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Tassie local claims the Thylacine(Tasmanian Tiger) still exists and the Gov knows about it

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posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 07:27 PM
Cool, I have a Crazy Theory ...

all extinct animals of existing remains.. that you can extract intact DNA from ...

could be cloned...

All you need is some crazy wanna be Dr Moreau ...
at some private island.. or underground facility
away from public view to make a clone ...

I wouldn't doubt a Scientist
already made a Mammoth, a Dire Wolf, Saber tooth Tiger, Dodo,
Passenger pigeon, right to a Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) in the last 10,000 years

just saying.. it's possible , Lawlessly...

some vids

Cloning The Tasmanian Tiger Part 1

Full Version

( even the TAZ Tiger/Wolf )
These 7 Extinct Animals Can Be Brought Back Through Science

2015 Amazing Documentary: The Return Of "Tasmanian Tiger"

edit on 22016TuesdayfAmerica/Chicago118 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Wolfenz

So which do you choose ?

Some would rather see Velociraptors running amok !

Then there would be T-rex breeders ... Mastodons would be cool !

I'll place an order for a Sabre Toothed Tiger thanks.

( that will be fun at the dog beach ... )

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 03:22 AM
I never know what to believe from Australia. I've worked with a few of them, and it seems like they all have some sort of strange story to tell. I never know if they're bullsh*tting me or not.

Australians have an innate ability to tell total fiction to foreigners with a perfectly straight face. They turn screwing with tourists into an art form. It's beautiful.

And besides, their truth is stranger than fiction. Giant edible two legged rabbits with pockets roaming the land? Spiky little dudes who lay eggs? Mices that fly through the trees? Platypussies? If an Australian tells me that they have a stripy dog shaped not-dog (with pockets) running around in the forests of Tassymania, who am I to question it? They probably do.

If the Australian government is knows about the pocket tigers, and assuming that they are still alive, it probably doesn't want to tell everybody because you know what happens when people find out about things? Chaos. Everybody would want to come and see this rare and exotic creature. Trample habitat, shoot specimens, run over animals on the roads, everywhere people looking for this poor creature. Keeping it quiet would be the best way to protect it. Maybe there are some evil logging companies or something, but even they would probably want to save the pocket tiger, surely you must give them some credit.

edit on 20-1-2016 by Volchitsa because: I got to the point in Round 2.

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: Volchitsa

Well said mate !

Fair dinkum !

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: Volchitsa

No. No you shouldn't give them credit.

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 04:37 AM
There's a rumor that has been doing its rounds on the Internet that Steve Irwin once went searching for the Thylacine and even had some grainy footage of one of the animals.

The Rumor
However it falls into the "Missing Cryptozoology Pictures" category... No supporting evidence - at least that there was footage of it.

Then there's the 1973 8 MM footage:

And the Kevin Cameron photographs - which cannot be confirmed as authentic...

Barbara Farmer photo taken in Australia. (There are actually many reported sightings in Australia - Victoria and Queensland)

And so on and so forth.

In my opinion enough evidence that it is still alive or to keep an open mind about it...

That being said, I can't imagine why the government would keep it a secret. It would be excellent for the tourism industry. And there has been several examples of species thought to be extinct, only to be found alive and kicking - and people didn't go out of their minds, nor did society crumble into chaos. The Coelacanth, the La Palma giant lizard, the Chacoan peccary, the NZ Takahe (with just around 200 birds clinging on for dear existence), the Lord Howe stick insect (with about 30 insects still alive) to name but a few Lazarus Species examples. Once these animals are rediscovered extreme care is taken by all to protect them.

Instead of hiding the fact that they are alive - and hoping people don't kill one of the few remaining animals, why not announce that they are still around and protected? That's what I would do...

In other words I believe that the Taz Tiger is still around; I doubt that any government is knowingly hiding the fact...
edit on 20/1/2016 by Gemwolf because: Grammar

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: Gemwolf

Reasonable point. Unless the government really is so corrupt that they'd keep it quiet for some logging company's sake, there's no real impetus to keep it quiet like there is for the large cats. (Which I know exist. I've seen the footprints in person. Should have a photo around somewhere, god knows its exact location though.) In the photo, unless my memory fails me, there's a phone similar to this sitting next to the print for scale. The print is about the same length.
Either that or my memory is making all this up. >_>

Ooh, I found them. I'll start a new thread, though. Might be going a *bit* far off topic to continue here.
Totally misremembered what type of phone was there, though...
edit on 20/1/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Reasons

edit on 20/1/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Mysterious Reasons

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: amraks

It seems unlikely, but you never know, it's plausible that a small population could still exist. Afaik there has been no genuine traces found of the thylacine since the early '60's. So it's more likely that they are now extinct.

Though there are regions west of sydney (blue mts.) where koala's were also thought extirpated because no one had found them, or any traces of them, for about 75 yrs. Yet in a bushfire a few years ago residents had koalas looking for shelter on their properties. They were there in low no's all the time.

I know someone who (claims) to have seen one a few years ago, while on holiday in Tassie. This won't (and shouldn't) sway too many because there should be more than sightings alone, yet I find it credible. Surely they would be on the verge of extinction though, if some do still exist.

posted on Jan, 21 2016 @ 08:36 PM
In the area I live in the UK back in the 1800's there was a beast killing hundreds of sheep, ripping them open and only eating the softer organs and drinking the blood.. As you can imagine the locals thought something supernatural was afoot..

The locals gathered together and with their hunting dogs only to hear the cries of the dogs in the distance.

Some who saw it said it was a cat like dog, it was named the Gryt Dog(olde English for great)

After weeks and nearly a thousand sheep later they shot it and paraded it near Ennerdale water.

It was a Tasmanian Tiger, weeks before the attack
A circus had been in town, one know for nuts menagerie, it had got loose or too feral they let it loose.

I'm not kidding I've done a lot of research on this story and think it would make an excellent horror movie.
Anyway, that's my Tasmanian Tiger story.
edit on 21/1/2016 by Taggart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2016 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: Gemwolf

Thanks Gem Wolf that is the footage I was looking for.

posted on Jan, 21 2016 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: Volchitsa
And besides, their truth is stranger than fiction. Giant edible two legged rabbits with pockets roaming the land? Spiky little dudes who lay eggs? Mices that fly through the trees? Platypussies? If an Australian tells me that they have a stripy dog shaped not-dog (with pockets) running around in the forests of Tassymania, who am I to question it? They probably do.

Like what bit the body off this croc?

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider

originally posted by: amraks

originally posted by: Spacespider
a reply to: amraks

Well I for one never hope the general public would know if it should exsist.
Saying its in tasmania is the first mistake.

Its obvious its in Tasmania "Tasmanian Tiger" lol

No its not, tasmanian Tiger is just a name... Not like the animal cares.

Tasmanian Tiger is not its scientific name but the Thylacine is an exclusive native animal to Tasmania, so it is obvious it was in Tasmania, Most people know the Thylacine as a Tasmanian Tiger Or AKA Tassie Tiger.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: amraks

were i live in eastern north carolina we are told a variety of cougar is extinct but i have seen them in the last several years we even had one sit down in roadway that had to be chased off by a police officer the eastern cougar i believe its named and no i am not talking about older women but a large cat species about 125 pounds.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 09:17 AM

Like what bit the body off this croc?

Being Australia Day ... might I suggest - an over zealous Mozzie ! ??


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