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NWO: A Poor Strategy

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posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 12:27 PM
At the beginning of the Iraq War, there were many who disagreed with Bush's allegations against Saddam Hussein. The people of the world, and Americans themselves, commonly disbelieved the notion that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, let alone that Saddam was thus a threat to the western world. This belief lead to private investigations conducted by the people, via OSINT, or "the internet."

The American people because increasingly disenfranchised through their efforts, a continuance of a recent trend beginning September 11th. Many learned that those WMDs Bush spoke of were provided to Iraq during the Iraq/Iran war. We knew Saddam had them because we gave them to him. This thought even went on to become popularized through Hollywood and other media. Many even began to theorize that Bush Jr was motivated to attack Saddam solely out of revenge for Saddam having attempted to assassinate his father. A segment of the American population was first introduced to the concept of war profiteering during this time also, learning about Halliburton's enormous no-bid contracts in Iraq, then discovering that Halliburton is Dick Cheney's baby. An obvious conflict of interest suggestive of conspiracy.

An even smaller segment of the population learned about Rothschild's central banks, how the Federal Reserve was one of these banks and how only a few nations were without one of these dominators of economics and peoples. That is, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Libya and Syria, if I recall correctly. From that alone one receives confirmation of a "New World Order coming into view," as Bush Sr once said. Particularly given that since that time the oligarchy has evidently been systematically attacking those listed nations, immediately installing Rothschilds central banks.

Yet, I remember one other thing from those days. In the beginning, I often heard it said that if Bush were to have just announced our reason for war was to conquer Iraq's oil, as many suspected anyway, then the American people would support this. Fuel prices were on the rise then, and a cheaper price at the pump was all the justification many needed. However, Bush had apparently lied to us. That popular belief lead to a large segment of the population becoming disenfranchised. It lead to them wanting to know what his real motivations were. It lead to where we are today, with an oligarchy more exposed and jeopardized than at any other time in living history.

During his campaign, Trump has repeatedly criticized Bush for not ceasing the oil in Iraq. That point has been well received by the American public. The Americans don't appear to be particularly opposed to war. It's a condition that America has adopted as commonality since the early 1900s. For generations we've watched and fought war after war, and for the most part we've accepted this. We are in fact proud of our ancestry, and inclined to take pride in our government, the progenitor of modern warfare. The American people are amused and entertained by war, because we're a warlike nation. Im certain that many of you recall watching our invasion of Iraq live on television with awe and excitement, and I'm sure many of you recall the recent petition being signed by Americans calling for us to nuke Russia. So, if we're such avid supporters of warfare, then what went wrong?

We were lied to. History is inundated by empires attacking other empires for arguably trivial reasons, and also for reasons never specified as far as the average citizen knew. People love it even their government whips it's adversary. How many times have you heard complaints that we "could" have won the Vietnam war had our hands not been tied, and yet what was even the point of that war as far as the public was concerned? Most people couldn't tell you why we were fighting exactly. They just wish we'd won.

Bush went about the Iraq War all wrong. He should have told us that our economic troubles was due, in part, to Saddam now trading oil using currencies other than the world reserve currency, US Dollars, arguably a form of economic warfare. He should have said that skyrocketing prices at the pump was a direct result of this, as well as general crude rate hikes at his oil fields. For this reason, in order to preserve the integrity of the American economy, Bush could say that he had declared war on Iraq, in order to overthrow this man who was a ruthless dictator anyhow. In order to prevent our economy from being held hostage to the whims of a foreign power. We would sack Iraq's treasuries in order to recover a portion of our war expenses, and we would capture and hold Iraq's oil industry in its entirety in order to recover the remaining costs of the war, in addition to securing these resources vital to our strategic interests in order to prevent such events from harming us again. He should have said that he personally placed Vice President Dick Cheney in charge of the American corporation Halliburton in order to oversee constructing any infrastructure necessary for accomplishing our objectives there, which will in turn provide jobs to any patriotic Americans wishing to participate. That and all captured infrastructure will then be sold to American oil corporations for a profit, which will be used to to recover our remaining war expenses and also to reduce our nation's deficit. Halliburton will then regularly pay the US government fees in order to retain its contracts to continue transporting the oil for those corporations. Meanwhile, security will be provided by Blackwater, an American mercenary outfit that will protect the lives of American workers in Iraq so that American soldiers don't have to. Blackwater will also pay the US government regular fees for contracts to provide security for the corporations there. Further, Blackwater' and Halliburton will have their services paid for by the corporations who's oil they'll be protecting, and those corporations will also pay fees for continuing to operate the infrastructure we've sold them. Meaning, the US government is investing in a renewable source of income in order to lighten the load on the American taxpayer. Finally, Bush should have said that by the conclusion of his first term, he expects a return on investment sufficient to begin a reduction in taxation, while simultaneously the American people will see a financial benefit averaging X amount of dollars more in their pockets at the end of each year, as well as a drop in cost of living and drop in unemployment.

