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has any one heard of the catenians

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posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 05:05 PM
i was wondering if any one has heard of the catenians, a roman catholic secret society im not want to post any links until im sure of their goals.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 05:08 PM
Wont post links? Ok, here, let me help you LOL

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 11:41 PM
Orangeman you obviously either have a personal problem with Catholics, are paranoid of Catholics or both. Guess what I am Catholic and guess what, I don�t hate you, I am not after you, and I am not going to try to convert you. Before you give me some speech about how evil I am let me tell you my history a being a Christian. I was born Catholic and left the church because I found it boring. I started to go to Gospel Churches and found them fun. Then I went to the paranoid so called �Bible Christian� (cornerstone for example) churches and they preached to me about the evils of the Catholic Church. I believed them (like you) at first. After a while I noticed something didn�t seem right. First why was I giving money to the church when the pastor drove a BMW? They always said to give money but I questions that the money should go to the poor and these �modern day prophets� got angry at me. Then one day I saw a man called Kevin Leal. He said that the day he was saved he gave $2000 to the church. It turned into a money game. There is nothing wrong with giving money to the church but when the ones who run the church live high on the hog it makes you think. Then I found out one of the pastors was being investigated for molestation. I stopped going to church for years because I was confused. I didn�t believe in god and didn�t care. Then after I had children I went back to this church to witness the son of a friend of mine have a dedication. In this dedication the man Kevin Leal mentioned that Catholic baptized their babies and he preached how wrong it was and claimed it came from pagan rituals. I knew he was wrong and after that for years I studied on my own (with some help) the history of Christianity. I did not read the history of the Catholic Church but Christianity as a whole. I also recommend studying Christianity from a historian not Jack Chick. So anyways about a year ago I had an epiphany and realized that there was a god. I joined the Knights of Columbus to help the community. I came back to the Catholic Church because it is the way I feel is right. Now that doesn�t mean I am going to make you believe what I believe or hate you because you don�t. One final question is, tell me what REALLY means to be Christian. Peace be with you.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 09:20 AM
pbrez, me being a full communicant member of my church, christianity means me being saved and all my life and actions will be judged one day, also showing no hostility towards anyone and being as good a person as i can. Now if you will get off your offensive and stop saying i have a problem with catholics answer the question about the catenians, as i posted earlier everytime someone wants to investigate rome or their orders a typica lcatholic pops up and calls the investigator anti-catholic, and sure as eggs are eggs you took the bait. Question do you think the catholic church referring to non catholics as heretics is christian?

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 09:23 AM
pbrez forgot to mention in the earlier post i dont hate you either. Infact i dont hate anyone but im just a bit disillusioned that your christian church acts so unchristian. Can you not see my point of view?coverups,scandals,secret orders,money laundering. the truth is out there we have a right to know and by doing this it doesnt make us anti-catholic or anything else.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
pbrez forgot to mention in the earlier post i dont hate you either. Infact i dont hate anyone but im just a bit disillusioned that your christian church acts so unchristian. Can you not see my point of view?coverups,scandals,secret orders,money laundering. the truth is out there we have a right to know and by doing this it doesnt make us anti-catholic or anything else.

Tell me what is "unchristain" about the Catholic church. Now if mention sex scandals dont think that only happens in the catholic church. Next is there are no secret orders you must have read that in a chick tract. Next there is no money laundering you watched the Godfather 3 to many times.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 09:56 AM
link\Religion\archive\REL19991123a.html right pbrez check this out in fact i should add stolen gold laundering to that as well
You seemed to pick out some points of my post and leave others, is referring to non catholics as heretics a christian act? please answer this time, is helping wanted (catholic) nazi members a christian act. No other church that i know do these kind of things what about the roman catholic order the knights hospitallers? i see it is ok for you to ask about the eastern star but when i ask about the catenians im anti-catholic it makes me sick!

[edit on 9-1-2005 by orangeman dave]

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 09:59 AM
also pbrz if there are no secret orders then why are the passwords and grips of catholic orders kept secret? Why are the ceremonies taking place behind closed doors. If this is not Secret what is?

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
pbrez forgot to mention in the earlier post i dont hate you either. Infact i dont hate anyone but im just a bit disillusioned that your christian church acts so unchristian. Can you not see my point of view?coverups,scandals,secret orders,money laundering. the truth is out there we have a right to know and by doing this it doesnt make us anti-catholic or anything else.

I am not a super big fan of the Catholic Church, but I have no beef with them either.

It is my understanding that EVERY Christian denomination currently was an off-shoot of the Catholic Church At one point or another. So if ANY church is Christian, I would believe it to be the Catholic.

My understanding is that Peter fled Jerusalem and moved to Rome, where he established the Catholic Church. Jesus entrusted his church to Peter in Matthew 16:18

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Mt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Mt 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

[edit on 9-1-2005 by wiggy]

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by pbrez
when the ones who run the church live high on the hog it makes you think.

Nothing against Catholics here, I just question your logic in choosing a church.

Have you ever seen the opulence that the Pope and Bisops live in?
My mother-in-law is catholic. She has many sources of information that are pro-Catholic, by Catholics. And she is constantly pointing out the large mansions they live in, the staff that waits on them, and the lavish food they eat.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
pbrez, me being a full communicant member of my church, christianity means me being saved and all my life and actions will be judged one day, also showing no hostility towards anyone and being as good a person as i can.

That what was that bit about killing all the members of one group or another?

is referring to non catholics as heretics a christian act?

Most assuredly it is. Distinguishing between heresy and correct doctrine is fundamental to christianity. Hell, thats what you are doing by saying the RCC is unchristian.

It is my understanding that EVERY Christian denomination currently was an off-shoot of the Catholic Church

Catholic is supposed to mean 'worldly' or 'universal' or something like that. There are definitly lots of churches that were never part of the RCC.

