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Feeling good is a crime

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posted on Jan, 16 2016 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: jobless1
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

the make it legal crowd always spouts off the positive aspects of the drug like its will cure everything. And let me be clear I don't care what you do in your spare time if your an adult and it doesn't hurt anyone else. Pot heads make some of the most outlandish claims on the drug, its like watching real life snake oil salesman at work. I not talking your once in a blue moon pothead they are not usually activist for legalization. I'm talking about the guy wearing hemp sandals, shorts and a fish concert tee shirt, the dude with dreadlocks wearing sunglasses at night. These are the normal activist and not that anything they do or wear is wrong but its hard to take them as mature adults!

These pot heads have made enemies as well lately because they are willing to throw other people under the bus in their quest for legalization.Tobacco Smokers and alcohol drinkers get caught up in the legalization debate all the time and most pot heads feel its ok to bash these people in their quest for legalization. Instead of intelligently explaining how when used maturely it poses little to no risk like alcohol consumption. however it poses a risk of secondhand smoke exposing others to mind altering drugs "hot-boxing" so in some ways its like tobacco. So i honestly believe its the pothead approach to legalization that has kept it from being fully supported by all states.

I personally don't believe the government has the right to stop anyone from doing any drug if they are an adult and they willingly made the choice themselves.

posted on Jan, 16 2016 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: jobless1

I don't believe that pointing out hypocrisy is throwing anyone under the bus. They are just stating the obvious.

People vape and ingest too. Most people dont smoke around their kids or in their house.

I always think of those herbal supplements and alternative medicines when I hear stuff like that. Probably the same group

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare
"You are an ignorant fool"???
Yah, OP, that's the way to approach the only person to appear to offer a different perspective than your own. Really really great presentation.

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: jobless1

Don't let someone's appearance distort their message. I think snake oil salesman usually wear nice clothes but I judge by people's statements not by their looks. You think users approach to legalization is what has kept it illegal? It's illegal because the drug companies want it that way. Selling you pills is way more profitable than letting you grow your own free medicine. I'm also not a fan of having to pay 300 a month to have insurance that I can't afford to use anyway. If I don't have insurance and pay the doctor out of my own pocket I have to pay a penalty. Lobbyists for these two corporations are powerful. I am so glad that I'm free though

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: Thenail

I get that mind altering drugs are beneficial to the medical field, If that's your stance why are you not saying the same thing for poppies or the coca plant?

and yes snake oil salesman fits perfect if you research medical history its along the same concepts where it contains medical properties to cure anything from simple small pains to cancer to the common cold to baldness. The people who advocate for its legalization rarely talk about its negative side effects and attack the people who do as demonizing a helpless plant. Truth is humans have been cross breeding the plant to increase its potency and they didn't do it for its medical properties they did it for the high. The highly potent version of the herb isn't due to nature its due to people messing with nature.

Its legality isn't because some shadowy corporation holding back the medical wonder drug and the cure all elixir its hyped to be. It's legality came about by the users and the culture they built around the herb as a recreational drug. Recreational drug use if you haven't noticed has a war waged against it in the united states with a few exceptions.

I don't agree with the war on drugs even hardcore drugs. The best thing that happened to pot was people with cancer using it "because it added purpose" not somebody who wants to listen to music high and take 30 minutes to order a combo meal at jack in the box.

The real thing your mad about isn't its capabilities as a drug being wasted its that you cant use the drug for recreational use without breaking the law and people can see through that. However pot heads often try to vilify other drug users and use their snake oil salesman wonder herb speech as the prime example why their drug of choice is ok. Recreational drug use being ok is what you should have an issue with!

By the way this topic I view more as freedom of choice and I don't condone recreational drug use. However i do believe its none of my business what people do to their bodies. So please don't T&C this admins
edit on 17-1-2016 by jobless1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-1-2016 by jobless1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13

The FDA has recently approved the notoriously addictive prescription painkiller, OxyContin, for young people aged 11-16. The approval does not come without significant controversy, however, as rates of prescription drug addiction continue to plague America and other countries around the world.

prime example of vilification!

