posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 02:34 PM
Unfortunately for America, the Democratic Party currently offers precious little from which to choose among their candidates for President of the
United States.
Hillary Clinton has already demonstrated that she is untrustworthy given her use of a private e-mail server in violation of National
Security Standards, and her gross mishandling of the Benghazy, Libya terrorist attack that cost an American ambassador and three others their lives.
This record does not bode well for someone seeking the highest office in our land!
Her administration as president would simply be to continue the failed policies of President Obama for another four years which has
been clearly demonstrated by her strong influence on many of his decisions while she was Secretary of State, and her active participation in those
The only other candidate among the Democrats with any real chance to be nominated for President is Bernie Sanders, an admitted
socialist, who is significantly to the left of Mrs. Clinton on the political spectrum.
Our forefathers promised our immigrants, past, present, and future, the dream of an America as the land of opportunity for those
willing to work hard without the burden of restrictions arising from modest roots. This is a dream that must be preserved because it is what America
is and always has been all about.
Income redistribution combined with excessive taxation and over regulation of small businesses and corporations will only result in
greater unemployment, lower salaries, and more economic misery for most of us when those who do the hiring have to cut back on a large scale in order
to be able to make ends meet. In turn, there will then be an even greater downturn on Wall Street as stocks plunge in the face of lower corporate
earnings and increased failures of small independent businesses.
Socialism simply does not and cannot work in a country, such as our own, which is premised on incentive and opportunity. It will,
perhaps, find more acceptance in other countries like those in Western Europe such as Great Britain and France, but not here in America!
The choice we seem to have from the most recent Democratic Party debate is therefore nothing less than a "Lose-Lose" situation
for our country. The American people deserve much more than that from one of our two major political parties!!