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Hilary Clinton vs Donald Trump for President? How About Neither Of Them!

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posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 04:13 PM
It appears like the November 2016 election for president of the United States could be a choice between Hilary Clinton, likely nominee for the democrats and Donald Trump, likely nominee for the republicans. In my opinion neither one of these candidates would be a suitable choice for our country.

Hilary Clinton, former secretary of state during the Obama administration, has been operating for some time now under a cloud of suspicion and mistrust resulting from her violation of National Security Rules and Regulations. She improperly utilized a private e-mail server which jeopardized sensitive documents and made them vulnerable to being hacked by other countries with adversarial interests.

She ignored warnings of an attack on the American facilities in Benghazy Libya, and when the attack was actually taking place, she told us that it was nothing but a You Tube video. Our ambassador in Libya as well as as three other people were killed. The entire incident was clearly mishandled by Mrs.. Clinton. She took no steps to prevent it even though warned.

Hilary Clinton went right along with and encouraged Obama's misguided M.E. policies both in regard to a failure to lead the fight against Isis as well as supporting the disastrous Iran Nuclear negotiations.

She also fully supports Obamacare which had made health insurance more costly for many Americans and has resulted in their having to give up personal physicians they wanted to continue seeing.

There is no doubt that a Hilary Clinton presidency would be nothing less than four more years of failed Obama policies.

America needs to change direction and Hilary Clinton will stay the present course. Change is needed and she will not provide that change.

And that brings us to a discussion of Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton's possible opponent in November, 2016. He would be an even greater disaster for America in my opinion. Mr. Trump is nothing less than an inarticulate bully and demagogue with no viable policies or solutions to the many problems facing the country today. All he seems to be able to do is insult and demean anyone who disagrees with him.

In a recent debate, Sir Donald stated that he opposed the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement because China was a bad player and would take unfair advantage of the other parties to the agreement. He didn't even know that China wasn't even a party to the agreement. A presidential candidate is supposed to know his facts and do his homework!

This racial dividing candidate would set Muslims against Christians, deprive American citizens of their rights to freedom of speech and assembly and make a mockery of the Constitution with excessive use of Executive Orders. Just recently he had his security people remove a woman from one of his speeches because she was a Muslim, and had another person ejected for heckling him.

His anti Muslim attitude is actually helping Isis to increase their numbers of radicalized jihadist warriors thereby making acts of terrorism even more likely right here at home.

And isn't it interesting that Mr. Trump is the only candidate in either party who seems to have the endorsement of Vladimir Putin, America's most dangerous international adversary?

America doesn't need a racial bigot and inarticulate bully with no viable solutions to world issues to serve as it's president!

I'm still hoping that these individuals will be rejected as candidates by their respective parties and that America will ultimately be given a different choice in November 2016. My suggestions as to alternative candidates will be the subject of another article coming soon.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 04:18 PM
Not a vote has been cast.

The Dems could simply vote Bernie in.

I'm not so sure they won't.

Trump is what you get when two political party's can't work together.

Obama has pulled the pendulum his way for 7 years.

Can't act surprised when it snaps back the other way.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: kendix1960
It appears like the November 2016 election for president of the United States could be a choice between Hilary Clinton, likely nominee for the democrats and Donald Trump, likely nominee for the republicans. In my opinion neither one of these candidates would be a suitable choice for our country.

I agree neither would be a good choice, but I also think the likelihood of them both being nominated is slim. We could very well have a Cruz vs Sanders race. A lot depends on the email scandal, which appears to be widening. Perhaps Hillary and her cronies can stop it, but if the ball gets rolling there it will be hard to stop. It;s not as if Hillary doesn't have serious political enemies.

As for Trump, he appears to be on a roll, but he's very good at shooting himself in the foot with ill-considered remarks and I expect him to falter as the election gets more serious. I wish we had another alternative to Cruz myself, but he's arguably better than Trump and I could live with it.

So I think both Sanders and Cruz aren't that far behind the so-called front runners, and we have plenty of time yet. I think it is premature to be reconciled to Hill and Trump.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:01 PM
I agree, Clinton would be like having Obama for another four years. As for Trump, he should stick to running Hotels and not the country!

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Quantum12

Right on, But he's best of all at running his mouth!

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: schuyler

I'll never be reconciled to this pair.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Trump was created by Obama who set the stage for a racist demagogue to fill the gap and appeal to all those felt let down by Obama's failed policies, both foreign and domestic.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: kendix1960

Bernie Ron Rand or any of the others aren't going to fix it either

Gotta truly secede from the British Crown and Vatican this includes Devil Country in Washington

edit on 11-1-2016 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: kendix1960
a reply to: whyamIhere

Trump was created by Obama who set the stage for a racist demagogue to fill the gap and appeal to all those felt let down by Obama's failed policies, both foreign and domestic.