Yes handing Oxycontin to a child is bad but its a pain killer. I would rather my 12 year old take a half of the pill to kill the pain of having wisdom teeth pulled or to recover from a broken limb then giving him/her a joint and hoping it eases the pain slightly solely based off my worry she/he could become addicted to the prescription.

people like you are the reason why doctors now prescribe ibuprofen for everything. Hey you got shot 12 times well buddy your in luck because I'm going to write you a prescription for 800ml ibuprofen which you could get over the counter at a Walgreen's except its going to cost you 8 dollars more and will do nothing for your pain

I wouldn't want you to get addicted however I know the additive medication works that's why its additive because it works.
edit on 17-1-2016 by jobless1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: jobless1
I live in a state where it's legal so yes if I chose to use it I could with no legal repercussions. I am also not mad friend. I'm not talking about the other plants you describe because that's off topic, I don't think the gov has any right to tell anyone what to put in their bodies. Unlike you i don't care what anybody uses as long as it doesn't adversely affect anyone else.

What are its negative effects again? I'm really having a hard time finding one. Adding purpose for cancer patients , more like giving them their appetite back that the chemo takes away. Not to mention aids patients, glaucoma sufferers, people with trouble sleeping,and people in pain. It sounds like you've been indoctrinated for so long that you can't see the forest for the trees and have no experience. You should watch reefer madness or maybe read a couple articles and enlighten yourself. I assume you don't drink alcohol? That's a rec drug that kills more people a year than all illegal drugs. This plant has never killed anyone ever. Something doesn't jive with those facts. Please let me know what are the negative consequences with it are ? Thanks

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: jobless1
Its legality isn't because some shadowy corporation holding back the medical wonder drug and the cure all elixir its hyped to be. It's legality came about by the users and the culture they built around the herb as a recreational drug. Recreational drug use if you haven't noticed has a war waged against it in the united states with a few exceptions.


When Harry Anslinger, who was leading a federal agency that would later become the Drug Enforcement Agency, was confronted with the end of prohibition in 1933, he panicked because he and his man were charged with enforcing prohibition... He was worried that he didn't have a mission in life, that he and his men would be out of a job. That's when he began to lead the crusade against marijuana. They very deliberately, systematically chose marijuana as their new whipping boy. When Anslinger was participating in federal hearings that would eventually culminate in the passage of the Marijuana Stamp Act in 1937, which essentially made marijuana illegal, the arguments against marijuana use were not at all grounded in scientific evidence. They were grounded in hearsay and stereotypes: That this was a drug black men used to seduce white women. That it was a drug that led Mexicans to murder their white neighbors.

There was also a lot of lobbying from the timber industry to get a ban on Cannabis as the non psychoactive Hemp variant of the plant was used as rope and paper among other things which all culminated in the prohibition of the drug.

It was never made illegal because it was a recreational drug, it was made illegal because it suited certain interests of powerful people

Want to know a fun fact ? The British encouraged cannabis use during the slave era to subdue the slaves which is why it is part of Jamaican culture

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: jobless1
Actually the amount of Americans taking prescription drugs are at an all time high and it's only getting worse as anyone with a pulse can gather from watching 2 min of the idiot box . People like you are the reason why it takes society forever to evolve our ideas. No offense but you sound like an unpaid spokesperson for big pharma.
I'm sure you're all for putting the majority of grade schoolers on antidepressants too , to help them learn but to me that doesn't seem to work. It's time we evolved some of the ideas that keep getting pushed on us. Maybe the ideas that the TV teaches us thru the mainstream media , who is owned by the cabal that runs the world. Which also owns big pharma , our gov, the military industrial complex, to name a few. Maybe those ideas need to change to some that have more respect for us peasants. So maybe we can live in peace

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: jobless1
I also forgot the courts and the prisons that are privately owned. Obviously they have no interest in making it legal. Bad for business

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: Thenail
a reply to: jobless1
I live in a state where it's legal so yes if I chose to use it I could with no legal repercussions. I am also not mad friend. I'm not talking about the other plants you describe because that's off topic, I don't think the gov has any right to tell anyone what to put in their bodies. Unlike you i don't care what anybody uses as long as it doesn't adversely affect anyone else.

What are its negative effects again? I'm really having a hard time finding one. Adding purpose for cancer patients , more like giving them their appetite back that the chemo takes away. Not to mention aids patients, glaucoma sufferers, people with trouble sleeping,and people in pain. It sounds like you've been indoctrinated for so long that you can't see the forest for the trees and have no experience. You should watch reefer madness or maybe read a couple articles and enlighten yourself. I assume you don't drink alcohol? That's a rec drug that kills more people a year than all illegal drugs. This plant has never killed anyone ever. Something doesn't jive with those facts. Please let me know what are the negative consequences with it are ? Thanks

I have watched reefer madness it was hilarious! I would say I have experience with the herb. I smoke cigs and drink alcohol i just don't hide behind the vial of medical purpose for my reasons. I like the feeling simply put.

again with the vilification of other rec drug users your no better then anyone else.
Honestly if you cant ascertain from my writing that I know about the plant then you may link short term memory loss as one negative aspect. I have experienced it personally I know its a real. Another posted about some stuff about its negative effects and got attacked however some of what he posted is true. I don't care what natural medical science journal article you can pull up that states otherwise because I have personally witnessed and gone through it.

