posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 10:18 AM
Well, not really me... but the two people that hit me did. Anyway, here's the story. I'll start off with the craptastic part first, just so you can
level with how upset I am maybe.
So my insurance on my red 2001 Ford ZX2 was about 800 dollars for six months. That's full coverage, with a 500 dollar deductable. Well, I'm not
making as much money now, so I dropped it down to liability back before New Year's Eve. That took the price down to about 320 dollars. So I was
pretty damned excited to be saving nearly 500 dollars. Anyway, my old policy ended on the 5th, and my new policy was mailed to my parents house. So
yesterday I thought I should brave the storm and get my new insurance. After all, I wouldn't want to be driving around with expired insurance, right?
So the kicker is, if my car were totaled only a day before, it wouldn't have been a problem. Now I'm basically screwed, and have no car.
Now onto the accident. As most fo you know, there has been some major snow storms in the US recently. Detroit got hit mildly hard, about 8 to 12
inches in some places. We usually have one or two winter storms like that here a year, so nothing too out of the ordinary. I'm driving home to get my
new insurance on I-96, which is four lanes wide. I was in the second right-hand lane, doing between 35 and 40. This woman in her minivan spun out from
the far left lane and hit my driver's side with her front end. I saw the car when it was only a few feet from me, and knowing I couldn't swerve into
the other lane (not enough time to check if anyone was there, and she would have hit me no matter what) I just let her hit me and hoped to keep the
car going straight. Here are the two parts I'm glad for about this accident now. The force of her impact knocked my car into the right-most lane and
thankfully no one was there for me to hit. Also, I managed to keep the car going straight. But so since I made it into the right hand lane, I just
kept my car going off onto the shoulder. As soon as my car stopped, something rear-ended me. I thought it was her again, but it was another car.
So first thing on my mind was I'm okay, now to make sure everyone else is. So i got out, asked the guy behind me if he was okay, ran back to the
woman who causes the accident and asked her. Another good thing, no one was. She stopped her minivan in teh right-most lane though, and refused to
move it until the police came. Stupid on her part, if you ask me. The cop thought so too.
Anyway, my car basically needed a whole new left side, and new rear-end from the accidents. The amount it would cost to repair the car is several
thousand more than the worth of the car, so it's being totaled. And since I only have liability, I get no money or new car now.
So yeah, I just had to rant. I suppose I could have put this in the "Rant" forum, but meh. Hopefully no one else on ATS got into any accidents these
past couple days.