Or, Mushroom of immortality.
My grandfather, a great man who drinks Budweiser like a fish, puffs on the green stuff like Gandalf, ex golden glove glove boxer, avid expert
fisherman, with a semi poor diet was recently diagnosed with the beginning stages of pancreatic cancer.
He changed nothing, all he did was add locally harvested Chaga mushroom ground up into his coffee. A mere month later, cancer has vanished. God is
good, nature, and her food are powerful medicines.
This story convinced me to start harvesting this beauty for myself, I have become very good and gain a bit more knowledgeable every day. My wife and I
have even sold pounds upon pounds of it for cheap. We're not making much now but am simply content to spread wellness.
I'm starting this thread with a couple simple questions;
How many members believe this should be considered a superfood?
2nd; The most prominent effect I've noticed is a detoxification effect. (Hopefully don't need to go into detail there), and more frequent, memorable
vivid/nearly lucid dreams, along with clarity.
I've read this stuff Is a pineal decalcification powerhouse.
It should be added, I am not the only one, many others have experienced the dreams. Then of course the best account of all, my Grandfather.
To reiterate: does it decalcify our pineal? Is it a super food.
I live in a chaga rich land and am becoming an expert. We already have customers in Hawaii and eventually this will bloom into a busines.
So here I am spreading the word, offerings services, and consulting the best minds I know of on the Internet.
Thoughts? Input? Suggestions? Experiences?
edit on 13-1-2016 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)