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

because it's a mind-altering substance that ruins your judgment and eats your brain and turns you into a zombie.
most places leave you alone if you light up @ home and don't bother anyone.
I sure don't want to drive down the road amidst a bunch of stoners. dude! red light! whoa!

"Marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction time, and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration and impaired driving ability."

Using a link to a pure propaganda driven and government run website sure isn't a way to make many friends around here...

Cannabis does not "eat your brain..." But please, if you have a link to some relevant and solid peer reviewed research that states just this, link away.


posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: Discotech

originally posted by: jobless1
Its legality isn't because some shadowy corporation holding back the medical wonder drug and the cure all elixir its hyped to be. It's legality came about by the users and the culture they built around the herb as a recreational drug. Recreational drug use if you haven't noticed has a war waged against it in the united states with a few exceptions.


When Harry Anslinger, who was leading a federal agency that would later become the Drug Enforcement Agency, was confronted with the end of prohibition in 1933, he panicked because he and his man were charged with enforcing prohibition... He was worried that he didn't have a mission in life, that he and his men would be out of a job. That's when he began to lead the crusade against marijuana. They very deliberately, systematically chose marijuana as their new whipping boy. When Anslinger was participating in federal hearings that would eventually culminate in the passage of the Marijuana Stamp Act in 1937, which essentially made marijuana illegal, the arguments against marijuana use were not at all grounded in scientific evidence. They were grounded in hearsay and stereotypes: That this was a drug black men used to seduce white women. That it was a drug that led Mexicans to murder their white neighbors.

There was also a lot of lobbying from the timber industry to get a ban on Cannabis as the non psychoactive Hemp variant of the plant was used as rope and paper among other things which all culminated in the prohibition of the drug.

It was never made illegal because it was a recreational drug, it was made illegal because it suited certain interests of powerful people

Want to know a fun fact ? The British encouraged cannabis use during the slave era to subdue the slaves which is why it is part of Jamaican culture

hemp was a cash crop during the time of George Washington "first American President". So what?
#2 I knew about prohibition and why the they used the term marijuana instead of cannabis simply to make it sound foreign and Mexican so it would be easier to vilify the plant. Also its still illegal because its viewed as a rec drug not because lol reefer madness was true or people still believe the lies! #2 the counter culture and backlash from the timothy leery 60's era of expanding your mind "tune in and drop out" type of mentality got tied to its use much like lsd and other mind altering drugs which didn't help its image. In the late 80's early 90's it was tied to black gangster rap coming out with songs like "f-the police" and actually they put on an image of the leaf on the cd " the chronic" so yeah I think it had something to due with its users and their views and culture.

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: lovebeck

originally posted by: ElGoobero
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

because it's a mind-altering substance that ruins your judgment and eats your brain and turns you into a zombie.
most places leave you alone if you light up @ home and don't bother anyone.
I sure don't want to drive down the road amidst a bunch of stoners. dude! red light! whoa!

"Marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction time, and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration and impaired driving ability."

Using a link to a pure propaganda driven and government run website sure isn't a way to make many friends around here...

Cannabis does not "eat your brain..." But please, if you have a link to some relevant and solid peer reviewed research that states just this, link away.


The very fact that you trying to state that a mind altering psychoactive drug doesn't impair your ability to think should make you question your own knowledge on this topic.

Honestly I like discussing the topic with you "lovebeck" but even the classification of the drug is a psychoactive which by definition alters the mind to some degree.
symptoms of usage

Altered perception
• Change in mood
• Relaxation
• Euphoria
• Altered sense of time and space I can see this being an issue in a car
• Impaired memory (high doses) negative aspect
• Paranoia/Anxiety (high doses) negative aspect
• Auditory/visual illusions (high doses) negative aspect
• Hallucinations (very high doses) negative aspect


edit on 17-1-2016 by jobless1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: jobless1

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13

The FDA has recently approved the notoriously addictive prescription painkiller, OxyContin, for young people aged 11-16. The approval does not come without significant controversy, however, as rates of prescription drug addiction continue to plague America and other countries around the world.

prime example of vilification!

