posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 07:51 PM
Human beings have been indoctrinated for such a long time, that they do not believe in one religion, for it only enstates that one condition will
enforce their own countries self expressed spiritual condition to not be considered of equal worth.
The problem with our brother's ancient spirit is that it all thought the same....overthrow...personal ownership by status of an agreed male
Therefore each country has always owned their own religious status involving ancient brotherhood reasoning of creative powers.
As the condition of the human psyche belongs to all nations as a real fact of brotherhood forming religious ideals, then the only true situation is to
be honest and teach the reality of the concepts of religious status.....that it was only ever science of the occult that then attacked the human brain
by the returned irradiations.
Human life then believed the indoctrinated belief of occultism, for the signals that our brother used indoctrinated the human life, with the same
belief that our brother had originally used.
So our human minds and human thoughts and human behavior became indoctrinated by his ancient occult practices of the evil spirit. Why else do you
propose that the human mind is indoctrinated itself?
Every country therefore has its own personal spiritual memory that is held in the indoctrinated spiritual belief.
We therefore cannot be preached to by a human being, self aware of occultism, yet still practising occultism himself. Why would any other religious
ideal be altered...when the possessed mind is already given to the spiritual records.
Each country has a spiritual origin that is self expressed as its personal spiritual condition and we should honor our spiritual families and their
love of self expression. We should be taught the spiritual truth from a spiritual honest self appraisal and a spiritual review that no longer
supports an ownership of spirit as a personal status.
Until religious ideals are taught correctly, then our humanity cannot heal itself from its ancient occult attacks and incorrect teachings...we are not
one religion....we are one in spirit and should be honored for our personal inheritance.
Our life should be a life of equality, where spiritual guidance is given in the equal status of being guidance without dictatorship or personal
status....we all know by spiritual psyche that we were overthrown and indoctrinated and using these forms of status only allows humanity to self
express their spiritual disgust at being dishonored as a family member.
A real Father is the human Father and the human Father in the tribal community was only considered wise by his life experience...not by an imposed
status. The aged Father given the rights to be served by his family only because his aged body could no longer toil and work as an equal....he
therefore earned this status...but was dishonored by his younger son who simply wanted to claim status without toil.
If you are going to impose a condition of spiritual sanctions then impose the condition as a personal reality....a human equal who only earns the
respected status when it has been earnt.