posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 10:16 PM
Some of my favorite lines:
Wrex, ME3, Citadel DLC: "And that's why I like hanging with you guys. Why shoot something once, when you can do it 46 times?"
Shepard, ME2, Shadow Broker DLC: "Remember when we used to slap Omnigel on everything?"
C-SEC officer, ME2, talking to a Volus: "Sir, I'm going to need you to take a deep breath."
Reply of the Volus: "Quit-" Suit's breathing SFX "-mocking me!"
Shepard, ME3 to Captain Baily: "That's classified."
Captain Baily's reply: "That's a fancy way of telling someone to mind their own business!"
Shepard, ME3 yelling after Samara: "Wait!.........Let's go." (which is it Shep????)
Grunt, ME3: "I don't need luck, I've got ammo."
Mordin, ME2: "Lot's of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients, Sometimes kill bad people. Both helps."
And my all time favorite is from ME2:
EDI : "I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees." (the look on Joker's face is priceless)