Trump's ego has had his hat in the Presidential arena for many years.

He has been rejected early and often before the year of the outsider.

Trump is what you get when you shove an agenda down people's throats.

Obama's ideas are unworkable. Trump's bravado gives people comfort.

People in DC need to be fired..."You're Fired" is what people see Trump do.

You are selling the man short. I think he will be the next President.

But, I'm an Independent...So, I'm never right anyway

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

I sure hope you're wrong this time! As far as selling Trump short, what I said about him only touches the surface. He's really even much worse than that!

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

The Democrats might still nominate Bernie Sanders? What an unsettling thought that is! More taxes on our small businesses, loss of the entrepreneurial spirit that has always made "Coming to America" the favorite motto of the ambitious immigrants who flocked to our land in the late 19th and early 20th centuries including my own grandparents, and a massive redistribution of wealth. Socialism may be the answer for Great Britain but it won't work here.

I agree Cruz is better than Trump but the thought of him as president is also very unsettling. I may need to do another blog why neither of those candidates are viable either.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: kendix1960

Sanders might be the Democrat Party's version of a Goldwater moment where they get repudiated so soundly they learn just how far left the country actually isn't willing to go and get scared off the march for a generation or two.

I can dream because at least then I'd be dead by the time socialism/communism started rearing its ugly head in a serious way on the national stage again.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: kendix1960
a reply to: whyamIhere

I agree Cruz is better than Trump but the thought of him as president is also very unsettling. I may need to do another blog why neither of those candidates are viable either.

By all means, but that's not really the issue here. The issue is, "Who do we get?" not "But they are all bad."

I don't see anyone else on the Dem side at all. On the GOP side there are more candidates, but nobody else is pulling the numbers, at least not so far.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:08 PM
GO TRUMP. He states it how he see's it and says what is on his mind, you can count of that, at least you will know his opinions and make your own conclusions. We all want to know a president that will DOOOOOO something instead of laying back and doing nothing like Obuma signing in stupid laws and regulations and sitting back and doing NOTHING on the taxpayers dime. You can count on his honest opinion even if you may NOT like it, but at least you know where he stands. He is a patriot of the American. Facts are Facts, some of you may not like his opinions, but something has to be done to fix America. We need more Jobs here in America that actually stay here and NOT go overseas. We need someone who will stand up to the values of the Americans and NOT someone who does NOT. We need to Take Control of the situation and actually DO something about it and fix the problems and NOT sweep it under the rug and collect a paycheck. This is why I will vote for TRUMP. He stands up for the American Values here, NOT some do gooder WITH lots of money over seas who wants to change the value system of U.S.A. I don't know about YOU, but I love our value system here and I know it needs a lot of improvement from all these NO GOOD laws put into congress. We need to put the POWER back to WE THE PEOPLE and NOT some foreigner with lots of cash to change the system. OUR founding fathers have known this all to well. We have laxed in judgement and did NOT care while a big lie was perpetrated right before our eyes and made into laws. My opinion on the wall. It never worked for Germany, china, north korea and isreal and all the others in history, but this is just a small disagreement I have with Trumps ideals, but hay i'm willing to live with that until the WALL Fails again. Nobody's Perfect, we have to take the BEST candidate with the most ideals that is best for America and run with it and hopefully we can make better judgements to vote in those who Actually CARE about what happens to our country in the Futrue. With that said, GO TRUMP.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: kendix1960

It doesn't matter if it's Trump or Hillary.

Congress writes the laws. The president just signs them.

I just don't want Hillary because she'd give evil crones a bad name.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Now that depends ... are we talking Republican president or Democrat? If we're talking Republican, then what you said is absolutely correct. If we're talking Democrat, then the president frequently has to go around Congress when they don't act, and no one thinks this is odd.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

That's because Obama doesn't consider himself as president, he thinks he's a king.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 07:29 PM
LOL a reply to: DBCowboy


posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Quantum12

We simply can't afford four more years of Obama's policies as we would surely get from Hilary. She agrees with Obama that Isis is not America's fight. That bankrupt approach has now led to the point where Isis is ready to launch a wave of terrorist attacks in Great Britain per the latest news reports, and we are next after Britain as their prime targets.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: operayt

Trump has no viable plans or policies for addressing America's most pressing problems other than his empty rhetoric. He doesn't have even the foggiest idea how the legislative process works or how to actually turn ideas into action. The nation would be so divided and stalemated with Trump in charge that we would only have the same kind of gridlock in Congress that we have had to live with the past seven years under Obama. He just isn't qualified for the job and his money doesn't make him qualified.

But even worse than that, large numbers of our people would see some of their most precious constitutional rights placed in jeopardy by Trump's racial bigotry. Demagogues and racists only spew hate and division. Not only do they never solve any problems, they make things a whole lot worse.

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