posted on Jan, 16 2016 @ 11:21 AM
The day my little brother was born. My cousin lived with us at the time and she stayed home with me while my parents went to the hospital. I clearly
remember our discussion, we didn't know the gender of the baby, she asked what I hoped to have, a brother or sister. I said sister but a brother would
be ok too. She hoped he would be a boy, we were both overjoyed to meet him. He was an adorable baby.
Another memory I'll cherish is the day I married my best friend. It was a super low key wedding at the County Recorders office with just our immediate
families. We all went out to dinner at our favorite restaurant afterwords. When we got home we kept calling each other husband and wife, it was pretty
surreal. Just had dinner there last Sunday night and were reminiscing.
Another good memory was driving home after having suffered a NDE and being hospitalized for 2 weeks. It was a warm day and the windows were down. I
had my arm out the passenger window, moving it up and down with the breeze, just thinking how lucky I was to be alive.