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Over 1 million vote in "Who is your pick for President" - Drudge Report

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posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Sanders wrote about rape.

Trump committed rape.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
a reply to: schuyler

Sanders wrote about rape.

Trump committed rape.

Really? Or maybe his wife and he had a fight.

“During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” the Ivana Trump statement said. “[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft
I love your second to last paragraph. LOL

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
a reply to: schuyler

Sanders wrote about rape.

Trump committed rape.

I hope someone one day slanders you in the way you just did with Trump.

edit on 22-1-2016 by BatheInTheFountain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 10:46 PM
It's mildly funny that the only Clinton supporter in the thread disappeared after they were called out on the stupidity of actling like an FBI investigation this large would be solely politically motivated.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 03:06 AM
Most of Cruz's voters will vote for the right in the General election, especially if Trump makes Cruz his running mate. The fact that Bernie isn't even beating Trump in this poll when Trump is already contending with Cruz in the GOP. And Bernie has virtually no competition. He isn't even competition himself.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: UKTruth
The problem with this poll is that it is completely biased

Well, yes. But even saying that it is completely biased isn't even saying enough. Because every one of these candidates are establishment drones. If you've heard of them TPTB have approved them. Which is diabolical because the establishment will make damn sure you never hear of anyone they would not allow to be president.

i don't know if that is true , maybe it is. However, at least on perception, it's Trump and Sanders that are the champions of anti-establishment. It's the reason they get so many votes on polls like the one in this thread.

That's just it. It's reverse psychology. And it's not even all that well done. American propaganda is only ever as good as it needs to be in order to fool enough people to make things work the way they want them to. People are not necessarily that dumb. Most people are just ignorant and don't really care that much about politics until their vote bites them in the ass.

Here's the thing. In order to be an "anti-establishment" candidate in America (or anywhere, for that matter) the only thing they have to do is say things that appear to be contrary to what the establishment would want. They don't have to be honest. Obama was once seen as anti-establishment. Obamacare was supposed to stick it to the big money people. Instead, Obamacare sticks it to us.

Anyway, that's how it works. When America wants anti-establishment, the establishment manufactures it, sells it to us with a false advertising campaign and once the election is over, we're just plain stuck with it. At that point, they don't even bother to maintain the illusion. The media simply changes the subject. I would guess that over 90% of everything that's ever been "anti-establishment" in America has been a fraud of some kind that was actually perpetrated BY the establishment merely to maintain control.

And by the way, Sanders is NOT anti-establishment. That's just what we're supposed to think. Socialism is NOT anti-establishment. Socialism is big government on steroids. The government IS the establishment. Imagine the mafia takes over everything and starts making all the rules. That's your government. They can be wrong and still be right because you can't say no. An offer you can't refuse. Literally. They don't even have to send a mob enforcer. They can just send the men in white coats. That's how they'll shut people up in the future.

Don't listen to what politicians say. Watch what they do when they get an office. Actions speak louder than words. It's easy to lie when no one cares.
edit on 23-1-2016 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2016 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2016 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

Oh my. Haven't you ever heard that any eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?
Tell you what, if I'm one day in Trump's exact situation, I'll consider it.

So Obama can be called treasonous, a terrorist. You can say he should be executed. You might not be in favor of that, I'd hope so, but I doubt most of the Don's base is so... Conscientious?
But the line is drawn at Trump?

Was I not PC enough? I mean, Trump himself has said/implied that all Muslims and Mexicans are rapists, I was just following his example. Should I have been more specific? Should I have said "Accused of rape?" Should I have should "Accused of rape and not found Guilty?" Well, both of these are warping things. The correct thing to say was "His wife said rape, but didn't really mean it."

I guess I should be all truthful and accurate and careful with my words, when it comes to the Don, but anything goes for Sanders. He's just a rape-fantasizing dirty Communist, right? Talk about a double standard.

Or is it a lack of standard?

edit on 23/1/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Reasons

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
a reply to: schuyler

Sanders wrote about rape.

Trump committed rape.

Wow - you do know you can get sued for your statement here right?
Suggest you alter the words.
edit on 23/1/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 04:50 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: UKTruth
The problem with this poll is that it is completely biased

Well, yes. But even saying that it is completely biased isn't even saying enough. Because every one of these candidates are establishment drones. If you've heard of them TPTB have approved them. Which is diabolical because the establishment will make damn sure you never hear of anyone they would not allow to be president.

i don't know if that is true , maybe it is. However, at least on perception, it's Trump and Sanders that are the champions of anti-establishment. It's the reason they get so many votes on polls like the one in this thread.

That's just it. It's reverse psychology. And it's not even all that well done. American propaganda is only ever as good as it needs to be in order to fool enough people to make things work the way they want them to. People are not necessarily that dumb. Most people are just ignorant and don't really care that much about politics until their vote bites them in the ass.

Here's the thing. In order to be an "anti-establishment" candidate in America (or anywhere, for that matter) the only thing they have to do is say things that appear to be contrary to what the establishment would want. They don't have to be honest. Obama was once seen as anti-establishment. Obamacare was supposed to stick it to the big money people. Instead, Obamacare sticks it to us.