My understanding is that Peter fled Jerusalem and moved to Rome, where he established the Catholic Church.

Thats the usual story, however in the early times the big man of the church in Rome was one of several in the world. THere was a patriarch in Rome, and I think Constantinople, Syria, and several others. The Great Schism is perhaps when one can say that the RCC really came into being. The early community split into a Catholic and an Orthodox church. Of course, there were lots of heresies around before then too, like the Arian Heresy and other groups, who could reasonably said to not be offshoots of the Catholic Church.

Anyway, the catenians.
The Catenian Association is an international brotherhood of Catholic men. They meet socially reflecting the mutual support and sharing of common values that is found within the Association.
The Association's name is derived from the Latin 'Catena' (a chain) with the Circles being the links.
It was founded in Manchester in 1908 and has 11,000 members.

I suppose this orangeman has some sort of conspiracy links about them or something, maybe they were supportive of the Irish revolts or something like that. On the bit about him being anti-catholic, I think that there is obviously not much he's said here to establish that, but he does seem to be a bit anti-irish and anti-papist in other threads. I don't think anyone needs to be a genius to figure out who the 'orangemen' are, I doubt the man is merely a fan of the University of Syracuse.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by orangeman dave\Religion\archive\REL19991123a.html right pbrez check this out in fact i should add stolen gold laundering to that as well
You seemed to pick out some points of my post and leave others, is referring to non catholics as heretics a christian act? please answer this time, is helping wanted (catholic) nazi members a christian act. No other church that i know do these kind of things what about the roman catholic order the knights hospitallers? i see it is ok for you to ask about the eastern star but when i ask about the catenians im anti-catholic it makes me sick!

[edit on 9-1-2005 by orangeman dave]

Well ok I can dig for news articles too. A baptist minister is a former KKK leader so now everyone must think that protestants are in the KKK. As for your comments on

Also dont think the catholic church is the only church with scandels.

Ask for the catenians. I know nothing about them but is seems like another fraternial orginization. Finally yes I asked about the eastern star. Look at the way I asked, you ask about the catenians like they are coming after you.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
also pbrz if there are no secret orders then why are the passwords and grips of catholic orders kept secret? Why are the ceremonies taking place behind closed doors. If this is not Secret what is?

You know nothing about the Knights of Columbus. Ready for this, there are no secret passwords or grips. the only secret is the ceromony so it doesnt ruin it for the next guy.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
pbrez, me being a full communicant member of my church, christianity means me being saved and all my life and actions will be judged one day, also showing no hostility towards anyone and being as good a person as i can.

So you say Catholics dont do this? Let me ask you this, do you sin? Do you feel that humans cannot sin?

Now if you will get off your offensive and stop saying i have a problem with catholics answer the question about the catenians, as i posted earlier everytime someone wants to investigate rome or their orders a typica lcatholic pops up and calls the investigator anti-catholic, and sure as eggs are eggs you took the bait. Question do you think the catholic church referring to non catholics as heretics is christian?

I am not being offensive because you do have a problem with Catholics. Some other post you publish web links to totaly false stories. Feel free to investigate what you want but maybe you should ask these questions on a Catholic website and get better answers. Now you mention the catholic church thinks a non-catholic is a heretic. The answer is No. Now before you start posting something that was said 100 years ago listen to this; I was a protestant and called myself a "bible christian". I heard more hatered toward another human being in that church than any other. They bashed Catholics all the time and hated them. But they would say "I dont hate Catholics." Now when I goto mass and another faith is mentioned it is postitive. Just last Sunday during the homily the pastor mentioned a food drive with our "protestant brothers" and needed volunteers. Does that sound like we like you are a hereitic. My personal feeling is this. I found the way I like to follow god. If you found your way through another church or faith that is great, I have nothing against you or your beliefs.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by eaglewingz

Originally posted by pbrez
when the ones who run the church live high on the hog it makes you think.

Nothing against Catholics here, I just question your logic in choosing a church.

Have you ever seen the opulence that the Pope and Bisops live in?
My mother-in-law is catholic. She has many sources of information that are pro-Catholic, by Catholics. And she is constantly pointing out the large mansions they live in, the staff that waits on them, and the lavish food they eat.

I am pro catholic and do not live in a mansion. I dont even live in a large house. I was past up for promotion last year and my boos is catholic. My protestant friend eats lavish food because he can afford it. I have seen where priest and bishops live and they are not mansions. They house that the cardinal has in my area is large but also shared between several people and has office space.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
also pbrz if there are no secret orders then why are the passwords and grips of catholic orders kept secret? Why are the ceremonies taking place behind closed doors. If this is not Secret what is?

I don't understand.
You claim to be a Feemason. Freemasonry contains the above, yet is not a Secret Society. It is Private. Big difference.
Why then do you brand something else as being a "secret society" when it isn't much different to Freemasonry in that respect?
Or do you think that Freemasonry is a "secret society"?
If you do, then you're the first Freemason whom I have ever heard make such a claim.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
Question do you think the catholic church referring to non catholics as heretics is christian?

The Catholic church does not call non catholics heretics. Heretics are those that take church teaching and twist it around into something it is not. Kind of like taking church doctrine and teaching falsehoods about it. Usually this is something that is done publicly and on a larger scale.

her·e·tic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hr-tk)
A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.

[edit on 10-1-2005 by chief_counsellor]

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 05:58 PM
I have a question for Orangeman Dave. Are you a member of the Orangemen Party?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:34 PM
what is the orangeman party?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
what is the orangeman party?

OK maybe its called just Orangemen. I noticed your name was Orangeman Dave and see you are british. So I figured you where with this group

[edit on 13-1-2005 by pbrez]

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