Bush would have just announced that he would have made the world a better place, for America. The interests of the oligarchy and the citizenry is often the same. So, it seems foolish to overlook that fact, instead of aligning with the people who's calm demeanors you depend on for survival. Have they never heard of the saying "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer?" The American people will help you dominate the world, willingly, knowingly, if you simply make the relationship mutually beneficial, instead of constantly adversarial.

Does no one remember why Rome fell? Why take such a simple thing and make it so difficult?
edit on 13-1-2016 by Navarro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 12:48 PM

The American people will help you dominate the world, willingly, knowingly,

Not me...

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Me neither.

Rage against the dying of the Light.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

An American New World Order would appeal to Americans in the same way that a Police State isn't so bad if you're a policeman. If taxation and cost of living were significantly reduced, while simultaneously income and employment were significantly increased, I believe you would be too content with your lifestyle to have any real inclination to "bite the hand that feeds." At least they're being honest, and at least their actions are benefiting you. Suddenly, in a sense, you're playing for the same team. That's especially true if the government was also tending to leave you alone, rather than assaulting your liberties and otherwise frequently involving themselves in your personal business. If you're doing very well, if the police weren't hassling you all the time, then what catalyst would wake up future generations anyhow? What would keep you awake now?

edit on 13-1-2016 by Navarro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Navarro

OK. We got that take on the first Bush, the second Bush and lingering assumptions on the Bush that could be. Let's deal with the Clintons before and since...oh, shucks, off topic....

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: intrptr
Except, you're not "raging" in any meaningful sense. Nobody is. You're at best annoying, and at worst irrelevant and distracted. So, the concern isn't that you need to be thwarted in the present, but rather someone else may need to be opposed in the future. You'd be even less of an issue if the oligarchs were more or less bribing America into contentment, and future opposition will be even more so limited for having not ever felt the strife and chaffing that follows their current strategy. Your children and your children's children would see the oligarchs as providers, and the government as the protector and arm of the will of the people.
edit on 13-1-2016 by Navarro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Navarro

The Americans don't appear to be particularly opposed to war. It's a condition that America has adopted as commonality since the early 1900s. For generations we've watched and fought war after war, and for the most part we've accepted this. We are in fact proud of our ancestry, and inclined to take pride in our government, the progenitor of modern warfare. The American people are amused and entertained by war, because we're a warlike nation. Im certain that many of you recall watching our invasion of Iraq live on television with awe and excitement, and I'm sure many of you recall the recent petition being signed by Americans calling for us to nuke Russia. So, if we're such avid supporters of warfare, then what went wrong?

Bite your tongue.

Its our government that wages unjust war, I'm familiar with our history and have never supported this government in any war, let alone indulge in it.

I had to break a young lifetime of indoctrination and bondage to false ideology and wake up. Now I shine light in the dark propaganda places the machine spouts.

Whats your excuse, again?

Have they never heard of the saying "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer?" The American people will help you dominate the world, willingly, knowingly, if you simply make the relationship mutually beneficial, instead of constantly adversarial.

They have to pretend they are peaceful on the one hand while waging war on the other. How adversarial is that?

Assuage our guilt for going along and herald the accomplishment of 'helping' other nations they destroy.

Most Americans aren't so deluded, they know whats going on.

