posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to:
There are a few differences between the Jews and the Muslims however. At the time of the siege of Jeruselum, it was passover, which means, a good
measure of all jews were there. There were never many jews as a whole, as spreading their religion and converting people was not a part of their
belief. They attempted to live separate, did not intermarry and did not spread, as a result, there were not countless millions. The siege killed most.
To explain, it would be like someone going in and destroying the Kaaba, while over 3/4 of all Muslims were there praying, and nearly killing them all
out. As it is, that cannot be done with the Muslims. The majority cannot go to the Kaaba every year, it would never hold such numbers, so there is not
much chance of killing their majority numbers in one fail swoop.
Judaism was very nearly wiped out, and with their beliefs being as they were, did not recover the numbers because numbers did not matter so much.
Islam, seeks numbers, growth from within and without, seeks to keep knowledge of the religion alive, then rule. Look at the model mohammed left them,
seek converts and growth, then, fight when large enough and rule.
I don't see what happened with either Judaism or Christianity being valid in the case of Islam. Once there is knowledge, it takes a lot to wipe it out
because it gets passed down one to another. In Christianity, it was being spread to people with no knowledge of either the language or the religion,
and knowledge thereafter simply kept only in the hands of the few. In Islam, knowledge is the first thing they want to teach, because its harder to
remove knowledge, than it is to enlighten an ignorant person.