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Was the Middle-Eastern Refugee Crisis Planned and Manufactured ?

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posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Unity_99
Yes, many of us already know this 100%. And people need to wake up because either this is their plan to topple equality/freedom/demacracy world wide, OR it's to get people to react.

And the problem is we have to react to ensure our children inherit free and decent nations.

But how to do it in the right way that ends the problem, without giving the Bullies What They Want?

I don't Believe in Giving those Animal Fiends Running This Planet Like A Hellzone, What They Want!

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is one explanation

There has always been the long term goal to topple the governments of those "axis of evil" countries. Every country whose dictators dabbled in terrorism. Libya, Iraq, Syria to name a few.

They thought the political balance would simply swing over to capitalist democracy from socialist dictatorship, but instead it's swung over to anarchy under fanatical religious militia.

edit on 10-1-2016 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: Noobarino

originally posted by: Noobarino
How did these women know there would be immigration of this magnitude in Europe ?

I doubt they knew the exact time or dimensions, but I could have told you in 2011, and even earlier, that migration would increase.

The Wolfowitz-doctrine is known since 2002 for example. Look it up.

But aside from U.S./NATO/Western foreign policies...

Just look what our 1st-world-economic hegemony is doing to the adjacent states south and southwest of the EU via what we call globalization.
A nice mixture of embargos, import levies and subsidies (you might know it as "foreign aid") is poisoning and destroying regional market economies all around us.

All this causes migration. This was foreseeable.
edit on 10-1-2016 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: Noobarino

I have no idea who those women are but how did they know? Because we've only been actively destabilizing the Middle East since 2001 so who didn't see this coming?

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: Noobarino
Was the Middle-Eastern refugee crisis planned and manufactured ?

I now believe that it was....unless of course Barbara Spectre and Anetta Kahane are psychics or perhaps fortune tellers. These women espouse the same rhetoric about Europe and immigration, and have been doing so for years, long before the current " crisis ".

Now, I do understand that these migrants are fleeing from violence and bombs, yet oddly enough these people are fleeing to the countries that are dropping or are supporting the countries dropping the bombs in the first place.

Wouldn't it make more sense for us and and our allies to set them up in allied Middle-eastern countries ? Our Middle-Eastern allies could house them and we could help with financial aid to take care of them. Why bring them half way around the world when we have friends in the Middle-East ?

Why ?

Listen to these two ladies rhetoric, they speak of mass immigration, of forcing European countries to lose their ethnic identities, one of them specifically speaks about using immigrants to break up voting blocks. Now...did these women predict the future ?

No, I don't think these women are psychic, I just think they new the plan....

Europe is being told there is a refugee crisis....and it's true, their is a refugee crisis in Europe

Interesting. This thought actually cross my mind twenty minutes before I logged on just now.

That perhaps this refugee crisis and migration might have been one of the goals of the wars in the Middle East, one that many of us did not foresee, even those of us who have studied the region and history.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Noobarino

Now after seen the respond of governments over the peoples protest of this invasion and the early results of it, I have to say that is 100% percent planned and manufactured, the reason is what we all should be worry about.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: beansidhe
a reply to: Noobarino

Planned and manufactured by whom? I can't bear listening to Barbara or Anetta, so I'll leave you with this:

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), over 3 million have fled to Syria's immediate neighbours Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.

6.5 million are internally displaced within Syria.

Meanwhile, under 150,000 Syrians have declared asylum in the European Union, while member states have pledged to resettle a further 33,000 Syrians. The vast majority of these resettlement spots – 28,500 or 85% – are pledged by Germany.

Syrian refugees

The point being that plenty of people have been displaced to Middle Eastern neighbours.

There are two levels to a potential answer:

1) One, there definitely seems to be a hidden, nefarious agenda to the ME wars. This is basic "real politick," or the idea that the superpowers, especially in the West, are executing these wars for empire and global hegemony. Whether or not the refugee crisis was "planned," it most definitely is a by product of the wars and proxy wars executed by the West there.

2) I suppose the argument might run that if it was planned, then there was a greater goal of destabilizing other countries, either ME or in the West.

I'm not even convinced of point two, but I am utterly convinced of point one.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: beansidhe

Planned and manufactured by whom?

There's billions of dollars involved

p.s. don't let the buzzwords and wholesome descriptions get to your thinking.

edit on Jan-10-2016 by xuenchen because: soros

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: Noobarino

What we are looking at is a falling birth rate and an ageing population, at some point their would not be enough young and to many old. So I suppose the only way short of making people have children is to import people.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 10:00 PM
I don't believe the refugee crisis was planned or manufactured. It's simply a byproduct of war and regional instability. Refugees are escaping these countries because they are now failed states engulfed in civil war and strife.

The actual number of refugee intakes vary. Strictly speaking of Syrian refugees, a total number of 1,064,727 are currently in Europe whereas 5,483,439 are in the Middle-East or Northern Africa. These numbers surpass the UNHCR registration of 4,393,831, but they are a total number of estimates rather than official registration records. Nevertheless, the statistics show that contrary to popular belief, most refugees have sought shelter in neighbouring countries rather than Europe. Turkey alone has more refugees than Europe. Whoever says otherwise is either lying or ignorant of the matter.

The source of the statistics is Wikipedia, but the information provided is sourced to trusted entities.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: daaskapital
Turkey alone has more refugees than Europe. Whoever says otherwise is either lying or ignorant of the matter.