But take a neutral tact so they don't rock the boat.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 04:48 PM

Afghanistan is for the opium to make heroin to incarcerate those who can't afford an attorney:

Iraq was for the Stargate. 10 years to take it apart and build it anew at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio:

The fact remains, the ones who push for war NEVER have any 'skin in the game' Who is the politician in Washington that actually KNOWS that 'war is Hell' ? John McCain, yet He wanted the US in how many wars? When/if their kids serve in "Defense" they always get a cushy job to groom them for some congress job later, extending the bulls'nip'

Take the profit out of war and then there won't be any war... How much has Haliburton made in these wars?


posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Humanity is far from the noble creature it likes to think of itself as. Sadistic inclination is the status quo, from joy at the sight of someone falling, to another being struck in a sensitive area. Both events are typically deemed "comical" in our society. Our common sadism even extends to psychotic infatuation at the realization of physical or mental superiority and dominance over another, such as the pleasure one gains from harming another who slighted them. Fighting, for instance.

Studies have shown that people aren't particularly troubled by the sight of another suffering, so long as they don't expect that suffering may be inflicted on them next. Despite the typical person feeling such disregard for others, we tend to assess ourselves to be generally benevolent individuals. We are primitive, yet arrogant. We are masters of self-deception.

Do you really believe that Americans wouldn't choose to sacrifice the wellbeing of faceless foreigners in exchange for a substantial improvement to their quality of life?

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: JimNasium
The War on Drugs has long been a source of income for CIA and black budget projects, likely to include Breakaway Civilization. Atop that, more than 50% of American prisoners are incarcerated for drug offenses. We're locking people in cages, for years, because they smoked a plant. We even incarcerate more of our citizens per capita than any other nation on the Earth. Some Land of the Free. Yet, CIA and certainly corporate prisons such as those ran by the CSA certainly appreciate the situation. I'm sure the DEA's very proud.

I'm not sure that CNN I-Report is a very credible source though.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 10:46 PM
Americans love freedom too much, that's why we aren't included in their plans for a nwo. Right now they are using our economic power and military might to achieve their goals, so then when we are penniless, starving, and not to mention hated all over the world for all the dirty work "we" did around the world, and we are finally destroyed, nobody will care. They will have their perfect scapegoat, and they will say "now that the USA is gone, we can finally unite, in peace"... but with many restrictions to ensure THAT (USA) can never happen again... Like the NAZIs. Oh, you want freedom of speech, guns, freedom of press, etc? Well the USA had that, and look where it got them. You're not one of those NAZI, er, I mean, USA apologizers/sympathyzers, are you?

They will let out all the secrets of our corrupt government, they will say we faked the moon landing, killed jfk, did 9/11 against ourselves, and every other thing which may or may not be true... So they will have their Emmanuel Goldstein boogyman to unite against... Its the perfect boogyman subversive that could be in any part of the world because the US has people from all over the world. So anyone could be an American agent, trying to bring back the empire from its ashes, like the fabled NAZIs who are out there right now as we speak, planning to continue the "thousand year Reich".

The religious will be able to say "Babylon and it's antichrist" have fallen! ( or whatever version of endtimes events they subscribe to), so then they will await their messiah. Who will be the real antichrist or whatever.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: JimNasium

Afghanistan is for the opium to make heroin to incarcerate those who can't afford an attorney:

Iraq was for the Stargate. 10 years to take it apart and build it anew at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio:

The fact remains, the ones who push for war NEVER have any 'skin in the game' Who is the politician in Washington that actually KNOWS that 'war is Hell' ? John McCain, yet He wanted the US in how many wars? When/if their kids serve in "Defense" they always get a cushy job to groom them for some congress job later, extending the bulls'nip'

Take the profit out of war and then there won't be any war... How much has Haliburton made in these wars?


that link you provide here (aboiut a Stargate in Iraq) is a fake article on a number of topics, and as I recall the US was acting on bad intelligence which was quite detailed. The real motive was thought to be oil, but the US never did make a play for control of the oil fields I think due to UN (world) criticism. As mentioned, the central bank has everything to do with world wars, and the targets for these wars seems to be the location where banks want control.

