posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to:
You may misunderstand my position. Five hundred thousand people signing a petition might not be representative of an entire nation, but when you
consider how few even vote these days, actually, it is not that poor of a showing. That five hundred thousand people gave enough of a damn to drag
themselves away from their TiVo boxes, games machines, or sacrifice a few moments of their lunch break in order to participate, is actually a pretty
big deal.
Most of the people I know personally, from around my neck of the woods, have a very standoffish relationship with politics, or an anarchistic
perspective. Either apathetic, or anti-government in general, and neither group votes. But they do sign petitions, because they realise, like I do,
that voting for parties and leaders is a fools game, since the options given force us into hegemony, which is not acceptable. At least with petitions,
the issues which matter to them are weighed against public opinion before being discussed by parliament. To be honest, I would like it if our
government were prevented from acting on any matter, without eighty percent of the public agreeing with the entire proposed action, via the same
website which currently handles petitions.
That way, in ten or so years after the beginning of such a change in methodology, we might even be able to get rid of the horrid swines we vote for,
and make changes from the mouth of the people to the statute book directly. That would be a future worth a great deal of misery to see bought forth.
Trump, in my opinion, is a toxic sewer of a man, and I would rather gut myself with a dessert spoon than suffer his presence on these hallowed isles.