Yes handing Oxycontin to a child is bad but its a pain killer. I would rather my 12 year old take a half of the pill to kill the pain of having wisdom teeth pulled or to recover from a broken limb then giving him/her a joint and hoping it eases the pain slightly solely based off my worry she/he could become addicted to the prescription.

people like you are the reason why doctors now prescribe ibuprofen for everything. Hey you got shot 12 times well buddy your in luck because I'm going to write you a prescription for 800ml ibuprofen which you could get over the counter at a Walgreen's except its going to cost you 8 dollars more and will do nothing for your pain

I wouldn't want you to get addicted however I know the additive medication works that's why its additive because it works.

Actually, it isn't "people like him...." Doctors are HEAVILY monitored by both the state they practice in and the DEA when they prescribe opioid pain relievers.

If you have legit pain and have been "shot 12 times" doctors are NOT going to only prescribe Ibuprofen. IF that were to be the case, it would only be to those who have a clear history of doctor shopping/prescription drug misuse and abuse.

Prescription pain killer addiction is OUT OF CONTROL and that's why doctors are rather hesitant to prescribe strong pain killers these days, that and the monitoring/reports that have to be sent into the state and the Feds.

Doctors over prescribed pain killers for a very long time to people who didn't need them, people who should never have been on them long term and without educating those patients on the VERY high risk of becoming dependent/addicted. When the DEA got involved, some docs cut their patients off (and /or referred them to pain management specialists) which led to the rise in and resurgence of heroin use. The folks who were selling their scripts on the street to pay for rent, food or other more needed medications were also cut off which led to a very short supply in that market and super high prices...Again, leading the folks who were purchasing their painkillers on the street to turn to a much cheaper and much more potent alternative: Heroin.

Perfectly orchestrated, or?

Regardless, I am much less worried about the stoners out there than I am the fools who are banging a bag of heroin in their arm driving down the highway. I saw it ALL the time in Ohio, the crime was getting out of control in the suburbs and the type of people in our community was changing.

It was one of the reasons we moved 1200 miles away, to the great and beautiful state of Colorado.

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: jobless1

The very fact that you trying to state that a mind altering psychoactive drug doesn't impair your ability to think should make you question your own knowledge on this topic.

It does impair your ability to think, just like caffeine, nicotine, sugar, chocolate, oh MONSTER. There are so many more legal drugs than pot, why don't you guys stick to that and let other people be happy?

Also, if you never have taken X, never became addicted to X, never had to overcome your X addiction - than you really should not be allowed to talk about X nor should you be allowed to tell any other person what they can or can not do.

The first drug I was introduced with 15 years was an anti depressant. I was prescribed two pills a day. After 4,5 months I realized they did more damage than good so I stopped taking them cold turkey without talking to my doctor or my mum.

Worst two months of my teenage years, if you want to call them like that.

At the same time I was prescribed anti depressants I completed a IQ test - 120.

If you have nothing to offer than an opinion which is based on words or experiences by other people, don't open your mouth.

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: lovebeck

actually I'm very aware of the pain medication situation. Regardless of the fact placing restrictions on doctors to prescribe medication isn't something the government should have any say in. Documenting peoples medical records is considered criminal except for the government which is crazy. Placing restrictions on treatment options is stupid and dangerous.

again freedom of choice

sorry I meant to say viewing peoples medical records not directly related to treatment is criminal obviously hospitals should document medical history.
edit on 17-1-2016 by jobless1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

I think a large part of the 'war on drugs' and 'feeling good' has really been the ongoing 'war on the youth' and the 'war on the working class' by people in power. Weed and opium were banned way before 'big pharma' had the influence it has today. The economic values were a fear of a lazy workforce or that China would profit from the opium trade. With weed, it was also an extension of the day-to-day racism of the times and not wanting black people to be getting high.

The socio-economic reasons are often overlooked because they go so far back.

Another thing is societies just don't like their younger generations doing stuff they didn't do. Whether it's smoking weed, taking MDMA pills or dancing to Elvis Presley, the Establishment freaks out and demonises them. The most recent one is young people using laughing gas. Man, suddenly the Daily Mail are freaking out about how dangerous it is. Warehouse parties, festivals and wearing new styles of clothes have always scared the guys in charge. Nothing ever changes.