Again, this is false. While Turkey is temporarily housing many refugees, Turkey is not granting them full refugee and asylum status and letting them join their society. They can't even get work permits.

can't get these quotes to work for me

edit on 10-1-2016 by Noobarino because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2016 by Noobarino because: trying to fix quotes

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: Noobarino

Regardless, the simple fact remains that there are 5 times more Syrian refugees in the Middle-East than there are in Europe. Besides, 1 million refugees is not enough to endanger the cultural fabric of European society.
edit on 10-1-2016 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 03:12 AM

originally posted by: Noobarino
Was the Middle-Eastern refugee crisis planned and manufactured ?

In a word, yes. I suspect they are correct, and that the goal is to alter the other countries, and change them politically and ideologically.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

1) One, there definitely seems to be a hidden, nefarious agenda to the ME wars. This is basic "real politick," or the idea that the superpowers, especially in the West, are executing these wars for empire and global hegemony. Whether or not the refugee crisis was "planned," it most definitely is a by product of the wars and proxy wars executed by the West there.

I can agree with your point 1, that these people are the victims of proxy wars and are a natural by-product of the Western leaders' need for greed. In other words they are 'collateral damage', and very little thought was given to them or their future.
The very fact that the vast majority have been displaced to middle eastern countries suggests that there is no evil Western grand-plan (in terms of breaking up European voting blocks, and I'm really not convinced that would work - in fact, it wouldn't) other than securing resources.

I would say that if anything, and there was a plan, it's backfired badly since refugees are now travelling in unprecedented numbers to the west looking for sanctuary.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

No worries, my thinking is absolutely fine, thanks.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 04:51 AM
Was it orchestrated? Yes. Order out of chaos. The old "divide et impera"

“It works like this – the manipulating body covertly creates a problem and then directs the media to incessantly focus on it without recourse. The problem could be anything – a war, a financial collapse, a rash of child abductions, or a terrorist attack. The power of the media can create the false perception that a big problem exists, even if it doesn’t … Once you have created this problem you make sure that an individual, a group or an aspect of society is blamed. This then rallies the population behind the desperate lunge for a solution to the problem. ‘Something must be done!’ they cry in unison. The people that created the problem in the first place then come back in and offer the solution that the people demand. Remember – the people screaming for a solution do not know that the problem was artificially created in the first place. The solution to the problem is always a further curtailment of freedom and an advancement of one or more aspects of the New World Order agenda – whether that is geopolitical expansion, new laws or the implantation of new societal worldviews.” (Paul Joseph Watson, Order Out of Chaos, pg. 13.)

You can take every actual event and trace it back to a passed event, which is based on another passed event.

A simplified example:
As in; immigrants create chaos in Europe.
The fugitives are fleeing syria because of the war between Gov and radical muslim groups.
The radical muslim groups are supported by the west to overthrow assad.
These groups are an offspring of the Iraq war.
Iraq war was an offspring of 9/11.
9/11 was officially done by AlQaida.
Alqaida is an offspring of the talibans.
The talibans was an offspring of the mujjahedin.
The mujjahedin is an offspring of the afghan war against the soviets.
The afghan war was an offspring of the cold war.
the cold war was an offspring...

The Powers to be (whatever label you want to put on them - Military industrial complex, the elite, the cabal, the illuminatis, Bilderbergers,.....) want exactly that. Power out of chaos.

We - the normal folks who just want to go on with our own lifes in a peaceful world are all victims.
And we are so played, that we help the culprits without realising it.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 05:26 AM
In answer to the question posed in the OP, of course it was manufactured.
All those refugees didn't suddenly teleport from their home location or refugee camps to the European borders, they had to be transported by someone, and with the logistics involved, such a large movement would have been known about by virtually every intelligence and government agency out there!

As for Syria itself, and probably Iraq too, the removal of Millions of it's inhabitants also helps with the partition plans, allowing the countries to be broken up into smaller states and more easily managed / controlled. I mean, if nobody is living there, then it's more cost effective to seize it without disgruntled natives complaining or fighting back. If this happens, I am sure Israel will grab another chunk - for a defence buffer of course! - and Turkey will probably do the same and grab land from both Syria and Iraq.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 06:47 AM
I'm not convinced the refugee crisis itself was manufactured but rather the by product of the carefully planned destabilization of an entire reigon. It was well known that this would likely occur but there was no need to manufacture the refugee situation itself. It would be the logical outcome of the manufactured chaos. "They" saw it coming. It's just one more domino that gets toppled in a long line.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: RoderickUsher

These people have annalists and other means of determining exactly what would happen. The refugee crisis currently being played out around the globe is just the next step in there plan.

It will all end in tears, those tears being our own. The bastards are playing Chess with the human race, truth is they always have been.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Noobarino

Whenever all the MSM "lines up" on a a particular narrative and produces a dearth of material almost overnight, you can be almost certain it's a conspiracy.

Both the EU and the US require huge distractions this year. The TPP vote and the US elections are very very important for the globalists. Too important to let the citizens screw it up.

posted on Jan, 11 2016 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: daaskapital
a reply to: Noobarino

Regardless, the simple fact remains that there are 5 times more Syrian refugees in the Middle-East than there are in Europe. Besides, 1 million refugees is not enough to endanger the cultural fabric of European society.

You under estimate the power of the mass media as a force multiplier.

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