Only reason I wanted to comment about this was the claim of an actual Stargate in Ur, was a pretty wild story when it broke years ago. The source artical was posted by some personals blog, not actually reported by any media, and that image of the stargate in the article is 100% faked (photoshop). Being a Stargate fan, I was really hoping the whole stargate thing would ring true but the actual Stargate was a remote viewing operation which was a real thing, but nothing to do with a physical stargate.

As much as people like to bash the Bush administrations over going to war with Iraq, it was supported by the UN allies and congress based on a very convincing argument over seemingly accurate intelligence presented to US/UN (Gen Colin Powell) prior to the Shock and Awe campaign. At the time, the majority of people were totally justified in going to war against Iraq from the 9/11 attacks, but it was a strategic fail because the US withdrew leaving the vacuum for ISIS to grow. It would be easy to just say Obama's foreign policy was short sided when it came to following through with the war campaign in Iraq. The most disturbing part, is during the past 8 years there have been a number of pentagon brass who assert the military industrial complex, NSA, CIA have been infiltrated by our enemy and all we hear from Obama is sympathy for Muslims. Being ex military, I feel for our service members who took the oath to defend this country when their own commander-in-chief seems to working against them. It is hard to tell how much of the current events are NWO design versus the current administrations design, but one only has to look at Europe to see how this plays out. I think it would be prudent strategy disallow immigration from countires we are at war with. I have never seen the military warn their enemy prior to air strikes... In the past it has been policy to strike the actual enemy rather than strike empty buildings and
destroying their homes, places of work, etc. which is counter productive.

This mass immigration/infiltration of muslims is really bad for everyone and if those people relocate abroad permanently, there will be nobody to rebuild their war torn cities and their homes and those regions will become a wasteland. My opinion is that Russia/Putin took the leadership role from the US/Obama to shape the ME the way it wants and NOT part of the NWO design, and it exposed a weak NATO and they know the US will doing nothing about it. Russia has gained back much of the former Soviet real estate in Crimea, Ukraine and the US has done nothing to keep them doing what they want. Strange, but I agree with Putin's strategy ignoring UN/NWO an I wish our own leadership had the same view, but someone needs to challenge the UN, else we will have 3rd world countries putting Sharia Law in place of existing law. There is not too much appealing about Agenda 21, but I see future problems with multicultural populations in high density areas. The issue with mass immigration of ME muslims is just the tip of the iceberg. It there were some catastrophy to occur in China, or India pretty much sets up a situation where you have a full blow invasion of millions. So what happens when the UN/WHO says Beijing is too polluted to inhabit? and those millions of people will be searching for a new home to destroy.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Navarro

I typed this yesterday in another thread...

Greetings- I was retired from a Ca. police dep't. and I can't see how the police force, any police force could ever go "Private" but many of the jails are Privately run by CCA® Corrections Corp.of America. When I was still working the idea was to issue a citation in the field and give the person a Promise To Appear, now these same folks are "booked" into county jails that are "Privately" run and the taxpayer for that area is milked.
When I was retired I knew I couldn't live in Ca. unless I got another job. I was fortunate that this was at the peak of the housing market and the 1292 sq. ft. home I bought in 1994 for $168,999.00 I sold in 2004 for $445,000.00 and moved to Central Florida. When I moved here the local jail was run by the County and in each day's newspaper, You could read who got busted and it was ended w/a "they were released on a citation" Now EVERY person gets "booked" and We get to pay for it.

Many of My posts here on ATS™ deal with this subject but I've since figured out another numbing fact... This is that "They" are directing folks into "Their" jails and prisons. I worked during 'The Crack War' when the target was the inner city, urban male. These were the guys who made even more $$ than the gov't. because they 'rocked' it up when the sub-Urban (read: white; affluent) received probation for using the same drug, coc aine but it was coc aine hydrochloride or 'powder'.

Now it is heroin. One of My last cases that I investigated was a heroin case, due to the fact that the city I worked was crawling w/heroin being used via eyedropper. Because I was on "Light Duty" I was able to really investigate this case. This was the latter part of 2001. At that time Afghanistan produced 7% of the world's opium. Since "The War" that number has grown from

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Navarro

I agree, there are but a few good Samaritans.

Humanity as a whole means little to them. Some people care, are actually trying to shine light in the dark places so others can see.

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