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Muslim R@pe game called "Taharrush", taking over Germany and Switzerland!

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posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:35 PM
The videos are not from Germany.

We've all heard of the rapes that have happened in the recent past, however this doesn't appear to be just incidences of a concupiscent nature. It appears to be an actual sexual game, that Muslim men have made up to terrorize Western females. This rape culture that the feminists keep spouting off about, that never was a reality, is becoming a reality fast...but not from Western men, let's get that straight.

These are dirt devils that we are dealing with here. Everyone has an opinion about migrants pouring into a nation, and most agree with it, because of the media campaigns catering to their bleeding hearts, and the social pressure of all their friends, who have equally been brainwashed. Is the sacrifice, of pacifying your internal guilt worth what may happen to YOUR wife or daughter?

What say everyone, about these people coming into America?

M uslim R@pe Game - Source

edit on 14-1-2016 by IlluminatiTechnician because: Grammar

edit on 15-1-2016 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:45 PM
How many refugees can I have come live at my house with my daughter?

Sign me up Obama!

Thank Allah President Obama vetoed better back ground checks for refugees.
edit on 14-1-2016 by abe froman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Gotta say ... you nailed the problem right there for everyone to see.

Very disturbing to see those guys unfastening as they rushed in.
edit on 1412016 by Snarl because: 2d Line

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Waiting for the apologists to show up to tell us none of this is real, it's just made up anti-Muslim propaganda.


Ladies, while being brutally gang raped just remember that Islam is a religion of peace.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Jesus F***** Christ!!! By blood is just boiling now!

We all knew it was happening but this is the first time ive seen an actual filming of it...

What age do we live in again?

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:52 PM

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: abe froman

I had the word 'apologist' in my original post and thought better of it. Didn't want to rile up the folks who love to restrict people from from saying what they honestly feel. Of course, seeing it on video and 'feeling' aren't the same thing.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

The videos are too much for me to watch but I'm assuming all of the suspects are on film, right? Have they been caught and deported?

Where were the police? Where were the other Germans?

I can think of only a few worse nightmare scenarios than that. Those men were already ruined but now the victims are, as well. It takes miraculous effort to recover from that sort of experience.

I also don't understand why it's either "let them all in right away" or "let none of them in". Why isn't there some sort of process to make sure each refugee understands the basic social expectations and what will happen if they violate them? You can't just have a bunch of religious fundamentalists move into a new society without clarifying a few things before hand. This is just so sad and horrible.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:58 PM
I don't know what's we are supposed to be seeing in those videos, one very short and one without audio...
Having said that, only women and children should be given refuge.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:00 PM
This is beyond sick!! As a former rape survivor, i can say this makes my blood boil!!! And since these animals (apologies to all animals) want to come here with there vile disgusting "game" Let's show them how we do it in the West!! Castrate all who participate in this vile evil or build a maximum security prison like Alcatraz and throw them in there and permanently dispose of the key!! Don't ship them back where they can join IS and have a life....arrest them and convict them! Teach them they will be accountable for their actions!!

Thanks you big FUkkkk Obozo!! May God have mercy on you!! Or in your case Mohamed!!


posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

These people are pure evil. I have no sympathy for them. They should deport them immediately back to wherever they came from. What country wants to deal with this sick, evil ideology?

Maybe they should have some German or Swiss military personal dress up like women some night and when these sick ba$tards start groping them, they can beat the crap out of them, than arrest them and give them a 1 way ticket back to Syria.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Those videos are beyond disturbing... Not really sure what to make of any of this, because I know sitting here in Seattle I can't make any difference this second... What horrible monsters we have on this planet, and these animals hide behind their BS religion... Screw allowing them into our western borders...

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: Abysha
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

The videos are too much for me to watch but I'm assuming all of the suspects are on film, right? Have they been caught and deported?

Where were the police? Where were the other Germans?

What germans? THe videos show scenes in Egypt from years ago. Has nothing to do with Germany. And this is how people want to rile up things, like the OP, here. Posting a video from a different place, and different circumstances as if it was actually from "what is happening in Germany".

And think about this: What devout good muslim would be celebrating New Year's Eve with alcohol, drugs and sex?

Isn't it "weird" that this rape thing happened so "coordinated" on the New Years Eve. What do we know about the perpetrators? Do we even have a SINGLE NAME of them?

edit on 14/1/2016 by sHuRuLuNi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:07 PM
Honestly, who would be against swift quick execution of these animals?? I think this needs to be a global policy immediately.. Start making examples of them in front of each other, I'm sure they'll change fast..

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

Pritty dam sick.

Apparently the Swiss have a gun in nearly every household. So hopefully the rapists scum get there nether regions blowing off sooner rather than later.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

open your eyes, Charlie!!! Look at the woman in the second video she is being raped right in front of you While she stands!!!

There is audio in the first can you not hear the screams?? And in the second it is very obvious without audio!! You can see that Mofo thrusting into her!!

Don't down play this at all, please and if you really can't see this then watch it again and again until you get it!

However, I agree about the children only!! The women need to be vetted and the men need to stay put!


posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: Abysha
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

The videos are too much for me to watch but I'm assuming all of the suspects are on film, right? Have they been caught and deported?

Where were the police? Where were the other Germans?

I can think of only a few worse nightmare scenarios than that. Those men were already ruined but now the victims are, as well. It takes miraculous effort to recover from that sort of experience.

I also don't understand why it's either "let them all in right away" or "let none of them in". Why isn't there some sort of process to make sure each refugee understands the basic social expectations and what will happen if they violate them? You can't just have a bunch of religious fundamentalists move into a new society without clarifying a few things before hand. This is just so sad and horrible.

Here is your answer. The cops have been told to leave the Muslim people alone, and to cover up any incidents of rape. I can only suspect that, Murkel wants Germany to Beg for a police state.

Leaked police report claims senior police officers feared fatalities and that one of those involved in attacks told officers: “I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.”


posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician
Maybe they should have some German or Swiss military personal dress up like women some night and when these sick ba$tards start groping them, they can beat the crap out of them, than arrest them and give them a 1 way ticket back to Syria.

Or... maybe just have their female soldiers dress as females? They might fall for it a bit better.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:12 PM
I don't know how true it is that these games are real but it's a pretty terrifying scenario. That many people on a person and it doesn't really matter how well trained you are or even if you're armed, it's gonna end badly.

If it is real I hope they're found, dealt with properly and the victims find a way to move past it.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: sHuRuLuNi

originally posted by: Abysha
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

The videos are too much for me to watch but I'm assuming all of the suspects are on film, right? Have they been caught and deported?

Where were the police? Where were the other Germans?

What germans? THe videos show scenes in Egypt from years ago. Has nothing to do with Germany. And this is how people want to rile up things, like the OP, here. Posting a video from a different place, and different circumstances as if it was actually from "what is happening in Germany".

And think about this: What devout good muslim would be celebrating New Year's Eve with alcohol, drugs and sex?

Isn't it "weird" that this rape thing happened so "coordinated" on the New Years Eve. What do we know about the perpetrators? Do we even have a SINGLE NAME of them?

Son of a... super lame.

I didn't watch them because they are a bit too triggering. Thanks for clearing that up.

It's a horrible thing no matter where it is but, if it's being used as propaganda like you suggest, it's a crappy thing to do.

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