare a patient make a suggestion as to a problem, polite and confident dismissiveness. Ironically it's almost as if it's a "conspiracy" disease.

Thinking about all this brought me full circle back to thinking about Plum Island . On a side note I always think about how Hannibal Lecter picked up on Clareese's deal where he could occasionally stroll on plum Island alone, oh no the good Doctor was not impressed to say the least. Anyway on a brighter note my therapist informed me that their is a growing movement of people affected by this possibly government created disease that are bringing much needed attention to it.

This chart I have provided shows a steady rise in Lyme Disease diagnosis going all the way back to the nineties. Lyme Disease statistics. I think it is interesting to note that starting in the late 2000's we see start to see "probable" as well as confirmed cases. Is that some sort of conspiracy or denial within the medical community that has caused that. I am curious to know why all of a sudden it would seem like Doctors are more resistant to diagnosing Lymes, has something changed in Medical education standards?

A couple of more interesting details my therapist educated me too was that apparently according to the CDC Lyme's is an STD and a diagnosis will put you on the CDC's STD database. From what I understand is that it is rare but can and does happen as it shares a common gene with syphillis. So we have urban legends about a shady government animal disease research facility, we have statistics indicating a steady rise in this disease, we have testimony to the stubbornness of the medical community in regards to uum yeah I don't know about you guys but I definitely think this is something that deserves more awareness if not to protect yourself but for the sake of the people personally affected by this so that they may get the proper treatment and attention that they need. I hope I have helped at least one person learn something new here today.
edit on 23-1-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

has something changed in Medical education standards?

Many Doctors are now allotting appointment times of 4 minutes per patient, having to spend more time on paperwork and such.

There is little anyone can do in 4 minutes, except pray.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix
Many Doctors are now allotting appointment times of 4 minutes per patient, having to spend more time on paperwork and such.

There is little anyone can do in 4 minutes, except pray.

That's not a doctor. That's a Human Pharmaceutical Subscription Processing Unit (TM).
edit on 23-1-2016 by elliotmtl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: elliotmtl

And they call themselves physicians, employed by Stanford, UCLA, etc. and even your home town physicians.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 10:47 AM
Yeah, as far as medical conspiracies go, the Plum Island link to Lyme has some curious connections.

High dose vit c treatments (like IV level doses) have been successful for the handful of people I know w Lyme... fyi.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 11:30 AM
I've had lyme disease twice,and it's a drag..The first time I got it I didn't know what was wrong with Me,i.e blurry vision sore neck/shoulders,fatigue,etc.Thankfully I was quickly diagnosed both times because of the signature bulls eye rash.Some people don't get the rash/or doesn't show up in the blood work,and it's hell trying to convince skeptical docs they suffer from it.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 12:28 PM
Apperently we don't have Lyme disease in nz, but when I was a teenager I found a large tick attached to the back of my neck and just pulled it off. Later that week for about a week one side if my face was paralysis. I couldnt smile or hold water in my mouth it was weird then the feeling came back. Then as an young adult I notice or felt rather a mole on my neck in the same spot and got a doctor to remove it for self concious reasons only.

We have ticks on my dad's farm so I am very wary of checking my kids for them when we visit.
I have heard Lyme disease is now is Australia.
Is Lyme disease transmitted by a tick and then came be passed on to Sexual partners?

BTW ticks really gross me out but I do enjoy popping them between two rocks when I find them on my dad's cows.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 02:05 PM
What really gets me about this is that once again we have people suffering at the hands of the government and their mad scientist bio warfare lab right in our own back yard. Compound that with Doctors who are basically paid salesmen (or drug dealers) of big pharma. Instead of taking time to actually assess the ailment they just want to give you some pills that you don't need in the first place. I'm sorry but the Plum Island link is a forgone conclusion in my mind...

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 02:09 PM
I had something or another, never got diagnosed, but I tried a bunch of things. In the end high doses of vitamin c and niacin helped me. I stayed on it for a few years, then halved my dose, then came clean off.

I think some of these general malaise conditions are the result of biolab warfare and research/experimentation. It's more than just lyme disease, it's a range of mycoplasma interacting with stealth viruses and funky combinations which can't be described as fungi, virus, or bacteria separately! I went far down the rabbit hole of this years ago.

This guy convinced me it was all legit. He finds that most people with chronic fatigue, and MS have more than 1 infectious agent burdening their body, which won't show up in your average bloodwork.

edit on 23-1-2016 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 05:07 PM
About a year ago I was hit with something that put me in the hospital for 4 days. I ran a fever of 104 for almost 24hrs. while being pumped full of multiple antibiotics and other meds. Terrible body pains as well as the fever. The fever went down to 102 for 2 days straight with it breaking and then reoccuring about every 2hrs. It was the most miserable I have ever been. The doctors did multiple tests and eventualky came back and said one of my samples tested positive for anthrax yet the other sample did not. They eventualky settled on Lyme disease even though the test wasnt conclusive.I had been in the woods hunting the 2 previous days. They sent my samples to the CDC but i never heard anything back from them. If it was Lyme disease I wouldnt wish it on anyone.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 05:16 PM
From Live Science published a few days ago.

After evaluating data for the 3,110 counties in the continental U.S., the researchers found recorded evidence that the eastern tick, I. scapularis, is now reported or established in 1,420 counties and the western tick I. pacificus is reported or established in 111 counties. Together, the two tick species span 49 percent of U.S. counties across 43 states.


posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix
a reply to: Baddogma

I have lots of ticks on me every year so I have a high suspicion of Lyme and I've found that it's maybe Vit C what makes my knee and spine pain worse.
I highly recommend you to read this article before you consider vit C to be a cure:
Remember that most animals are able to synthesize their own vit C so the pathogen is sure adapted to it and according to the article it can make it to spread faster.
Are you ready to take infusions of 100g of vit C daily? Better try tincture made of herbs like Dipsacus sylvestris and Tropaeolum.
I really hate ticks. Oh man I hate all the parasites so much I would burn the whole planet just to kill them all.
We really need a controlled forest burning in Europe but they would burn wood money so it won't happen even in places infested with spruce bark beetle. Idiots!
There are some new swallowable repellent substances working for 3 months which could be given to wild animals to prevent ticks from spreading. I think it could be done if there was a will.
edit on 7/2/2016 by PapagiorgioCZ because: grammar

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