posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 04:10 AM
I was just salvaging parts from a nice Sony all in one that got dropped. It came with its own wireless keyboard and mouse which I would like to
re-task. I was hoping the receiver module was USB based but the connector has 8 wires instead of 4 so...not apparently. There is one twisted pair and
it happens to be green and white so I’m wondering if it is actually USB based and the extra wires are for other optional features.
Does anyone know if this is a standard connection of some type, or if it is for sure proprietary to Sony?
There are 4 empty connector headers of various types on the module and one of them is obviously a USB header with 4 pin pads and case pads where you
would expect them, so I guess I could throw a connector on there. Looks like the support components are populated.
The module model number is VGP-WRC3A.