In the UK we had a Dr David Knutt. He was the chairman of a Govt. thinktank tasked with directing the anti-drugs propaganda in the UK. The problem was he didn't agree with them. His own research said the opposite. In fact, any way you look at weed use or MDMA, its more dangerous to ride horses or walk the streets. The 'feeling good' argument is always flattened by the 'danger, danger' argument and here was a PhD saying 'danger' is a falsehood - propaganda.

He was fired from the job.

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 04:50 AM

originally posted by: jobless1

originally posted by: lovebeck

originally posted by: ElGoobero
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

because it's a mind-altering substance that ruins your judgment and eats your brain and turns you into a zombie.
most places leave you alone if you light up @ home and don't bother anyone.
I sure don't want to drive down the road amidst a bunch of stoners. dude! red light! whoa!

"Marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction time, and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration and impaired driving ability."

Using a link to a pure propaganda driven and government run website sure isn't a way to make many friends around here...

Cannabis does not "eat your brain..." But please, if you have a link to some relevant and solid peer reviewed research that states just this, link away.


The very fact that you trying to state that a mind altering psychoactive drug doesn't impair your ability to think should make you question your own knowledge on this topic.

Honestly I like discussing the topic with you "lovebeck" but even the classification of the drug is a psychoactive which by definition alters the mind to some degree.
symptoms of usage

Altered perception
• Change in mood
• Relaxation
• Euphoria
• Altered sense of time and space I can see this being an issue in a car
• Impaired memory (high doses) negative aspect
• Paranoia/Anxiety (high doses) negative aspect
• Auditory/visual illusions (high doses) negative aspect
• Hallucinations (very high doses) negative aspect


Actually, it doesn't impair "my ability" to do anything, because I don't use Cannabis. I am a nurse and a very well educated one at that...On this topic and many others.

The effects of Cannabis are dose dependent, just like many other medications out there. There are strains that have very little to no THC, the compound that causes the psychoactive effects, but are high in CBD. Strains like Chadlotte's Web that has PROVEN to be EXTRMELY effective in the treatment of Epilepsy in children.

Have you ever seen a toddler, a little kid, have multiple seizures a day? The current treatment (in 99% of cases) is to load them up on anti seizure drugs and benzodiazepines/barbiturates in order to flood the brain with those chemicals so it doesn't misfire.

That's great, if it actually works but usually doesn't 100% and they still need something called Diastat for rescue which is a high dose Valium rectal gel. Plus, the child is a complete and total ZOMBIE who can barely speak, feed themselves, cannot even learn to be potty trained and can barely function in school if they even get to go to school, cannot play outside, etc.

However, there is a 100% natural plant that has proven to be VERY effective at controlling seizures and giving these children their lives back, allowing parents to "meet" their kids for the first time. Now should they be prevented from even trying that medication, one so PROMISING and effective? Why? Because of OUTDATED and ridiculous propaganda developed in the 1930's that people are stupid enough to believe (which is now spearheaded by Big Pharma) versus actual SCIENCE?

It is laughable, really, that people can be SO ignorant in this day and age.

posted on Jan, 17 2016 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: jobless1
a reply to: lovebeck

actually I'm very aware of the pain medication situation. Regardless of the fact placing restrictions on doctors to prescribe medication isn't something the government should have any say in. Documenting peoples medical records is considered criminal except for the government which is crazy. Placing restrictions on treatment options is stupid and dangerous.

again freedom of choice

You really have no clue. "Documenting on people's medical records..." Is NOT criminal. That's what we medical professionals do in order to provide ongoing and safe medical care and to protect ourselves from BS allegations and lawsuits, too. Too many people who claim they are in "pain" abused the system, leading to more problems which are very present today. But they are non complaint when it comes to ANY other treatment modalities other than pills. Go figure.

Those "restrictions" aren't for those who have a legit medical need and an actual diagnosis, but for those who could be treated with other medications, physical therapy, biofeedback, injections, etc. but either refuse or STILL demand they get their opiates, even when they are not needed. These are the people who either purpsely or inadvertently became dependent/addicted and are the reasons that these regulations are now in place. The ones who refuse to go to pain management, refuse or are non complaint with any other treatment options, the ones who come to the ED and say "there's only one kind of pain medicine that helps me...its called dilaula, dilila..." And then we say "Dilaudud?" And they perk right up, get all bright eyed and say "YES! That's it!"

Seriously, if I had a nickel...

Drug seekers/abusers almost always have the same behaviors and act exactly alike and they're not fooling anyone anymore. Blame them for the war on opiates, it has NOTHING to do with cannabis.

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