Anyway, that's how it works. When America wants anti-establishment, the establishment manufactures it, sells it to us with a false advertising campaign and once the election is over, we're just plain stuck with it. At that point, they don't even bother to maintain the illusion. The media simply changes the subject. I would guess that over 90% of everything that's ever been "anti-establishment" in America has been a fraud of some kind that was actually perpetrated BY the establishment merely to maintain control.

And by the way, Sanders is NOT anti-establishment. That's just what we're supposed to think. Socialism is NOT anti-establishment. Socialism is big government on steroids. The government IS the establishment. Imagine the mafia takes over everything and starts making all the rules. That's your government. They can be wrong and still be right because you can't say no. An offer you can't refuse. Literally. They don't even have to send a mob enforcer. They can just send the men in white coats. That's how they'll shut people up in the future.

Don't listen to what politicians say. Watch what they do when they get an office. Actions speak louder than words. It's easy to lie when no one cares.

Pretty much agree on everything you say here. I remember the air of change encapsulated with the 'Yes we can' mantra recited so often in 2008. In fact, looking back on it, those words now seem like they were some kind of brainwashing trigger. Certainly, what Obama really meant was 'yes I can'. I really hope that Trump, Cruz and Sanders want change, but like you, I am not filled with confidence.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
a reply to: schuyler

Sanders wrote about rape.

Trump committed rape.

Wow - you do know you can get sued for your statement here right?
Suggest you alter the words.

Well, let's see how lawyers would look at it...

Facts vs. Opinion To be considered defamation, the statement must be one of fact, not opinion. The reason for this distinction is that the First Amendment protects opinions. Distinguishing fact from opinion, however, can be difficult and often depends upon the context and circumstances as a whole. For example, just because the defamatory speaker uses words like "I think" or "in my opinion" does not mean the statements were merely opinion. Courts will look beyond the actual words used to see whether a reasonable reader or listener could understand the statement as asserting a statement of verifiable fact, i.e., that the statement can be proven to be true or false. Some courts have even stated that statements made on message boards or in chatrooms are probably opinions or hyperbole, unless the context proves otherwise.

Now, Trump is a public figure, so that comes into play:

Generally, public figures must overcome a higher standard to prove that they have been defamed. Public figures have to prove that the defamer published the statement with "actual malice." Actual malice means that the defamer published the statement with either knowledge of its falsity, or in reckless disregard for the truth.

I'm not a lawyer, so...but I think if someone can call Obama a Muslim, gay, or any of the other horrible things conservatives constantly have been accusing him of being (or doing) over the last 7 years...I'm pretty sure someone can take Ivanna's words and reasonably form the opinion stated above. And, opinion isn't fact.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

That is where we may differ. I'd much rather see us cut all the government BS spending and give it back to the people. Then the people can buy their own insurance and pay for college. Why does the government have to be involved? Why pay a middle-man who wants nothing but to take your money to build their own power?

Power to the people...return their wasted money and the people win. Let the government keep it...guess what?

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

You stated "I'm not a lawyer, so...but I think if someone can call Obama a Muslim, gay, or any of the other horrible things conservatives constantly have been accusing him of being (or doing) over the last 7 years...I'm pretty sure someone can take Ivanna's words and reasonably form the opinion stated above. And, opinion isn't fact."

I'm curious considering your implied position why you would call being Muslim or being gay a "horrible thing". I thought Obama is pro-Islam and supports gay rights? I wouldn't think he sees those things as "HORRIBLE". Usually, as in movies...horrible (eg. horror) often involves "evil". So are Islam and being gay evil also? And doesn't evil imply there is a good...or more accurately...a God. And in that case are you implying that Islam and homosexuality (etc.) are not only HORRIBLE and EVIL but also against God?

Wow...sure you want to go there?

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: muse7

I truly hope you are not that ignorant about who Clinton is. Forget the right...research them yourself. The whole Clinton family is nothing but corruption, crime and evil.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

That's some response they received. Problem it's only going to be voted on by the drudge demographic. So it's going to have a bias


posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I'm not getting into logic chopping, word-salad games at 3am my time. I'm sorry

Lots of people have accused Obama of crimes like forging his birth certificate, contrary to zero evidence it was.


I thought being PC and hyper sensitive about things weren't qualities that strong "winner" leaders show anyway...

edit on 23-1-2016 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

I don't think I can be sued for stating a hyperbolic opinion.

Besides, to do so would go against Trump's "Non-PC" campaign.

Hilariously, he's actually my No. 2 pick for president, anyway.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Another good one:

If every kid gets a trophy, how come Trump's supporters still lost ?

edit on 23-1-2016 by Whodathunkdatcheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

In my view the president will come from one of Clinton, Bush, Rubio.

This will be a Cruz vs. Clinton race..

I have zero doubt about that. Trump and Bernie serve there purpose though.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: [post=20288489]WeAreAWAKE

I'm curious considering your implied position why you would call being Muslim or being gay a "horrible thing". I thought Obama is pro-Islam and supports gay rights? I wouldn't think he sees those things as "HORRIBLE". Usually, as in movies...horrible (eg. horror) often involves "evil". So are Islam and being gay evil also?

Just to sort out some playground logic here...

Defending gay peoples rights...doesn't make you Gay.

Defending religious freedom...doesn't make you a Muslim.

And needless to say, being black doesn't mean you were born in Kenya..

And being those things is not horrible, but accusing someone of being a Gay, Muslim Kenyan because of the above is.

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